Dick Durbin

Morning Joe Targets Supreme Court, Denies Its Authority
On Thursday, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough brought on Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to join the Morning Joe panel in a segment calling for sketchy provisions to be placed on the Supreme Court.
Scarborough attacked the Supreme Court, particularly the conservative justices, implying that they were engaged in wrongful behavior.

NewsBusters Podcast: Jake Tapper Perturbs Durbin from the Left
The Sunday surprise on CNN was Jake Tapper shaming Sen. Dick Durbin on how the Democrats haven't forced out Sen. Dianne Feinstein so they can get liberal judges confirmed. Sister Toldjah of RedState explains how Tapper sounded hyperpartisan and Durbin was more reasonable.

Mitchell Calls Texas 'The Leader' In 'Fighting Against Women's Health'
For the second day in a row, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell decided that her narrative about Texas’s pro-life law is more important than what the law actually says. During a Wednesday interview with Sen. Dick Durbin, Mitchell alleged a woman was denied emergency care because the state is leading the fight against women’s health.

The DOJ Better Tread Carefully or Risk Further Erosion of Trust
In our relativistic age in which everyone has his or her own “truth” and none is to be preferred over another so long as the individual feels good about it, why should anything be considered scandalous? If truth is subjective rather than objective, who is to say what is right and what is wrong? And if one does make such a claim, is that not an affirmation that a standard exists by which truth…
Predictable Commencement Addresses Cap Off College Indoctrination
What comes to mind in the month of June? Weddings. Vacations (and how to pay for record high gas prices if you’re driving). Graduations. Time was when many commencement speeches at major universities were about America and its values and what graduates could expect in the future. In recent years, they have become a political capstone on the progressive ideas imposed upon them in their classes…

Hateful Joy Reid: It’s Racist to Oppose Far-Left For the People Act!
Wednesday on MSNBC, ReidOut host Joy Reid peddled the farcical narrative that the For the People Act is necessary for “democracy protection.” With help from former AG Eric Holder, Reid insisted “the GQP” doesn’t want people to vote and, with help from the supposedly racist Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), have been the only ones keeping the “Jim Crow relic” known as the filibuster alive…

Wow! Brzezinski Calls Out Dem Hypocrisy on Election Challenges
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski calls out Democrat hypocrisy on election challenges. She cites then-Sen. Barbara Boxer forcing a congressional debate in 2005 by challenging the election result in Ohio. Mika then quotes praise for Boxer at the time by Dick Durbin, Chris Van Hollen, and Ed Markey, and contrasts that with their criticism of current Republican challenges to the election results…

CNN's Berman Helps Durbin Bash Barrett, Whine About Her Answers
It was obvious from the get-go that Amy Coney Barrett is not what leftist CNN and the Democratic Party wanted from a Supreme Court Justice. On Wednesday, CNN’s New Day once again did not even attempt to be fair and gleefully attacked the nominee for her views on abortion. Co-host John Berman remarked: “She made clear that she does not think that Roe v. Wade, or she cited scholarship…

MSNBC Refuses to Ask Durbin About Offensive ‘Token’ Comment
Just one week after he asked South Carolina Senator Tim Scott if Republicans were using him a “token” on the issue of police reform, on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin refused to ask Democratic Senator Dick Durbin about similar comments the Illinois lawmaker made about Scott’s proposed legislation.
Ignoring a Black Conservative: ABC, NBC Skip Sen. Scott’s Reform Bill
After previously boasting about Democratic Party pandering (kneeling while wearing marks of the slave trade) and decrying President Trump’s executive order on police reforms, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News completely ignored the Senate GOP’s Justice Act, a package of police reforms authored by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC). And while the CBS Evening News …

CNN's Berman Cues Liberal Senator to Bash McConnell's Judge Moves

Blitzer Repeatedly Urges Dem to Call Barr a Liar, Force AG Out