The Root Election Freak-Out: 'You Will Be Under Attack Everywhere'

November 9th, 2016 2:19 PM

Trump won. Liberal heads are exploding. And few have made a bigger, more hysterical and downright nonsensical bang than the noggin of Lawrence Ross at lefty black website The Root.

“These are dangerous times.” Lawrence hyperventilated. America’s choice of “a racist, xenophobic, and misogynist man” was the fault of “white people.” You see, “Their love of white supremacy trumped their desire for a competent person as the most powerful human being on the planet.”


Ross listed Trump’s offenses, from “calling Mexicans rapists” to “insulting war heroes,” before declaring that “nearly 60 million mostly white people picked themselves over our humanity.” According to a CBS News exit poll, Trump won 8 percent of the black vote.

“Uneducated white people are angry because they blame the black, Latino, Asian, LGBTQ, and women for demanding that an America that looks like them, act like it respects our humanity,” Ross declared. And as a result, they will be thrust into a “darkness that will last a minimum of four years.”

He went on to say that with the government “in his hands,” Trump will use the CIA, FBI, IRS, and other government instruments “against us.” Ross continued that African Americans have entered “a new nadir,” leaving them more vulnerable than they’ve been since “Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896,” the law case that upheld segregation under the doctrine “separate but equal.”

“Racism, misogyny and religious intolerance have now been given a green light,” Ross professed, warning that (non-white) people “will be under attack everywhere” from government policy, the police, the courts, and even high school and college campuses.

“We live in a white supremacist country that has denied our humanity since we were first declared chattel on these American shores,” stated Ross. But alas, he insisted, “We’ll rise from Trump.”

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