WashPost Art Critic: Iconic Trump Fist Pic Aids 'Darkest Forces' in US

July 15th, 2024 1:28 PM

Supporters of Donald Trump were encouraged when the former president raised his fist about a minute after being shot in the ear. But creepy Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott warned this "powerful photograph" by AP photographer Evan Vucci was going to stoke America's Dark Side, you know, the ones who make Democracy Die in Darkness: 

The Bezos Decade: Partisan Washington Post Is as Rabid as Ever

August 5th, 2023 8:40 AM

On August 5, 2013, we learned Jeff Bezos had bought the Washington Post for $250 million. The Amazon founder had an opportunity to demand that the Post hew to its longtime motto of being “an independent newspaper,” yet the record of the past decade shows the paper continues to be rabidly pro-Democrat and anti-Republican.

WashPost Art Critic SLAMS Statue of Liberty & Its 'Shrinking Appeal'

July 4th, 2021 10:32 AM

Sunday's Washington Post is marking the Fourth of July by metaphorically miniaturizing the Statue of Liberty to a tiny, hypocritical figurine that sits on a fingertip. The author of this flaming bag of rhetorical feces is Philip Kennicott, the Post's perenially dyspeptic art and architecture critic. 

Wash Post Equates ‘Trumpism’ to ‘White Supremacy,’ ‘Disease’

November 11th, 2020 8:42 AM

Washington Post art and architecture critic Philip Kennicott, who has a bizarre habit of inserting leftist politics into his museum, library and memorial reviews, decided to just rant about the election on the front page of Saturday's Style section. His hatred for Trump voters oozed throughout the piece, titled “Trumpism is a lifestyle disease, chronic in America.”

The Washington Post Hate-Pukes on America -- In The Weirdest Places!

July 19th, 2020 10:25 PM

Washington Post art/architecture critic Philip Kennicott is an insufferable snob. America stinks, our democracy is a disaster...and he's supposed to be describing the makeover of a public library. The Post is so relentlessly liberal, the editorializing against America pops up everywhere.

WashPost Art Critic Turns Temporary CNN Arrest Into Trump Tyranny

May 30th, 2020 5:08 PM

Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott launched another one of his Trump-dystopia jeremiads on Friday, turning the temporary outrage after the arrest of a CNN crew filming the Minneapolis riots into some sort of grand metaphor of George Orwell's 1984. cameras have caught police gunning down people of color, resting their body weight on their necks, choking them while…

WashPost Critic: America Is 'Desperately Sick,' Needs Deep Self-Pity

May 18th, 2020 11:21 PM
Liberals strongly resist any hint of American exceptionalism. They're always happier trying to tear America down, taking it down a peg, thinking American arrogance is a dangerous thing for the world. On the front of Saturday's Style section of The Washington Post, arts critic Philip Kennicott wrote an essay headlined "TAKE PITY ON U.S.," or online it was "There’s no hope for America unless we can…

WashPost Art Critic Skips FDR in Essay on Trump & Japanese Internment

March 19th, 2018 8:38 PM
In Sunday’s Washington Post, art critic Philip Kennicott unloaded on images of American “fascism” in a new exhibit in New York featuring photographs of the unjust internment of Japanese Americans during World War II titled "Then They Came For Me." That’s somehow comparable to Trump if he deported “Dreamers.” That would be a "looming civic crisis." The online headline was “If America fails its…

Fake News: WaPo Art Critic Pushes Myth of Reagan's 'Neglect' of AIDS

February 15th, 2018 8:42 PM
Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott ripped into the Age of Reagan in reviewing a new exhibit at Washington's Hirshhorn Museum that “explores the evaporation of the line between art and commodity in the 1980s.” Attacking Reagan apparently required a dollop of the never-ending Fake News of the Reagan administration’s “purposeful neglect” of homosexuals dying from AIDS.

Newspaper Art Critics Rush to Defend 'Solid Cool' of Obama Portraits

February 12th, 2018 1:16 PM
While traditionalists surely looked quizzically at the contemporary portraits that Barack and Michelle Obama commissioned for display in the National Portrait Gallery, one could count on The Washington Post and The New York Times to explain how wonderfully revolutionary the Obamas were to promote African-American painters to overturn the "bland propriety" of white traditions. 

WashPost Imagines Arts Stifled by Trump's 'Authoritarian Leadership'

August 22nd, 2016 1:06 PM
If it’s Sunday, The Washington Post is imagining President Trump as an authoritarian dictator. A few weeks ago, the Sunday Outlook section compared Trump to fictional dictators. Yesterday, the Sunday Arts section gave Philip Kennicott a huge 2,000-word space for his own fictional-dictator scenario: imagining how Trump would ruin artistic free expression if he wins in November.

WashPost Art Critic's Hebdo Lesson: Religion Needs to Go Away

January 10th, 2015 9:18 PM
Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott was brought in to denounce the closed-minded Islam-bashing bigots in Saturday’s Style section. By the end, Kennicott was complaining that religion needs desperately to be removed from the public square. Mayhem will continue without secularization: "unless we commit not just to leaving religious certainty in the home, but the deeper metaphorical thinking…

WashPost Art Critic Rails Against 'Gauzy View of American Goodness'

December 13th, 2014 6:21 PM
In his "Critic's Notebook" on the front of Thursday's Style section, Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott descended into another rant suggesting the United States is barely more moral than Islamic State beheaders. Americans are not a good people; we are a horrible people, ruthless and then cluelessly patriotic. The headline was "Senate report's real question: Who are we? Gauzy view of…

WashPost Art Critic Wants Elephant-Dung Virgin Mary Art in New Exhibit

December 4th, 2014 11:30 AM
The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington unveils an exhibit Friday titled “Picturing Mary,” featuring more than 60 works on the mother of Jesus. Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott wrote on Thursday that the museum is cowardly. It’s putting on an exhibit curated by a Yale-educated priest and featuring works borrowed from the Vatican, so it doesn’t show the “darker side” of…