Kate Steinle

Chris Cuomo Scoffs at Calling Kate Steinle’s Killer a ‘Monster’
May 16th, 2018 1:27 PM
An irritated Chris Cuomo on Wednesday bizarrely scoffed at the idea that keeping the illegal immigrant killer of Kate Steinle out of the country would have saved the young woman’s life. Cuomo also derided talking in a way that painted Jose Ines Garcia Zarate and others as monsters. While discussing Trump administration efforts to thwart illegal immigration, Cuomo complained: “But Kate Steinle has…

ABC, NBC Refuse to Cover Illegal Immigrant in Steinle Case Suing Feds
March 16th, 2018 8:49 PM
On Friday night, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News showed zero interest in informing viewers about a new but sad twist involving the death of Kate Steinle as the illegal immigrant who was acquitted last year of her murder filed a lawsuit against the federal government. In contrast, the CBS Evening News gave this lawsuit by illegal immigrant Jose Inez Garcia Zarate its due diligence…

Hannity cuestiona a Jorge Ramos sobre política migratoria
March 12th, 2018 1:50 PM
Como parte de la promoción de su nuevo libro, el presentador del Noticiero Univisión y activista de la amnistía Jorge Ramos entró al cuadrilátero de la cadena Fox News el miércoles en la noche, en entrevista con Sean Hannity. Ramos mayormente se negó a responder a las preguntas de Hannity y acusó tanto al presentador de Fox como a sus simpatizantes de criminalizar a los inmigrantes.

FIREWORKS!! Univision’s Amnesty Anchor Ramos Withers on Hannity
March 8th, 2018 12:14 AM
Promoting his new book, Univision anchor and amnesty advocate Jorge Ramos wandered into a verbal cage match on the Fox News Channel Wednesday evening with host Sean Hannity, refusing to answer Hannity’s questions and accusing both he and his supporters of unfairly portraying all illegal immigrants as criminals. Right off the start, Ramos wouldn’t even answer Hannity’s question if he supports…

FNC Uniquely Highlights Illegal Immigrant Who Bragged He Killed Cops
January 18th, 2018 9:04 PM
This week there has been a stark contrast in the selection of illegal immigration-related stories by FNC and by the other networks as Fox and Friends has been covering the trial of an illegal immigrant in California who murdered two police officers in 2014, and bragged about it in court. By contrast, not only have the other networks ignored the cop killer trial, but CNN's New Day morning show and…

CNN's Cuomo Claims Trump Admin Painting Illegals As 'Monsters'
January 18th, 2018 9:26 AM
On Wednesday's Cuomo Pime Time, as White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah appeared as guest to debate immigration reform, CNN host Chris Cuomo accused the Trump administration of portraying illegal immigrants as "monsters" and "villains," and claimed that "white supremacists" are a bigger threat to the country that the White House will not take seriously enough.

CBS Touts DACA With Med School Illegals: ‘Dream in Jeopardy’
January 11th, 2018 1:01 PM
CBS journalists, who have downplayed the problem of illegal immigration, on Thursday chose the sympathetic story of DACA medical school student Dreamers. The on-screen graphic for the segment read, “Dream in Jeopardy.” Co-host Norah O’Donnell introduced reporter Adrianna Diaz as “outside of Chicago where a group of future doctors is watching the DACA debate very nervously.”

NYT's Latest Fact-Check' on Trump 'Deceit' Falls Flat on Its Face
December 16th, 2017 7:04 PM
New York Times “fact-checker” Linda Qiu's latest lame “gotcha” attempt against President Trump appeared under a strongly hostile headline, “Deceit and Confusion In Talk on Law and Order.” It comes on the heels of a backfired Times investigation -- a graph purporting to compare the lies of Donald Trump (103 after 10 months in office) and Barack Obama (just 18 during eight full years).Qiu has…

Univision alimenta aspiraciones del 2020 de Gutiérrez
December 12th, 2017 3:58 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, el congresista saliente de Chicago quien a mediados del año en curso comparó al terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar López Rivera con George Washington y quien en el 2015 tachó la muerte trágica de Kate Steinle de "cosa pequeña", compareció en Univision para hablar de una posible candidatura presidencial en el 2020.

'Snarlin' Luis' Stokes 2020 Presidential Run on Univision
December 11th, 2017 4:36 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, the retiring Chicagoland congressman who earlier this year compared convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera to George Washington and who in 2015 dismissed Kate Steinle’s tragic death as “a little thing”, appeared on Univision to discuss a potential 2020 presidential candidacy.

Gatekeepers Keep Kate Steinle's Name Out of Tweets, Most Headlines
December 4th, 2017 7:21 AM
A San Francisco jury found Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, aka Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, aka several other undisclosed aliases, not guilty in the death of Kate Steinle on Thursday. Two leading wire services, CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times kept Steinle's name out of their tweets, and all but two kept it out of their stories' headlines.

CBS Evening News Ignores Jury Acquitting Illegal in Steinle Case
December 2nd, 2017 8:49 PM
On Friday, the CBS Evening News conspicuously did not make time to inform its viewers of the outcome of the trial of an illegal immigrant charged in the killing of San Francisco resident Kate Steinle. Although all three broadcast morning newscasts had highlighted the failure to get a murder conviction in the case, on the evening shows, CBS omitted the story while ABC's World News Tonight…

Nets Ignored Obama's Silence, But Blast Trump 'Politicizing' Steinle
December 1st, 2017 11:15 AM
After giving President Obama’s silence on Kate Steinle a pass in 2015, the networks are suddenly interested in what the current President has to say about her murderer’s recently released verdict, two years later. As a reminder, in July of 2015 President Obama ignored the shocking death of 32-year-old Kate Steinle, a woman who was shot and killed by a five-time-deported illegal immigrant and…

Luis Gutiérrez se retira del Congreso: No se le va a extrañar
November 30th, 2017 3:58 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, el congresista por Illinois que en una ocasión comparó al terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar López Rivera con George Washington y quien describió el asesinato de Kate Steinle por un indocumentado como “una cosa pequeña”, ha anunciado su retiro del Congreso de los Estados Unidos.