
Nets SAVAGE Bloomberg’s ‘Universally Bad’ Night: 'Knockout Punch?'

February 20th, 2020 3:17 PM
All three network morning shows on Thursday ripped into Michael Bloomberg’s Democratic debate debut, hammering the “universally bad” night as possibly a “knockout punch” for the former New York Mayor. ABC even suggested it would have been better if Bloomberg never qualified for the debate. 

CBS Declares Trump Winner of Dem Iowa Caucus Chaos

February 4th, 2020 1:08 PM
On Tuesday, anchors, correspondents, and pundits on CBS This Morning all agreed that the real winner of the Democratic Iowa caucus was actually President Trump, given all the chaos that plagued the contest. The network broadcast labeled Monday’s inauspicious start to the 2020 Democratic primary season an “embarrassment” that only “helps the President.”  

CBS Uses Elijah Cummings Image in Report on John Lewis

January 2nd, 2020 10:32 AM
On Monday's CBS Evening News, as the show ran a full report on the sad news that Georgia Democratic Congressman John Lewis has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in its late stages, the show made the embarrassing faux pas of including a photograph of former Maryland Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings and mis-labeling it as Congressman Lewis.

Nets Tout Murkowski: ‘Unexpected Ally’ for Dems, ‘Crack’ in GOP Front

December 26th, 2019 9:06 PM

During the Christmas season, wishy-washy Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski gave a present to Democrats and the liberal media trying to remove President Trump from office when she whined about Senate Majority McConnell’s (R-KY) plans for the impeachment trial. During their Thursday evening newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC all sang the praises of “moderate” Murkowski.


OBSESSED: CBS Spent Entire Evening News Program Pushing Impeachment

December 18th, 2019 8:42 PM
For 20 minutes and 25 seconds, the entirety of their Wednesday evening airtime, that’s how much time CBS Evening News dedicated to hawking impeachment to their viewers. The time was used to gush about Democratic speeches, mock White House spin, decry the President’s anger, chide Americans unwilling to go along, and boast about the lack of impartiality from Senate Democrats running for President.

CBS Reporters: Voters in Primary States Don't Ask About Impeachment

December 16th, 2019 7:55 AM
MRC's Brent Baker was monitoring CBS correspondent Major Garrett's podcast The Takeout with three CBS "embeds" in primary states -- LaCrai Mitchell in South Carolina, Nicole Sganga in Iowa, and Musadiq Bidar in Iowa. He found the impeachment-promoting, impeachment-obsessed Washington press corps had a major disconnect with the country, even from Democratic primary voters.

CBS: Dems Lacked Evidence for Big Charges, ‘Walking Back’ Claims

December 10th, 2019 12:23 PM
You know it’s bad when network journalists are poking holes in the Democratic conclusions. On Tuesday, the reporters on CBS continued to be unimpressed with what congressional Democrats came up with as they prepare to impeach the President. Chief Washington Correspondent Major Garrett saw the announcement of the charges as a letdown with Democrats “walking back away from some of the things they…

CBS Unimpressed By Hearing: ‘Not Exactly Pay-Per-View Material’

December 9th, 2019 4:35 PM
As CBS wrapped up special coverage of Monday’s impeachment hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, panelists were unimpressed. The event was panned as “not exactly pay-per-view material,” “getting really into the weeds,” and needing a “better storyteller.”

CBS Accuses GOP of Demanding ‘Loyalty Test’ From Impeachment Witnesses

November 20th, 2019 10:29 AM
On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, while recounting Tuesday’s impeachment hearings, correspondent Major Garrett hammered House Republicans for daring to criticize or raise credibility issues about some of the witnesses. The reporter claimed the GOP members were demanding a “loyalty test” from those government officials in support of President Trump.

CBS ‘Astonished’ By ‘Repetitive’ GOP's ‘Hatchet Attack’ on the Media

November 19th, 2019 4:32 PM
CBS Chief Washington Correspondent Major Garrett on Tuesday offered what amounted to an extended commentary about the Republican response during the impeachment hearing, attacking them as “repetitive” and for a “hatchet attack” on the media. In his opening statement, Republican Congressman Devin Nunes derided, “If you watched the impeachment hearings last week you may have noticed a disconnect…

CBS Warns Dems: You Could ‘Lose’ Impeachment With ‘Limited’ Evidence

November 11th, 2019 12:55 PM
The journalists on CBS This Morning, Monday, offered a surprising look at how Watergate differed with the current impeachment push. Major Garrett and analyst Jonathan Turley warned that Democrats could “lose” the impeachment battle with such “limited” evidence. 

CBS Cheers ‘Poise’ and ‘Passion’ of Warren’s Debate Performance

October 16th, 2019 5:45 PM
CBS This Morning on Wednesday joined the chorus of media personalities declaring Elizabeth Warren the front-runner. Major Garrett hailed her “poise” and “passion” and offered a value neutral assessment on her refusal to give a straight answer on the cost of Medicare for all. After co-host Anthony Mason wondered “how did she handle being the front-runner,” Garrett responded, “With poise, passion,…

CBS Hails Beto as ‘Candidate of Conviction’ for Gun-Grabbing Scheme

September 13th, 2019 10:18 AM
On Friday’s CBS This Morning, while analyzing Thursday night’s Democratic debate, correspondent Major Garrett praised left-wing contender Beto O’Rourke as a “candidate of conviction” for declaring that as President he would confiscate guns. The reporter marveled at O’Rourke’s “authenticity” on the topic.

CBS’s Garrett Admires ‘Ferocity’ of ‘Bold’ Sanders and Warren

July 31st, 2019 12:41 PM
While analyzing the first night of the CNN Democratic debate, on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett touted the “ferocity and intensity” with which Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders defended their extreme policy proposals on health care and climate change.