Anthony Scaramucci

Tiffany Gets Cross With The Mooch: 'Radicalized' or an Opportunist?
MSNBC host Tiffany Cross broke all the usual rules about how anti-Trump Republicans are used. She invited former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci on her show to expose him, not to exploit him. When he wouldn't accept the idea he had been "radicalized," she suggested the Mooch is an opportunist who would turn again when the next opportunity arises. And the pair trade accusations of "loving the…

Food Fight: CNNers Bash Each Other For Formerly Working for GOP
Don Lemon’s panel Monday night bashing Republicans crumbled into chaos as two liberal commentators turned on each other for having worked for Republicans in the past.

Smerconish Pushed Back On CNN Bash of Trump Veto Threat for COVID Bill
In sharp contrast to the wall of criticism by the networks of President Donald Trump's threat to veto the pork laden COVID relief bill, a refreshing bit of political diversity broke through the groupthink on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time on Tuesday. Although host Chris Cuomo and guest Anthony Scaramucci concurred with the usual CNN hardline on Trump, CNN anchor Michael Smerconish provided a…

Media Dubs Trump's Appearance a Mussolini Moment
After President Trump returned to the White House on Monday evening, MSNBC and CNN hosts and guests alike got their talking points aligned to compare Trump's appearance on the Truman Balcony to Benito Mussolini.

Scaramucci on Trump's Infection: 'Mother Nature Sending a Message'
On CNN, Anthony Scaramucci, who was fired after an historically short tenure as President Trump's communications director, says he sees President Trump's COVID illness as "Mother Nature sending a message." CNN host John Berman raised no objection, saying "we appreciate your time this morning, appreciate your insight."

Is ANY Anti-Trump Idea Too Absurd for CNN? Check Out This Howler
Anthony Scaramucci, holder of the world record for shortest tenure as White House communications director, made a preposterous proposal on CNN's New Day this morning. The Mooch proposed that the Justice Department be taken out of the president's control and be "moved over to the Supreme Court."

Hateful Joy Reid Compares Republicans to Apartheid South Africa
On her Saturday morning show, MSNBC's Joy Reid alleged that the Republican Party is turning into the National Party, the party of apartheid in South Africa. According to Reid and the assembled panel, this can be seen in President Trump running ads highlighting the consequences of defunding the police.

Scaramucci on CNN: Congressional GOP Like Vichy Nazi Collaborators

On CNN, Scaramucci Accuses Trump of 'Objective Criminality'

CNN's New Day Pushes Trump, McConnell for More Gun Control

CNN’s John King Yells into Camera: The President Thinks You’re Stupid!

Ari Fleischer: CNN ‘Too Embarrassed’ to Fix Its Faulty Reporting

Sanctimonious Cuomo: Doesn't Trump 'Need to be a Better Man?'