George Takei

FLASHBACK: The 20 Most INSANE Quotes From Hollywood’s Elite
Tonight is Hollywood’s biggest night, the 96th Academy Awards, so it’s a good time to dig out the absolute worst quotes we’ve collected over the years from the “stars,” as they championed their favorite liberal politicians and badmouthed conservatives.

TDS: George Takei Tweets Insane Conspiracy Theory
Oh my! What galaxy is George Takei residing in?

Hollywood Lefties Celebrate FBI’s Raid At Mar-a-Lago
It didn’t take 24 hours before the Hollywood lefties openly celebrated the FBI raid on Trump’s Mara-Lago resort. Here are some of the worst celebrities cheering a political attack on a former president.
Top 5 Celebrity Twitter Meltdowns Over N.Y. Gun Law Ruling
With the Supreme Court delivering a landmark opinion on concealed carry laws in New York being unconstitutional, the liberal celebrity cabal began its regularly-scheduled meltdown. Here are a few of our favorite seething tweets:

George Takei: Nixing Roe Proves GOP is 'Mean-Spirited and Dangerous'
Appearing on Friday’s edition of The View, radical leftist actor and activist George Takei claimed the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court proves how "mean-spirited and dangerous" conservatives are. He also claimed conservatives don't care about the mothers or babies after they're born, saying they show "total irresponsibility" when dealing with them. And…

Hollywood Thinks Trump’s Facebook Ban Has to Do with ‘Rule Of Law’
Hollywood’s worst are reacting to Facebook extending its ban of the 45th president for another six months, and they either gloated or complained Facebook hadn’t gone far enough.
Not Woke Enough! LGBTQ Community Refuses To Endorse Jenner for CA Gov
A celebrity with no political expertise who is also a transgender woman running for California Governor? That’s a match made in heaven. But add in the inconvenient fact that she’s running as a Republican and this liberal fantasy is destroyed. On Friday April 23, Caitlin Jenner, former Olympian and Kardashian stepfather, now trans woman, confirmed her run for Governor of California. The…

Celebs Blame Grisly Spa Murders on Trump’s Anti-CCP Rhetoric
How convenient. President Trump has been out of office for almost two months now and his most zealous haters in Hollywood are still blaming him for problems happening today.

‘My Deepest Sympathies’ to Satan: Hollywood Hopes Limbaugh Is In Hell
The loving, enlightened Hollywood progressives demonstrated just how much they care for and tolerate other people by gleefully tweeting that Rush Limbaugh is probably in hell after his recent passing.

50 Hollywood Hypocrites Who Loved Violent BLM, Condemn Capitol Riots
The liberal media and Hollywood left are telling you the Capitol riots were “atrocities,” an “armed insurrection” and “violent sedition against our government” and trying to link all Trump supporters to them. Over 50 Hollywood celebrities celebrated one set of riots and criticized the other. Famous people like Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Seth Rogen claimed that the events on January 6 were a “…

Oh My…George Takei Hopes Marco Rubio Allergic to Vaccine
So much unity! One-time actor, professional gay guy and social media gadfly George Takai is one one of those left-wing celebs (semi-celebs, in his case) who just can’t stop hating. Meathead can’t stop insulting Trump voters .Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wants conservatives censored and cacelled. A gaggle of Hollywood types, from A- to Z-listers, want members of the Trump administration jailed for…
A Tad Premature, Don’t You Think? Hollywood Declares Biden the Winner
Well that’s convenient. Biden appears to have the presidency, though the counting is not finished in battleground states (several recounts are due) and there are major lawsuits from the Trump administration pending. But screw it, the leftist media’s job is to say it’s a done deal and demonize pro-Trumpers as sore losers at best and enemies of the state at worst.

Celebs Blast Romney for Saying He’ll Vote on SCOTUS This Year
Trapped in a corner, desperate liberal mouthpieces in Hollywood have been looking for some last ditch hope that maybe some anti-Trump Republicans, like Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) would provide a voice of reason and push off voting on Trump’s third SCOTUS nomination until after the election, but even that hope was in vain.