Pacifica Radio

PLAN B: Univisión impulsa AMNISTÍA via reconciliación presupuestaria
February 1st, 2021 12:27 PM
¿Qué debe hacer un medio cuando urge una reforma migratoria integral que garantice su supervivencia a largo plazo, pero el bloqueo legislativo sigue vigente pese al control demócrata del Congreso? Respuesta: Apostar al Plan B.

Berkeley Public Radio Station Drops Event with 'Islamophobic' Atheist
July 25th, 2017 7:54 AM
Washington Post blogger Eugene Volokh reported trouble in Public Broadcasting Land on Monday night. Berkeley-based KPFA, the original station that started the radical-left Pacifica chain of public radio stations, abruptly canceled their August 9 event with harshly atheist author Richard Dawkins over his criticism of Islam as "the most evil religion on the planet."

'Guilty White Liberals' In Leftist Media Being Pressed to 'Live Up to
December 6th, 2013 9:46 PM
Ryan Glasspiegel at Romenesko drew out more details from writer Charles Davis about his article for on the trend of unpaid internships and left-wing media outlets that profess to abhor exploitative employers. It was called "The Exploited Labor of the Liberal Media." (Our summary is here.)
When Davis peeked at the comments his article drew, "Only a few people took the bosses’ sides."…
Leftist Radio Talker Thom Hartmann Can't Stand NPR: 'Too Much Right-wi
August 14th, 2013 10:46 PM
One of the reasons liberal talk radio has never been a big national success is the liberal elephant in the room: NPR. But when you're a leftist host like Thom Hartmann, NPR looks like a den of corporatist pigs about two political inches away from his villains, like the Koch brothers.
On Tuesday's show, he announced "I'm astounded that several times a week I hear on NPR somebody from the…

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of
September 8th, 2012 8:01 AM
Once a day for 25 days, NewsBusters is showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala on September 27. (Click here for ticket information)
So far, we’ve published the worst quotes from 1988 through 1993 (you can find those here).…

Tax-Funded Pacifica Radio Hosts Colorado Anti-Gun Activist Who Claims
July 20th, 2012 12:44 PM
In the first hours of a dreadful mass shooting, one might think it's a time to mourn the victims and wait for more information. That was not the plan on taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio and its morning program "Democracy Now!" They brought on Colorado gun-control activist Mary Kershner, who wildly clamed that gun-rights activists are"offering to rape us" when they protest gun shows.

NYT: Pacifica Isn't Radical Left, It's 'Grass Roots' And 'Gives Voice
October 25th, 2011 8:01 AM
Pacifica Radio and its best-known broadcast, Democracy Now, can be easily identified as a radical-left enterprise. Currently, it is touting the Occupy Wall Street protests with leftist guests like Michael Moore and Cornel West. It supportively offers audio news from al-Jazeera English. Its New York station WBAI offered a premium for donors who gave $100 or more: a President Bush trash can that…

On Pacifica Radio, Jesse Jackson Rips Obama's America
August 27th, 2011 6:50 AM
Naturally, most liberal Democrats are stifling their disappointment with President Obama in order to preserve any electability he still holds. That's not true of Rev. Jesse Jackson, who absolutely denounced Barack Obama's America on Friday on radical (yet taxpayer-supported) Pacifica Radio. This is a little ironic, since Pacifica griped a bit to Jackson in 2008 that he was being sidelined by…

Tax-Funded Radical Pacifica Radio Spins Bachmann as Ayatollah, N. Kore
August 18th, 2011 10:38 PM
Left-wing media outlets are really eating out of former Christian evangelist Frank Schaeffer's hands as he paints Michele Bachmann as the outer fringe of the fringe, and "anti-American." On the radical-left yet taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio show Democracy Now on Wednesday, host Amy Goodman encouraged Schaeffer to unfurl charges that Bachmann was somehow comparable to Ayatollah Khomeini and…

Mayor of London Suggests Bush Could Be Arrested for Torture If He Land
November 24th, 2010 1:50 PM
On Monday's Democracy Now broadcast, taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio anchor Amy Goodman promoted a newspaper column in the Daily Telegraph by the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, suggesting that George W. Bush should be arrested if he lands in Great Britain on his book tour, much like former Chilean dictator Agosto Pinochet, put under house arrest in London in 1998.
Radical Left Loves Colbert's Fake 'Fear' Rally, But Dislikes Jon Stewa
September 26th, 2010 7:34 AM
What happens when the Left likes Stephen Colbert more than Jon Stewart? In a Tuesday interview on taxpayer-funded Pacifica Radio program Democracy Now, radical lefty Glenn Greenwald of loved Colbert's "March to Keep Fear Alive," but did not like the centrist-against-extremists pose of Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity," since all the extremism is on the Right, and there's only tiny…
Taxpayer-Funded Pacifica Radio Planning to Air Al-Jazeera Audio
September 9th, 2010 10:06 AM
It might seem impossible, but the radical-left taxpayer-funded Pacifica Radio network is in negotiations to get even more anti-American in its orientation. It's negotiating with Al-Jazeera for its five stations to broadcast audio from the Al-Jazeera English cable TV channel, which is only marginally available in the United States. Those five stations (KPFA/Los Angeles, KPFK/Berkley, KPFT/Houston…
NBA Fans Shouldn't Back the Blackwater Magic? Zany Zirin's Sports Anal
August 1st, 2010 11:10 PM
Support the Orlando Magic, support war in Iraq? That's what MSNBC's favorite leftist sports guru, Dave Zirin of The Nation magazine, argued on taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio's Democracy Now on Friday. Blackwater CEO Erik Prince is the brother-in-law of Magic owner (and conservative funder) Dick DeVos. So Zirin thought NBA fans ought to think twice: I mean, I don’t think a majority of sports…
Hours After Fireworks, Pacifica Aired Michael Moore Saying Americans W
July 12th, 2010 1:01 PM
Pacifica Radio, funded in part by federal grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has a habit of ruining the patriotic holidays with their programming. On Memorial Day, their show "Democracy Now" hosted radical leftist Noam Chomsky railing against the "grand criminal" Ronald Reagan. On July 5, while many were still warmly recalling the Independence Day fireworks displays, "Democracy…