Michael Calderone

NY Times Plans to Film 2020 Endorsement Interviews for Its FX TV Show
December 4th, 2019 8:16 AM
During the past several years, the New York Times has been expanding its reach into cable television programming in an effort to remain relevant to TV viewers across the country. The latest aspect of that strategy was announced on Monday, when representatives of the liberal newspaper stated they were changing from their usually hidden endorsement process for Democratic candidates in that party’s…

Politico's Calderone Decries 'Peeping Tom' Media Ruining Katie Hill
November 2nd, 2019 7:37 AM
In yet another example of the massive double standard between the way the “mainstream media” treats liberals and conservatives, Politico media reporter Michael Calderone greeted the resignation of disgraced Democrat congresswoman Katie Hill as an "epic dilemma" for the media. One media critic even warned of the oncoming "congressional selfie apocalypse."

Media Writers Downplay MAJOR Angle in Biden's Demand for a Rudy TV Ban
September 30th, 2019 8:22 AM
On Sunday night, the media reporters rushed to cover a letter from the Biden campaign demanding that Rudy Giuliani be banned from network television interviews. CNN's Brian Stelter, Politico's Michael Calderone, and Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple all wrote full-length articles on this letter without noting or downplaying an obvious point: while Giuliani was all over the Sunday shows,…

MSNBC, TV Networks Refuse to Carry Trump’s July 4 Celebration Live
July 4th, 2019 11:39 AM
In a move that's not shocking, considering how the mainstream media feels about Donald Trump, MSNBC and the networks will not carry his Fourth of July address to the nation. Instead, the liberal cable channel and the network news on ABC, CBS and NBC will only show clips from the event, which is still being carried in real time by their respective online and app streaming platforms, as well as the…

Lara Logan to Liberal Media Haters Targeting Her: ‘Nobody Owns Me’
February 20th, 2019 11:40 PM
In something of a follow up to her comments last Friday blasting the liberal media, former CBS News journalist Lara Logan appeared on Fox News’s Hannity Wednesday night with a message for the liberal media folks now targeting her and her career: “[T]hey don’t get to write my story anymore. They do not get to speak for me, I want to say loudly and clearly to anybody who’s listening, I am not owned…

Griswold Nails NYT for Snarky Headlines Editorializing Against Trump
April 5th, 2017 3:16 PM
The Washington Free Beacon’s Alex Griswold ripped The New York Times in a Tuesday afternoon Twitter thread for altering a headline of its exclusive President Trump interview from a sober one to a biased version that “editorializes more than a little” in an attempt to do the bidding of their besties in The Resistance.

NYT Exec. Editor: Fox News, CNN Campaign Coverage ‘Bad for Democracy'
October 28th, 2016 4:07 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet criticized the coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign by the Cable News Network and the Fox News Channel as being “in the long run, bad for democracy and those institutions” in an interview with the Financial Times published on Friday.
“This mix of entertainment and news, and news masquerading as entertainment, is kind of funny except that we now…

New York Reporter Quits After Newspaper Endorses Trump
April 14th, 2016 7:04 PM
In a sign of just how heated this year's presidential election has become, a national political reporter resigned from his post at the New York Observer the day after the weekly newspaper – which is owned by Donald Trump's son-in-law -- endorsed the Republican front-runner a week before Tuesday's GOP primary.
According to an article posted on the Huffington Post website and written by senior…

NBC News 'Doubles Down' on 'Meet the Press' Host David Gregory Despite
March 21st, 2014 5:55 PM
Ever since longtime host Tim Russert died in 2008, his shadow has loomed over Meet the Press. His successor, liberal David Gregory, has seen the Sunday morning program hit historic ratings lows that led to a meeting on March 13 regarding the futures of both Gregory and “the longest-running television program in the world.”
According to an article on Thursday, NBC News senior vice president…

How Much Do Conservatives Actually Care About Media Bias
March 6th, 2013 6:50 PM
Compared to the Reagan years when there were literally four conservative publications: the Washington Times, Human Events, the American Spectator, and National Review—the media environment on the right has exploded in size.
While there are more right-leaning publications than before, given the left’s still overwhelming dominance of the mainstream media, have things really changed that much…
NYT's Sunday Revamp Heralds Increased Influence for Paper's Liberal Co
May 11th, 2011 7:42 PM
Some traditional media outlets, faced with harsh economic realities in the digital age, have begun to turn ideologically inward in the hopes of shoring up support among an enthusiastic and sympathetic audience. The goal is to raise the floor of potential readers or viewers, even while the ceiling drops.
The New York Times, for its part, has decided to revamp its Sunday opinion section -…

Liberal CNN's New Ad Spotlights Rivals' Slant, Claims Lack of 'Favorit
November 10th, 2010 7:54 PM
CNN, a network known for its regular liberal bias, touted its supposed objectivity versus its competitors in a new ad which premiered on Tuesday evening. The ad graphically associated Fox News with the Republican elephant and MSNBC with the Democratic donkey, and claimed, "If you want to keep them all honest, without playing favorites, the choice is clear: CNN, the worldwide leader in news…

Overwhelming Majority Think Media Encourage Political Division
October 19th, 2010 2:18 PM
On Sunday, I examined the causes of the nation's toxic political atmosphere and amongst other things accused the press of fanning the fires of discontent.
Two days later, an ABC News/Yahoo News poll reported by Michael Calderone found 63 percent of Americans believe the mainstream media are more interested in encouraging political division than cooperation between the Parties:

NPR Shocked at Buzz On Their Stewart/Colbert Rally Ban; ABC, WaPo Agre
October 14th, 2010 2:15 PM
Media reporter Michael Calderone at The Upshot reported on Thursday that National Public Radio officials were surprised the outpouring of attention they drew with a memo insisting reporters shouldn't attend the liberal Comedy Central rallies of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. When Calderone asked NPR senior vice president Dana Davis Rehm why there was no memo for the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor…