
Marcus: Republicans Won't Accept 'Facts' on Kavanaugh, Impeachment

December 3rd, 2019 6:55 PM
Liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus bashed the right as having trouble "accepting the facts,” on Morning Joe Tuesday. She was on MSNBC plugging her new anti-Kavanaugh book “Supreme Ambition,” which compares last year’s Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings to the present day impeachment hearings. In it, Marcus argues that Republicans were unwilling to believe “the evidence”…

WashPost’s Marcus Warns of ‘Violence’ By ‘Deranged’ Trump Fans

October 10th, 2019 3:04 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday, Washington Post deputy editorial page editor and columnist Ruth Marcus warned that President Trump’s criticism of the anonymous whistleblower who sparked the impeachment inquiry could inspire some of Trump’s “deranged” Twitter followers to “use violence” if the unknown government official’s identity was ever revealed.

MSNBC Hypes Vogue Photo Shoot of Dem Women Running for President

July 4th, 2019 3:21 PM
A Wednesday panel discussion on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports tried to answer the question of whether a woman can get elected president. The subject began as a result of an article written by MSNBC contributor Lisa Lerer at The New York Times and the Vogue photo shoot that included the all of the Democratic women running for President with the exception of Marianne Williamson.

Ruth Marcus: WashPost Super Bowl Ad Was Not Ad for Washington Post

February 4th, 2019 5:09 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Monday, Washington Post Deputy Editorial Page Editor Ruth Marcus applauded her paper’s decision to spend money on an expensive Super Bowl ad. She even claimed that the commercial wasn’t actually meant to promote the Post, despite the logo being shown at the end of Sunday night’s pricey spot.

Mitchell Frets: Northam Resignation Calls ‘Too Politically Correct'?

February 4th, 2019 3:18 PM
During a discussion about the ongoing racial scandal swirling around Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell actually fretted that calls for his resignation ran the “risk of appearing too politically correct” and may even create “blowback” against Democrats.

MSNBC Panel Questions If Pence Has a ‘Soul’ ‘Kissing Rush’

January 9th, 2019 11:59 PM
The liberal media obsession with Rush Limbaugh dragged on into Wednesday’s Hardball in which the panelists questioned whether Vice President Mike Pence even has a “soul” for “kissing up” to Limbaugh earlier in the day and whether Trump and Limbaugh are the monkey and organ grinder or vice versa. Host Chris Matthews brought up Limbaugh in light of the government shutdown and the President standing…

Both PBS Pundits Tout 'Moderate' Democrats, Endorse Speaker Pelosi

November 17th, 2018 3:27 PM
On Friday's PBS NewsHour, we were "treated" to "bipartisan" agreement among the pundits that the Ocasio-Cortez Class of Democrats is a centrist, or non-ideological bunch. The headline was "David Brooks and Ruth Marcus on a ‘moderate’ new congressional class." Pseudo-conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks and liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus were energetically agreed in…

Lefty Journalists Lose Touch with Reality During Kavanaugh Testimony

September 28th, 2018 1:19 AM
With the liberal media unable to vocalize on camera their spin while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was testifying Thursday afternoon, many took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the “Angry Kavanaugh,” calling him a “belittled marginalized white man” who, based on his summer of lifting weights, assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Todd Slams Kavanaugh as ‘Partisan Warrior’ for Defending Himself

September 26th, 2018 12:12 AM
There is nothing Judge Brett Kavanaugh can do to clear his name in the eyes of the ravenous liberal media. Even after his interview on Fox News in which he defended himself and his reputation from the dubious allegations, it drew the ire of those who wanted his nomination to fail. During Tuesday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd slapped the Supreme Court nominee with a “partisan warrior”…

Hardball Panel Downplays Good News on the Economy, Predicts Recession

July 28th, 2018 2:54 PM
As soon as the second quarter GDP growth of 4.1 percent became public, the media did their best to downplay the good news and refrain from giving President Trump and his policies credit for the strong economy, instead accusing him of using the news to “distract” from the Russia investigation. Not surprisingly, the dismissal of the President’s role in the good economy began before the report even…

Matthews Wonders If Trump Tweets Will Lead to Removal from Office

July 26th, 2018 9:53 PM
Well, folks, it looks like MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews is going to need another panic button after Thursday’s show. All show, Matthews touted as if it were fact that President Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice in the Mueller probe and that, based on his tweets and the Comey firing, he could be removed from office.

MSNBC Touts Misleading Claims Trump Kicking Immigrants Out of Military

July 7th, 2018 7:48 PM
After the Associated Press published an article that misleadingly gave the impression that the U.S. military may be kicking out large numbers of non-citizens, several MSNBC hosts freaked out over the hyped news, using words like "startling," "shocking," and "yet another low." MSNBC contributor and Washington Post deputy editorial page editor Ruth Marcus even suggested that "you have to hate…

MSNBC: Reporter ‘Justified’ In Screaming at WH Press Secretary

June 15th, 2018 3:18 PM
During MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Friday, Mitchell and her liberal guests all agreed that Playboy’s Brian Karem was completely “justified” in attempting to shout down and scold White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during Thursday’s chaotic press briefing. The panel of media pundits even lamented that there weren’t more reporters as unhinged as Karem in the White House press…

No Pardon for Partisan Hypocrisy

June 6th, 2018 11:16 PM
Quick, grab the smelling salts and clear the fainting couches. President Trump's pardon of conservative author Dinesh D'Souza last week violently triggered Beltway media elites. It's peanut butter, weed pollen, gluten, manspreading, Chick-fil-A, the national anthem, and Kryptonite all rolled into one giant political allergen. Allow me to administer the rhetorical, metaphorical antihistamine.