Nicholas Kristof

NewsBusters Podcast: Nick Kristof's Fake Virgin Births & NPR's Pagans
Some media outlets aren’t interesting in wishing you a Merry Christmas. They use the occasion to suggest the Christmas story is bunk. But taxpayer-funded NPR will eagerly promote a pagan "High Priestex" at the Winter Solstice.
Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Parental ‘Love’
This week, Republicans in the House of Representatives revealed the testimony of an IRS whistleblower who worked on the Hunter Biden investigation. That whistleblower had two revelations to present. First, he said that the federal prosecutor overseeing Hunter’s case told at least six witnesses that he had been blocked by Attorney General Merrick Garland from special counsel status -- a status…

NYT Columnist’s Bizarre Journey: Iraq Peacenik to Ukraine Warmonger
Nicholas Kristof has straggled back to his columnist job at the New York Times, after his failed attempt to run for governor from his home state of Oregon due to residency requirements. A strong critic of the Iraq War, led by Republican President George W. Bush, Kristof has evolved into something of a war-monger, at least when it comes to international interventions by Democratic…

Carpetbagging NYT Columnist DENIED Run for Governor in Oregon
Too bad, so sad -- Oregon election officials announced in the middle of January 6 commemorations that former New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof was ineligible to run for governor of Oregon (as a Democrat) because he doesn't meet the three-year requirement for residency.

New York Times Journalist Is Running for Oregon Governor as a Democrat
Longtime New York Times reporter and columnist Nicholas Kristof officially announced he’s running for Governor of Oregon -- as a Democrat, of course. Kristof stepped down from his columnist duties earlier this month after 37 years at the liberal newspap

Column: Kristof, Crystal Clear on Curtailing Conservatives
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof recently penned a column titled “A Letter to My Conservative Friends: Hold us accountable, but please do the same for the charlatans who deceive you, use you and cheat you.” Kristof doesn’t name any conservative friends, so we can’t be sure he has any. But we can be sure he wants his "friends" to watch the conservative media get deplatformed…
NY Times: Calm Down, Paranoid GOP, Liberals Only Want to Ban Fox!
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof continued his quest to ban Fox News from basic cable packages in his Thursday opinion, “A Letter to My Conservative Friends.” The contradictory message? Simmer down my Republican friends, there’s nothing to worry about…but kick Fox News out of basic cable packages: "As a start, don’t force people to subsidize Fox News by including it…

MSNBC's Brian Williams Finds 'Hope' in GOP Getting Crushed in Election
On Monday's The 11th Hour show, MSNBC host Brian Williams devoted a segment to letting liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof cheer for the U.S. to embrace more European-style socialism as he looked for a silver lining in the country's current problems with the economy, race relations and the pandemic.
Huh? NYT Hits Trump’s ‘False Claim’ Dems ‘Bent on Defunding Police'
The New York Times led Wednesday’s front page with an obvious attempt to portray the Republican Party as racist and “flat-footed” in the wake of mass protests against police across the nation: “G.O.P., Blindsided By Public’s Rage, Is Pressed To Act – Police Under Scrutiny – The Law and Order Party Loses Its Footing as Attitudes Shift.” The paper also insisted against actual…

NY Times Condescends: 'McDonald’s Workers in Denmark Pity Us'

Brian Williams Misleadingly Hints Trump, Pence Lying About Pandemic

For the NY Times’ Kristof, ‘Tis the Season for Redefining Christianity

NYT Hates 'Embarrassing' Fox, Longs for Good Old Days of Three Nets