FXX's 'You're the Worst' Portrays Conservatives as Racist Jerks

September 21st, 2017 3:47 PM

You're The Worst, an FXX show that centers on two self-centered, self-destructive people in a relationship, got political in the latest episode, addressing feminism and double standards for political affiliations. 

The September 20 episode, “This is Just Marketing,” saw one of the main characters, Gretchen (Aya Cash) joining her best friend Lindsay (Kether Donhue) who was babysitting her niece, along with another friend, Edgar (Desmin Borges).

When they arrive late, Lindsay and her sister Becca (Janet Varney) face off:

Becca: You're late.

Lindsay (baby voice): I'm “saw-wee.” I had to leave my job as a professional stylist so I could babysit for fwee.

Becca: Hey! Being a mom is the most important job in the world. Don't indoctrinate my baby with your libtard bullcrap. Normally, I don't let my sitters bring their friends, especially when one is clearly intoxicated and the other one's probably in our country illegally. I can say that because I voted for Obama. The first time. Lock her up!

Becca and Walter: Lock her up! Lock her up!

For conservatives, feminism isn't about any one path for women, it's about women having equal opportunity to work or to make the choice to stay at home with their kids without judgment. Of course, Becca is right that being a mother is the most important job in the world, one that many on the left don't see as a valid choice for women. It has even been suggested by at least one feminist that it should be illegal to be a stay-at-home mother. 

Obviously Becca and Walter are parodies of what liberals think conservatives are like. No mainstream conservative would suggest that a person brought into their home is an illegal immigrant based on nothing but their looks and it's actually liberals who think they can get away with casual racism because "I voted for Obama." Similarly, to them, sexism can be dismissed with a vote for Hillary.

You're The Worst was very right about this double standard, even if they didn't know it.