CNN's Brinkley Likens Trump to American Nazi Party Founder

On Friday's CNN Tonight, Don Lemon presided over a panel whose members bashed President Donald Trump over his handling of the George Floyd-inspired protests. After former CBS News anchor Dan Rather accused several Republican presidents of "playing the race card," CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley likened President Trump to the founder of the American Nazi Party, George…

Brad Wilmouth
June 13th, 2020 2:48 PM

Late Night Elites: ‘Defund the Police’

Chances are Seth Meyers, Samantha Bee and John Oliver aren’t calling the local police on a regular basis. The late night hosts are well compensated for their work, allowing them to live in neighborhoods where violent crime is something seen on their flat-panel TVs, not outside their windows.

Christian Toto
June 13th, 2020 1:30 PM
Michael Eaves, left, Stephen A. Smith, right

ESPN Torpedoes Its Audience With 'WokeCenter' Programming

By force-feeding its viewers an unwanted diet of systemic racism and social justice, ESPN has thinned its viewership to an all-time low. The blundering miscalculation sank ESPN's audience this week to the lowest numbers in its 41-year history. Good luck defending this hair-brained strategy to your advertisers, ESPN.

Jay Maxson
June 13th, 2020 1:02 PM

WRONG: History Channel Tags Slave-Holding Confederates as Red States

The History Channel in late May produced a mostly laudable documentary series on Ulysses S. Grant, rightly hailing the legacy of the victorious Union general and president. However, the series contained what’s become a recurring problem in some historical reflections on the Civil War. Throughout the three part series, the production repeatedly showed the slave-holding confederates as red…

Scott Whitlock
June 13th, 2020 12:15 PM

CNN Misleadingly Suggests Most Killed by Police Are Black

On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, the liberal news network's flagship morning show served as a microcosm of one of the big problems with how the media covers police-involved violence, exaggerating it into more of a racial issue than it actually is. The three-hour show highlighted three cases in which suspects died during arrests under circumstances similar to George Floyd's death.

Brad Wilmouth
June 13th, 2020 10:42 AM

LGBT Cancel Cops Demand NCAA Punish Idaho for 'Anti-Trans' Law

When the LGBT fascists say, "Jump!", the NCAA has a history of asking, "How high?'' LGBT activists are calling on the NCAA to leap again, this time by denying Boise, Idaho, an NCAA basketball tournament site next year. Earlier this year, Idaho's governor signed into law a ban on males competing in girls sports, angering the advocates of transgender athletes.

Jay Maxson
June 13th, 2020 10:00 AM

Chuck Todd Wonders If Media, Corporations Can Keep the Activism Going

On Friday's MSNBC Live, host Chuck Todd worried out loud with Nikole Hannah-Jones of the New York Times Magazine and the "1619 Project" fame, about what needs to be done to make sure the new wave of Black Lives Matter activism does not simply fade away.

Alex Christy
June 13th, 2020 9:57 AM

Morning Hypocrite: MSNBC's Doc Says 'We Need to Ban Political Rallies'

On Friday's Morning Joe, NBC medical expert Dr. Vin Gupta accused President Trump of endangering his fans with a "super-spreader event in Tulsa," and said "we need to ban political rallies." But earlier in the week, he suggested he could safely march in a "Doctors for Justice" protests" with masks and Purell. 

Tim Graham
June 13th, 2020 7:22 AM

‘The Bold Type:’ Oil Companies Are Murderers ‘Ruining the World

Well, it was nice while it lasted. The break from Freeform’s liberal teen drama The Bold Type that is, along with their weekly lecturing and virtue signaling on just about every leftist topic you can imagine. After their three-month hiatus that started in March, the show is back with three episodes left in their fourth season. Thursday’s episode, “Leveling Up,” took on oil producers…

Dawn Slusher
June 12th, 2020 11:29 PM

Harwood: It Doesn't Matter If Trump Backs Reform, He's Still Divisive

As President Trump headed to Texas on Thursday to meet with evangelical and law enforcement leaders, CNN's John Harwood argued that even if Trump embraces some sort of police reform, it would not matter because, "but we already know where the president's heart is and his heart is in continued racial division rather than unity."

Alex Christy
June 12th, 2020 9:03 PM

Blitzer Interviews Fauci for 17 Mins on Virus, But Nothing on Protests

For someone with a long, legendary career in journalism, CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer has been no better in the Trump era than fellow Zuckerville citizens Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon, offering partisan takes, snarky chyrons, and, omitting key facts or sides to a story. We saw that final point on Friday when he spent 17 minutes and 12 seconds interview the NIH’s Dr.…

Curtis Houck
June 12th, 2020 8:34 PM

Telemundo Helps Push Kamala for VP

It looks like Telemundo has made up its mind about who should be the Democratic vice presidential candidate: Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Just this week, the network granted her close to nine minutes of editorial time with an exclusive interview that has so far appeared on two news programs, six different online links on Telemundo…

Kathleen Krumhansl
June 12th, 2020 6:53 PM

Lemon: 'If You Grew Up in America,' 'How Can You Not be Racist?'

Leading off Thursday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon accused White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow of “white mansplaining” by denying the existence of systemic racism in America. According to Lemon, “If you really want to understand racism in America, just think about factory reset is whiteness.” Lemon went on to contend that “once you think about it like that, if…

Ryan Foley
June 12th, 2020 6:50 PM

Gutfeld, Watters Torch A&E for Caving to the Mob, Canceling ‘Live PD’

The Five took its bite of the apple Thursday following Wednesday’s news that A&E would cancel the hit show Live PD on account of the fact that, in America 2020, the only acceptable assumption of police is they’re enemies of the people (unless proven otherwise). In this case, co-host Greg Gutfeld rallied to Live PD’s side despite the fact that he competed against them on…

Curtis Houck
June 12th, 2020 5:05 PM