
Comedy Shows Smear Republicans As Racist Cultists During RNC

July 19th, 2024 12:15 PM

It was a week of ridiculing Republicans for the men of late night comedy. From Monday to Thursday, the comedians attacked Republicans as racist, cult-like drones and told more jokes about VP-nominee JD Vance in one week than they have about current VP Kamala Harris all year.


Anderson Slimes GOP As 'Wu Klux Klan' And "Fascists'

July 18th, 2024 12:40 PM

During the Wednesday taping of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Anthony Anderson showed why he was selected to guest host during the week of the Republican National Convention as he compared the GOP to the Ku Klux Klan while labeling the party “fascists.”


Anderson Smears Tim Scott As 'Uncle Tim or Tom' After RNC Speech

July 17th, 2024 9:52 AM

Due to filming schedules, not all late night comedy shows are reacting live to the Republican National Convention which means that ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! guest host Anthony Anderson was reacting to night one on Tuesday when he labeled Sen. Tim Scott an “Uncle Tom” for his speech in support of Donald Trump on Monday.


Meyers Blames 'Too Many Guns,' Claims GOP Is Making 'Things Worse'

July 16th, 2024 12:52 PM

Seth Meyers, NBC’s host of Late Night, solemnly reacted on Monday to the Saturday attempted assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump by appropriately denouncing political violence, but inappropriately blaming the situation on the lack of gun control in America and accusing Republicans of making things worse in the aftermath of the shooting.


Race-Baiting Comedy Returns, Promotes More Anti-White Racism

April 4th, 2024 10:51 AM

The last of Anthony Anderson’s -ish franchises, grown-ish, has returned to finish out its sixth and final season, and they’re making sure to go out with an anti-white, racist bang. Not surprising, considering their long, ugly history of hatred towards white people which can be found in every -ish show ever made.


Anthony Anderson’s ‘Chocolate Emmys’ Saturated with Liberal Propaganda

January 16th, 2024 8:32 AM

The 2023 75th annual Emmys ceremony was broadcast live Monday night on Fox, delayed due to the infamous writers’ strike, and it was absolutely saturated with liberal propaganda- from abortion, to anti-cop sentiment, and everything in between.


Freeform’s Racist Sitcom ‘Grown-ish': ‘Straight People are a Disease'

February 3rd, 2023 1:16 AM

We’ve come a long way from the days of classic sitcoms where conundrums consisted of Lucy drinking too much Vitameatavegamin in I Love Lucy or Peter being afraid to defend his little sister Cindy from a bully on The Brady Bunch.


The Naughty List: Hollywood's Top 5 Worst Shows of 2022

December 20th, 2022 1:21 AM

As a contributing writer for the MRC, I’ve seen the best and worst Hollywood has to offer over the years (mostly the worst). With Christmas fast approaching, I’ve decided to give Santa a little help and send him my Naughty list with the Top 5 Worst Shows from 2022 that I covered.


Freeform Show: Marriage Is ‘Heteronormative & Oppressive Institution'

September 20th, 2022 12:39 AM

First comes love. Then comes…a heteronormative and oppressive institution? If Freeform’s racist sitcom and black-ish spinoff grown-ish is to be believed, that’s what marriage boils down to. So, remind us again why the left fought so hard for gay marriage.


ABC's 'Black-ish' Promotes Segregation in Series Finale

April 21st, 2022 1:36 PM

After eight seasons of divisive and hateful propaganda, ABC’s sitcom black-ish has finally come to an end. But the show definitely stuck to its racist agenda during Tuesday’s final episode, “Homegoing,” as the Johnson family said goodbye to their home in Sherman Oaks because the neighborhood was too white.


ABC's Comedy Claims Predominantly White Private Schools Are Racist

April 5th, 2022 12:12 PM

This may be the last season for ABC’s racist comedy black-ish, but the show is making sure to fit in as much racially divisive, woke material as it possibly can as one last hurrah.


ABC’s ‘black-ish’ Justifies Theft from White People as Reparations

February 16th, 2022 7:28 PM

Just when you thought the -ish franchise of shows couldn’t be any more racist than they already have been, along comes an episode that sinks to a new low. 


Freeform’s ‘grown-ish': 'System is Designed to Work Against POC'

February 14th, 2022 5:30 PM

The Winter Olympics may be underway in China, but here in America, the Woke Olympics are going strong on the -ish franchise of shows. In the category of race-baiting, the franchise has been steadily holding first place. But Freeform’s grown-ish helped them take the lead on gender fluidity as well on Thursday’s episode, “Mr. Right Now.”


ABC’s ‘black-ish’ Encourages POC to Manipulate ‘White Guilt’

February 9th, 2022 11:13 AM

Last week, ABC’s racist sitcom black-ish tried to argue that the American Dream “can be yours…unless you’re black,” and people of color must be perfect because their path to the American dream is “so narrow.” On Tuesday’s episode, “Mom Mentor,” however, the show completely contradicted itself by admitting that playing on “white guilt” gives black people a competitive edge.