Yes, It’s Ungrateful to Turn Your Back on the National Anthem

June 30th, 2021 7:04 PM

This week, heretofore nearly anonymous hammer thrower Gwen Berry made international headlines when, during the podium ceremony for winning bronze in an Olympic trial, she turned away from the United States flag as the national anthem played. The anthem wasn’t played for her, or for the other competitors in the hammer throw; every day during the trials, a pre-scheduled anthem went out over the…


WATCH: Doocy Calls Out Lefty Gaslighting on Defunding the Police

June 28th, 2021 6:29 PM

Monday’s White House press briefing quickly became an epic messaging embarrassment for the the Biden administration as, under questioning from the Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy, Press Secretary Jen Psaki argued that Republicans (and not Democrats) have defunded the police and gave the White House’s blessing to America-hating Olympian Gwen Barry.

Brian Kilmeade, left, and Jack Brewer

U.S.-Hating Olympian Deserves Punishment, Says Ex-NFL Player

June 28th, 2021 5:00 PM

Disgraced U.S. Olympian Gwen Berry tried this morning to tweet her way out of the doghouse by claiming she loves America. She has a strange way of showing it, as she turned her back on the flag at last week’s U.S. Olympic track and field trials. Former NFL player Jack Brewer appeared on Fox News Monday and slammed woke athletes like Berry for their disrespectful “garbage” behavior.

Laurel Hubbard

Non-issue? Trans Athlete Is Heavy Favorite For Women’s Olympic Medal

May 6th, 2021 1:55 PM

Pay no attention to the men walking off with the women’s sports trophies, say LGBT activists. It’s a non-issue, they insist. Despite their denials, the controversy will flare up to new heights this summer at the Olympics in Tokyo. There, Laurel Hubbard, of New Zealand, is expected to be the first transgender athlete in Olympic history.

2021 Olympics ban BLM

Olympic Venues Won’t Allow Black Lives Matter Slogan

May 5th, 2021 8:27 PM

The International Olympic Committee gets it. People don’t want social justice nonsense in sports, and the IOC won’t tolerate displays like “Black Lives Matter” at the Summer Games in Tokyo beginning July 23.


Psaki Gets Testy at NY Post for Questioning VP's Role on the Border

April 7th, 2021 9:10 PM

Without Peter Doocy and Kristin Fisher in the White House Briefing Room rotation, it fell to other reporters to offer tough questions to Press Secretary Jen Psaki and the New York Post’s Steven Nelson delivered by getting under Psaki’s skin over Vice President Harris’s travel schedule in light of her supposed role in helping to tame the border crisis.


RCP's Wegmann Calls Out White House Hypocrisy on China vs. GA Boycotts

April 2nd, 2021 4:38 PM

Capping off another week of repeated non-answers and outright lies, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was caught in another liberal double standard. Thanks to Real Clear Politics's Philip Wegmann, Psaki made clear the administration was opposed to the MLB All Star Game being in Atlanta, Georgia due to the state's voting law (which the MLB has since said it will comply) but will refuse to…

Flashback: Media's Olympic-Caliber Slobbering Over Kim Jun-Un’s Sister

April 27th, 2020 5:10 PM
Kim Jong-Un may or may not be about to reunite with his half-brother, uncles and the numerous North Korean officials he’s dispatched -- often in spectacular fashion -- from his service over the years. Dear Leader has a bad ticker, or something (a rather prosaic end for a guy who ordered executions by mortar bombardment and flamethrowers and wild dogs.) There’s speculation his younger sister will…

‘Joseph Goebbels’ Mentality: Media Help Bury Trans Athlete Critics

March 7th, 2019 4:18 PM
Ever since ESPN awarded Bruce for being confused enough to become Caitlyn, radical LGBTQ members and their media friends have moved to squash criticism that praising gender reassignment is insane. Of course, just like the gay agenda before it, trans activists started with demands that they not have to endure “hate,” but it’s quickly become a demand that society celebrates their delusion.

Why We Don't Read Newspapers

May 19th, 2018 1:00 PM
WASHINGTON — I ce did a weekly column for the Washington Post. It appeared on Mondays and was picked up in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Boston, possibly Chicago and I believe Bull Snort, Georgia. It ran in a lot of newspapers, but that was many years ago. Things were different in America. Liberals were different then. For one thing, liberals were liberal. Now, of course, they are…

NBC Fawns Over Gay Olympians ‘Voicing Their Disapproval’ With Pence

February 23rd, 2018 11:39 AM
Echoing the slanted coverage of ABC and CBS, on Friday, NBC’s Today show closed out its two-week coverage of the winter Olympics by gushing over openly gay Olympians Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy using their fame to “stand up as advocates” and “voicing their disapproval when Vice President Mike pence was picked to lead the U.S. Olympic delegation.”

Pence Slams Liberal Media ‘Fawning Over’ North Koreans at Olympics

February 22nd, 2018 5:48 PM
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Addressing a boisterous and energized crowd on Thursday morning at CPAC, Vice President Mike Pence revisited the Trump administration’s successes in 2018 and addressed head-on the liberal media’s love affair during the Winter Olympics with the murderous North Korea’s Kim Yo-jong, a member of the regime’s “evil family clique.”

Alt-Left Insanity: Elf Sex, Deep Space Nag, #BlackPantherSoStr8

February 22nd, 2018 9:14 AM
Sex tourists: Are you through with Thailand, over Amsterdam, full up on the Philippines? Why not get your nordic folklore freak on? Try Iceland for the Elvish trade!

WashPost Column Blames ‘Word-Abusing’ Trump for NBC’s Olympics Flubs

February 19th, 2018 12:53 PM
Just imagine a world where seemingly everything bad is President Trump’s fault. For Washington Post sports columnist Jerry Brewer, that seems to be the world he inhabits. In his column for Friday’s print edition, Brewer blamed “our most profane, word-abusing leader” and President for three screw-ups by NBC guest host Katie Couric, former Asia expert Joshua Cooper Ramo, and Alpine skiing…