
Nets Blackout the Radical Leftist History of NSA Leaker Reality Winner

June 6th, 2017 11:35 PM
Not long after top-secret documents from the National Security Agency made their way onto the internet news site The Intercept on Monday, the Justice Department arrested NSA contractor Reality Winner. The 25-year-old Air Force veteran worked on a military base in Georgia, but online she had a long history of being heavily anti-Trump, an apparent social justice warrior, and a supporter of Iran…

Nets Sprint to Hammer Trump With Comey Memo, Yet They Haven’t Seen It

May 17th, 2017 12:14 AM
Another alleged “bombshell” fell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, this one in the form of a memo Comey supposedly left for himself in his Russia investigation file. According to The New York Times, who had the unclassified memo read to them by a Comey associate over the phone, it purported claims that Trump pressured Comey to end the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn. Every member of the Big Three…

MSNBC Guest ‘Carefully’ Compares Donald Trump to Joseph Stalin

May 11th, 2017 7:46 PM
A guest on the MSNBC cable channel on Thursday, May 11 -- who had once worked for the KGB intelligence agency -- compared President Donald Trump and his clashes with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the disdain former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had for his own secret service.

Nets Spend 62 Percent of Comey Coverage Pushing Firing Conspiracy

May 10th, 2017 10:52 PM
In the immediate aftermath of the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) didn’t quite know how to spin it. But just 24 hours later, the narrative was clear: President Trump fired Comey because the Russia investigation was closing in on him. During their Wednesday evening broadcasts, the networks spent almost two-thirds of their Comey coverage (62…

NBC Shocked Supreme Court Would Dare Side With a Church Over the State

April 19th, 2017 9:47 PM
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States heard the oral argument for the controversial Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer. The case tackles the idea of a separation between church and state, “The question: Can states refuse to give money to churches even when it's for something that doesn't involve worship,” noted Anchor Lester Holt during NBC Nightly News. And judging by questions…

ABC, NBC Rail Against ‘Partisan’ Republicans for Using Nuclear Option

April 6th, 2017 10:30 PM
In an act similar to that of a whining child, Senate Democrats attempted to block the President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch Thursday. Republicans, in turn, followed through on their promise to execute the so-called “nuclear option” to bring debate to a close and move the nomination forward. In response, ABC and NBC were up in arms that evening. “The Republican leader today…

Nets Bury Gorsuch Hearing, Confounded by Lack of Dirt and Fireworks

March 21st, 2017 10:22 PM
NBC didn't bury the story after a commercial break like the other networks, but they did try to paint President Donald Trump’s nominee in a highly negative light, literally. “Gorsuch says he met Mr. Trump when interviewed for the job,” reported justice correspondent Pete Williams on NBC Nightly News. While he was saying that, a dreary black and white clip of Gorsuch shaking Trump’s hand played in…

Nets ‘Overshadow’ Gorsuch Hearing with Four Times More on Comey’s

March 20th, 2017 11:12 PM
Capitol Hill was a hive of activity on Monday. The House Intelligence Committee conducted a hearing with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. In the Senate, the Judiciary Committee conducted the first in a series of hearings in the confirmation process of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Both were major events on the hill but…

NBC Frets Possible Russian 'Engineering' Stopped Hillary from Winning

March 20th, 2017 1:00 PM
All three major broadcast networks offered Monday morning coverage of the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia and the 2016 election, but it was NBC that swooned over Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (Calif.) and offered a hilarious slip that the Russians may have prevented their dear Hillary Clinton from winning.

‘NBC Nightly News’ Highlights Noted Liberals Suing Trump Over DC Hotel

March 10th, 2017 12:02 AM
Nothing seems to get the liberal media’s attention more than when other liberals try to stick it to the President with a lawsuit, such has when his travel restrictions were challenged in court, and Thursday evening was no different. “President Trump has been hit with another lawsuit over his business empire,” announced anchor Lester Holt during NBC Nightly News, “This time a Washington, D.C.…

ABC, NBC Push Dem Accusations that Jeff Sessions Committed Perjury

March 2nd, 2017 10:40 PM
It appeared that two of the Big Three networks smelled blood in the water Thursday evening as both ABC and NBC lent their aid to Congressional Democrats in their push to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Many lawmakers on both sides have been calling for Jeff sessions to recuse himself when the news of these meetings broke,” hyped ABC anchor David Muir during World News Tonight, “But tonight…

Furious CBS, MSNBC Lose It, Complain Sessions Didn't Go Far Enough

March 2nd, 2017 6:48 PM
Following Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s press conference Thursday afternoon announcing he’s recusing himself from any investigation into the Russian government and the U.S. election, CBS and MSNBC threw fits that Sessions didn’t go far enough and peddled conspiracy theories that Sessions could still interfere with any federal investigation of Russian officials.

Nets Cater Only to Liberal Criticisms of Trump’s New Immigration Rules

February 21st, 2017 11:01 PM
The ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts seemed to be in a panic Tuesday after the White House signed off new directives to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) instructing them to crackdown on illegal immigration. “Tonight, President Trump's immigration crackdown revealed,” anchor David Muir freaked during the tease of World News Tonight, “The new and sweeping plan to deport undocumented…

Bitter Nets Tout Investigation into Comey’s Clinton E-Mail Probe

January 12th, 2017 10:45 PM
The Big Three networks seemed full of glee Thursday evening as they reported that FBI Director James Comey was being investigated by the Justice Department’s inspector general. “Hoping for a measure of vindication,” announced anchor Lester Holt to kick off NBC Nightly News, “The Hillary Clinton campaign is welcoming the surprise news out of Washington today, that the Justice Department's…