
Glaude: By Killing BBB, Manchin is 'A Kind of Relic of a Previous Era'

December 20th, 2021 7:54 PM

Professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude Jr. was not happy with Sen. Joe Manchin's announcement that he is a no on the so-called Build Back Better bill, claiming him to be "a kind of relic of a previous era," who is indifferent to people suffering while he lives luxuriously. 

NewsBusters Podcast: ESPN Lionizes Bubba Wallace Over Fake Noose Tale

December 20th, 2021 5:49 PM

On Monday’s NewsBusters Podcast, deputy managing editor Nicholas Fondacaro and I took a look at just some of the bad headlines that enveloped the Biden administration surrounding its doomed Build Back Better agenda, but before that, we went through a new documentary by liberal sports network ESPN that fawned over NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace.


‘Fatal Blow’: Nets Meltdown Over Manchin ‘Killing’ Biden Agenda

December 20th, 2021 4:38 PM

On Sunday evening and Monday morning, the network broadcasts of ABC, NBC, and CBS were in mourning over the “potentially fatal blow” dealt to President Biden’s radical left-wing agenda by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who announced his opposition to proposed massive social spending legislation. Anchors and correspondents were distraught as they described how the White House was “reeling”…


Four Times the Nets BURIED Crazed Leftists Bullying Manchin or Sinema

December 20th, 2021 10:00 AM

Joe Manchin on Sunday likely doomed Joe Biden’s massive $2 trillion spending plan and the media reaction was predictably hyperbolic. There were audible gasps on ABC when the news that he would vote no broke. The New York Times on Monday’s front page accused him of “deserting” the President. Incendiary talk by liberal journalists has been amplified by real-world bullying of Manchin and his…


STUDY: Partisan Hack Seth Meyers Is Obsessed With Moderate Joe Manchin

December 16th, 2021 9:55 AM

Seth Meyers isn’t funny, but he’s definitely a joke. The Late Night host trashed Donald Trump when the Republican was President. Now that a Democrat is in charge, he has a new obsession: Moderate Democrat Joe Manchin. Rather than hold Joe Biden to account, Meyers slimes the West Virginia Senator as a corrupt, “ignoble” politician who “s****” all over the President’s agenda.”  


Nets Allow 14 Seconds to Harassment of Moderate Manchin

November 5th, 2021 11:42 AM

The networks on Thursday night and Friday morning buried the harassment and bullying of one of the two moderate Democratic senators standing in way of Joe Biden’s liberal agenda. Climate extremists on Thursday morning followed, screamed at and then swarmed the car of Joe Manchin as he was trying to leave his D.C. houseboat on Thursday. 


CNN Blames Manchin For Dem Loss in Virginia, Demands He Cave to Left

November 4th, 2021 5:47 PM

On Thursday, Senator Joe Manchin faced relentless blaming and badgering from CNN New Day co-host John Berman.  Manchin (D-WV), who described himself as “a responsible West Virginia Democrat…fiscally responsible and socially compassionate,” has received constant criticism from the left and its media allies for not falling in line to support President Biden’s exorbitantly expensive…


CNN's Weir Hopes 'An Awful Lot of Greta Thunbergs' Scolding on Climate

November 1st, 2021 4:09 PM

From blaming politicians for storm damage, to lamenting economic growth, to blaming democracy for the lack of solutions, it was a busy Monday morning for CNN's resident climate alarmist Bill Weir as he commented on the COP26 summit in Glasgow.


Brian Williams Touts Liberal Trashing of Sinema, 'D***head' Manchin

October 27th, 2021 5:16 PM

On Tuesday night, MSNBC host and former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams again demonstrated that he is so far to the left, that he even hits Democrats from the left if they are not liberal enough, using his 11th Hour "news" show to gratuitously hit Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema over her recent choice of clothing. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin received similar…

Politico Sweats Through 17 Stories in One Day on Manchin's Moves

October 26th, 2021 4:31 PM

Politico is so obsessed with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin that they featured him in at least seventeen stories on Monday. It's almost as if they're a staff full of Democrats who are deeply invested in the belief that the rise or fall of the Party is based on these massive "infrastructure" bills. 


Mitchell Whines: Climate Is a Security Threat, Senate's Unfair!

October 22nd, 2021 9:15 PM

Late in her Friday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell claimed it was ironic that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has not gotten onboard with his party's climate initiatives, considering the state needs them more most other states and it is a national security crisis. In an interview with Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, she also claimed the Senate to be unfair and hoped for various "carve outs" that…


CNN Scolds Manchin on Climate, Urges He Back Massive Spending

October 20th, 2021 5:18 PM

On Tuesday's The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN, the show ran a report whining that West Virginia residents are hurt by climate change, but that, in spite of this, are opposed to enacting radical, draconian government environmental regulations. Of course, it all came back to complaining over the state's moderate Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin, also opposing such costly policies…


Disgraced Brian Williams and Disgraced Lincoln Project Trash GOP

October 8th, 2021 4:43 PM

On Wednesday night, disgraced former NBC News host Brian Williams was again using his late night perch on MSNBC to display his partisan views as he promoted the anti-Republican Lincoln Project -- itself also a disgraced group which Williams has been covering for on his show.


Nets Hide FED UP Manchin in Despair Over Extreme Schumer and Dems

October 8th, 2021 12:15 PM

Moderate Democrat Joe Manchin hung his head in frustration on Thursday night and then spoke out against the extreme, partisan diatribe from his party’s leader, Chuck Schumer. But you wouldn’t know that from the three networks on Friday. ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the awkward moment of Manchin caught on camera.