Miami Herald

Teacher Paints Kids Faces In Blackface For Black History Month
I wonder if the kids understood the lesson.

Miami Herald Terrified of DeSantis’s Faith:Could 'Undermine Democracy'
Another day, another long, front-page hit-piece against Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2024. This one appears on the Tuesday front page of the reliably liberal newspaper Miami Herald: “DeSantis’ ‘full armor of God’ rhetoric reaches Republicans. But is he playing with fire?” The story opened on a DeSantis speech at conservative…

Why Did El Nuevo Herald Not Run The Herald’s 'Drag Queen' Editorial?
The Miami Herald recently published an editorial in support of child attendance of adult drag shows that, although widely panned, was reprinted by other publications including the Orlando Sentinel. But interestingly enough, neither the Herald nor the Sentinel ran the editorial in their Spanish-language sister publications El Nuevo Herald and El Sentinel (Orlando and South Florida…
DeSantis Foe Rebekah Jones Discredited: Miami Herald, CNN Hardest Hit
The sordid saga of former Florida “data scientist” Rebekah Jones has closed. Jones ran the state’s Covid statistics dashboard for a few months starting in March 2020 and later became a press hero for falsely accusing Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of manipulating data and even hiding Covid deaths in order to facilitate reopening the state from lockdown. She claimed she was told to falsify data…

Editor’s Pick: RedState on DeSantis Being Targeted With Fake News
On Friday, RedState’s front-page contributor Bonchie reported on Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis once again being the target of fake news from a hostile leftist media: “While no one can really compete with the sheer volume and seriousness of fake news pushed by outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post, Florida’s press industry is doing its level best....[and] have made…

Rep. Díaz-Balart DESTROYS Miami Herald in Response to Editorial
Florida Republican Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart's fiery response to a condescending editorial from The Miami Herald was, for some odd reason, published a month and a half after the editorial to which it responds, “It’s a shame Miami’s Republican lawmakers in Congress jumped on the conspiracy-theory train”- which posits that Hispanics listening to conservative AM radio are an "easily…

Must Be Nice: Univision Does Damage Control For Joe Biden
It must be nice to run for president, secure in the knowledge that the nation’s largest Spanish-language network will do its best to clean up if an embarrassing story about your campaign were to land. In this case, Univision dives on a bombshell story from The Miami Herald that charges the Biden campaign of “suppressing the Hispanic vote” in Central Florida, as if it were a grenade.…

ABC, NBC Refuse to Announce DeSantis as Winner of Florida Governorship

Declining and Deported Audiences Lead to Cutbacks at Hispanic TV Nets
Open Government Isn't Just Good Government. It's the Public's Right.

Four Florida News Outlets Fail to Tag Arrested Mayor As a Democrat

Hurricane Devastation Gives Firms Chance to Show Capitalism Has Heart

Lefty Columnist: Trump Is Like Hitler and ISIS, So Balance Is Immoral