Jon Huntsman

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past New Hampshire Primaries
January 21st, 2024 10:21 AM
Since 2008, the NewsBusters archives shows the intensive political coverage surrounding the New Hampshire primary has been a chance for journalists to take gratuitous potshots at conservative candidates, while liberals (often referred to as “moderates”) are treated to rock-star treatment.

Morning Joe Rips HuffPo for Relegating Trump to Entertainment Section
July 22nd, 2015 8:52 AM
Arianna Huffington is no pachyderm, politically speaking, but like the elephant, she apparently never forgets--or forgives. Three years ago, Donald Trump called Huffington "unattractive both inside and out." Arianna has now returned the favor, relegating HuffPo's coverage of Trump to its entertainment section.
On today's Morning Joe, HuffPo's Sam Stein was put in the unenviable position of…

Kristol Predicts Scarborough Will Seek 2016 Nomination as 'Huntsman' R
February 6th, 2014 9:23 AM
Was Bill Kristol kidding—just throwing a sop to the not-inconsiderable ego of his host—or could he have been serious? On today's Morning Joe, unveiling his line-up of the nine Republicans he sees running for president in 2016, Kristol included none other than Joe Scarborough himself.
But in an unkind cut to someone prospectively facing the famously conservative GOP primary electorate,…

'Double Down': Huntsman Campaign Behind 2011 Smears of Herman Cain and
November 2nd, 2013 1:10 PM
Not surprisingly, the liberal media on Friday focused on leaked details from Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's new book "Double Down" that involved Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, and Chris Christie.
Yet buried deep in Peter Hamby's review at the Washington Post was a paragraph claiming the campaign of former Utah governor Jon Huntsman was behind the 2011…

Maher Calls Out Supposedly ‘Conservative’ Guest for Being a RINO
June 8th, 2013 12:37 PM
CNN political contributor Ana Navarro is the liberal media’s new darling when they want a supposedly "conservative" guest to bash Republicans and support Obama.
So obvious is her charade that Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time Friday called Navarro out for it (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Post-Election Myths: Team Obama Thought Jon Huntsman Would Be 'Trouble
November 21st, 2012 8:37 AM
Peter Nicholas of The Wall Street Journal is playing dumb. He played it straight when When Politico’s Mike Allen asked Obama campaign manager Jim Messina “which Republican would have had the best shot at beating your boss?” and Messina said Jon Huntsman.
“We were honest about our concerns about Huntsman,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said at a Politico breakfast event Tuesday. “I think…

Former Republican Governor Huntsman Blames Birthers For Romney's Loss
November 11th, 2012 10:10 AM
"If we spent as much time talking about solutions in the future as we did the President’s birth certificate for heaven’s sake, we probably would have won the darned election."
So said Republican presidential candidate and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman on CNN's State of the Union Sunday.

CNN Panel Tells Republicans to Move to the Center
November 9th, 2012 5:59 PM
"Tone deaf" Republicans are too conservative, or so said CNN's panel on Friday's Starting Point. CNN's Don Lemon remarked, "I think unless the GOP becomes the GNP, which is the Grand New Party, they're on the verge of extinction because they're tone deaf."
All three guests agreed that the GOP needs to move to the center. How's that for intellectual diversity? Anchor Soledad O'Brien started…

Scarborough on Why GOP Lost Presidency: We Didn’t Nominate Jon Hunts
November 8th, 2012 12:19 PM
Pseudo-conservative and liberal media darling Joe Scarborough is known for his whacky theories but on Thursday’s Morning Joe he posited a new one that puts the icing on the cake.
Speaking with co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist, the MSNBC host said that if the GOP had selected former Utah Governor Jon Hunstman, the Republican Party would have done much better against President Obama…

Huntsman Plays The Useful Idiot For Andrea Mitchell's Romney-Bashing
September 14th, 2012 3:05 PM
Is Jon Huntsman headed the way of Charlie Crist? When the 2016 Dem convention rolls around, will we see the also-ran GOP presidential nomination-seeker on the podium, seconding Hillary's nomination? You've got to wonder after Huntsman's toadying performance today as he made the MSNBC rounds.
After appearing on Morning Joe earlier, Huntsman turned up on Andrea Mitchell's show. Mitchell…

CNN Lets Jon Huntsman's Daughter Rip GOP, Diss Sarah Palin
July 10th, 2012 1:25 PM
It's no secret that Jon Huntsman was the liberal media's Republican darling during primary season. Now he is skipping the GOP convention and has joined the liberal Brookings Institution, and CNN let his daughter Abby, a network regular, voice her father's disdain for today's Republican Party on Tuesday's Starting Point.
Consider her acerbic take on Huntsman introducing Sarah Palin at the…

Jay Leno Pines for More Socially Liberal Republican Party
February 9th, 2012 8:49 AM
As former GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman appeared as a guest on Tuesday's The Tonight Show, host Jay Leno wondered why the Republican Party became so interested in social issues and theorized that a moderate Republican should be able to get elected President, as he suggested that a Republican who is liberal on social issues might appeal to someone like himself who "couldn't care less…

CBS Boosts Colbert's 'Mitt the Ripper' Anti-Super PAC Campaign
January 17th, 2012 5:34 PM
Dean Reynolds filed a glowing report on Tuesday's CBS This Morning promoting comedian Stephen Colbert's mock campaign against super PACs. Reynolds led the segment by stating, "Before we say that a comedian could have no serious impact on a presidential campaign, let us remember that six days after a poll came out here showing Stephen Colbert slightly ahead of Jon Huntsman, Jon Huntsman quit the…

ABC’s Karl Despairs GOP Has ‘Lost Only Candidate... Concerned Abou
January 16th, 2012 8:12 PM
“With Huntsman gone,” ABC’s Jonathan Karl despaired Monday night, “the field of Republican candidates has lost the only candidate who favored civil unions for gay couples and said he was concerned about climate change.” In his World News report, Karl recalled how Hunstman once “tweeted: ‘To be clear, I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.’”
Over on the…