GROSS: Politico, NYT Exploit Inhofe's Death to Attack Climate Views

July 9th, 2024 2:30 PM

The eco-fanatics at Politico and The New York Times exploited a Republican Senator’s death to grave-stomp over his climate change skepticism. 


CNN's Keilar Fumes at Republicans: Past the ‘Point of No Return’

December 15th, 2020 9:20 PM

It may be called CNN Newsroom, but if CNN hosts spend nearly every show launching nasty tirades against Republicans, is it really still, “news?”  Afternoon host Brianna Keilar opened her 1:00 p.m. Eastern hour show on Thursday by singling out Republican senators who have not called Joe Biden, “President-Elect” in the past 24 hours, after the Electoral College made Biden’s win official…

NY Times Former Reporter: Toss ‘Climate Troglodytes’ Like Trump Out

October 13th, 2019 9:17 PM
The latest New York Times Sunday Review was graced by Justin Gillis, who served as chief environmental reporter for the paper until late 2017 and is now a contributing opinion writer free to spout in even more partisan and hysterical tones about the “troglodytes” and dangerous deniers who don’t see impending climate catastrophe: “Our Climate Future Has Arrived.” The online headline deck was a…

CNN Frets EPA Head's Ties to Coal, 'Climate Change Denier' Inhofe

December 9th, 2018 9:50 PM
On Sunday evening, CNN Newsroom ran a full report in which correspondent Drew Griffin bemoaned EPA acting head Andrew Wheeler's efforts to cut regulations, as well his past ties to the coal industry and his work for Republican Senator James Inhofe, whom Griffin derided as a "climate change denier."

Maher Wishes Violent Tragedies on Republicans to Plug Environmentalism

March 5th, 2016 2:17 PM
On Friday's Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher ended his show by wishing that prominent Republicans suffer violent tragedies -- some of which would likely be deadly -- caused by global warming and other environmental issues so as to make Republicans take a more liberal view on environmental regulations. The theoretical tragedies included Chris Christie having his arm torn off by a shark, James…

Matthews: 'Ayatollah-ish' to Say God Controls Climate Change, Not Man

June 16th, 2015 9:52 PM
With the Vatican reportedly set to release a document soon which, among other things, holds that climate change is a manmade phenomenon, MSNBC host Chris Matthews devoted an entire segment which all but suggested that not only are conservative Republicans "science deniers," they're anti-Catholic. But in the midst of all that, Matthews also found room to slam Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) as "…

Lefty Blogger: Inhofe 'Devoid' of Facts, Logic On Global Warming

March 3rd, 2015 10:52 AM
New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait argues that “Inhofe’s argument was breathtakingly devoid of a factual or logical grasp of its subject matter” and remarks that while “the design of environmental regulation, or the appropriate balance between economic cost and clean air, is a subject on which reasonable people can disagree…the modern Republican party (as opposed to the one of a generation ago)…

Blogger: 'Bizarre' GOPer Take on Climate Change Should Disqualify Them

January 24th, 2015 2:13 PM
New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait writes, “If a candidate for a managerial job at your office insists that two plus three equals seven, it wouldn't matter how well-qualified this candidate may be at any other aspect of the job,” and that similarly, “even if you agreed with everything else the Republicans stood for” other than climate-change denial, “how could a party so obviously unhinged be…

WashPost Profiles Sen. Inhofe, Prominent 'Climate-Change Denier'

January 9th, 2015 2:30 PM
About a month ago, The Washington Post reported that kiddie-TV host Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and other leftists put out an open letter demanding the media use the word “climate denier” instead of “climate skeptic” to describe Sen. Jim Inhofe and the conservative side of the global-warming debate. Apparently, the letter worked. Friday’s Washington Post carried a very biased article by Ben…

New Yorker Writer: The Pope, Unlike Cruz and Inhofe, Respects Science

November 16th, 2014 2:41 PM
Michael Specter comments that Francis “believes that science, rational thought, and data all play powerful and positive roles in human life,” but that the two GOP senators “seem as if they do not.”

NBC's Mitchell Hails 'Landmark' Climate Deal; Slams Anti-Science GOP

November 13th, 2014 12:10 PM
At the top of her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Wednesday, host Andrea Mitchell cheered President Obama "achieving a landmark climate agreement" with China to restrict carbon emissions: "I know this is going to take place over a long time, but – there are a lot of obstacles ahead, but this still marks a very big change from the stalemate between the U.S. and China..."

Inhofe Strikes Back at Letterman: When People Like Him Attack You It M

May 6th, 2013 9:49 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, CBS Late Show host David Letterman spent a week last month attacking Senators as stooges - mostly Republicans, of course - for opposing recent gun control legislation. One such Senator, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, told WABC radio's Aaron Klein Sunday, “That’s kind of a badge of honor. Any time you get Rachel Maddow or Letterman or those people to call you…

Letterman Sinks to Denigrating Gun Rights Senators (Inhofe, Flake, Cru

April 27th, 2013 5:21 PM
In a new low for David Letterman – on both a professional and comedic level – each night this past week he devoted a Late Show “Stooge of the Night” segment to a Senator who dared to oppose the gun control bill, a law which would have done nothing to have prevented the Newtown tragedy. Nonetheless, Letterman got very political in putting a picture of each Senator on the screen, yet the…

Soros-Funded Propaganda Machine Think Progress Falsely Claims Global W

August 2nd, 2012 6:11 PM
So eager are the shills at the George Soros-funded far-left website Think Progress to find evidence of global warming that on Thursday they falsely blamed melting street lights in Stillwater, Oklahoma, on the heat. As originally reported by TP's Stephen Lacey: