
'Nonpartisan' Ken Burns Goes Trump Bonkers Again

September 21st, 2016 10:05 PM
Ken Burns still can't get over his obsession over Donald Trump. Last June, in his Stanford commencement speech, the documentary filmmaker with the outdated Beatle haircut went all drama queen over the candidacy of Donald Trump. Well, he still can't get Trump out of his mind even if he is unable to speak his name. In an interview with Carl Quintanilla, host of CNBC's BINGE, Burns takes us on a…

Ken Burns: I've Always Been ‘Straight Down the Middle,’ 'Non-Partisan'

July 14th, 2016 1:05 PM
Appearing on Thursday’s CBS This Morning, liberal PBS filmmaker Ken Burns absurdly argued: “I’ve spent my entire professional life being straight down the middle, non-partisan. Just trying to tell American facts. I try, in public television, to reach all audiences.” He made that declaration despite being on the show to promote his anti-Donald Trump crusade in the 2016 campaign.

Ken Burns Politicizes Commencement Speech With Anti-Trump Rant

June 13th, 2016 10:44 AM
If Donald Trump wins the presidency this November it appears documentary filmmaker Ken Burns might need to be fitted out for a straitjacket. If you have any doubt of this, then take a look below at the unhinged rant Burns performed during his commencement speech at Stanford University yesterday. Rather than ditching outright partisanship for the day out of respect for the victims of the tragic…

Bozell & Graham Column: Ken Burns, Pompous Poster Boy for Liberalism

May 14th, 2016 7:51 AM
“Like the amputated limb felt long after it has been cut off, I miss Trayvon Martin,” the famous orator said. Who would utter such an elaborate expression of white guilt? Try star PBS filmmaker Ken Burns, gushing his way through a government-funded honor: the “Jefferson Lecture,” the “nation’s highest honor for intellectual achievement” awarded by Obama’s National Endowment for the Humanities.…

PBS Star Ken Burns Rants Against Our 'Structural Racism' In St. Louis

May 23rd, 2015 12:07 PM
“Today, there’s nothing new under the sun,” intoned Ken Burns as he lamented the persistence of racial inequality in the United States in a commencement address at Washington University in St. Louis. So reported USA Today College. Burns went on a post-Ferguson rant about racism. "The shame continues: prison populations exploding with young black men, young black men killed almost weekly by…

Democrats Build Fundraising List Out of Colbert Thank-You Petition

December 19th, 2014 7:39 AM
Just how liberal is fake conservative Stephen Colbert? Politico’s Hadas Gold reports the Democrats are raising money off his retirement from Comedy Central. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is asking people to sign a 'Thank you' card. "After nine great years, the Colbert Report is going off the air," the email reads. "Thank you Stephen Colbert for an amazing ride!"

Ken Burns Excuses Media Covering Up for JFK & FDR

September 22nd, 2014 4:32 PM
In an interview with Ken Burns on Sunday's web-based Meet the Press feature Press Pass, moderator Chuck Todd asked the historian and film-maker about his PBS documentary on the Roosevelts: "It's amazing what the press didn't cover....I mean, and if they had, obviously it could have changed history." Burns responded: It could. But I think we focus too much – we presume that because there was a…

PBS Doc: Teddy Roosevelt An 'Imperialist' 'Killer' Who Glorified War

September 16th, 2014 3:56 PM
During the first installment of PBS's The Roosevelts: An Intimate History on Sunday, historian Clay Jenkinson and former Newsweek editor turned historian Evan Thomas slammed Theodore Roosevelt as a bloodthirsty "imperialist" who promoted the "glorification of war" and built up a "cult" of personality. [Listen to the audio] Speaking on Roosevelt's command of the Rough Riders during the Spanish-…

Self-Proclaimed Yellow Dog Democrat Ken Burns Denies Liberal Bias

September 13th, 2014 3:25 PM
Ken Burns proclaims that he merely inherited being a Democrat from his family despite giving a speech proclaiming himself to be a "Yellow Dog Democrat." He also declares his PBS documentaries free of political advocacy.  

New York's Top PBS Snobs Raise Money by Mocking Commercial TV for 'Rea

May 29th, 2013 8:09 AM
The top PBS station in New York is marketing itself to potential new donors in the most natural way: by snobbishly mocking commercial TV as “a sea of madness.” Sadly, commercial TV stations probably won’t fight back by mocking prissy British period dramas like “Downton Abbey.” (I might suggest a mop-topped Muppet that looks like Ken Burns that constantly boasts of his own importance as a…

'Meet the Press' Panelist Ken Burns Denounces Tea Party: 'Vitriol' Mot

November 26th, 2012 4:50 PM
During a discussion of the new film Lincoln on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, documentary film maker Ken Burns ranted about one of the supposed lessons he took away from the movie: "Race is always there in America....Do you think we'd have a secession movement in Texas and the other places, faddish secession movement, if this president wasn't African-American?  Do you think the vitriol that came…

PBS for Obama: USA Today Puts Gushy 'Essay by Ken Burns' on Front Page

May 24th, 2012 8:17 AM
On Tuesday, USA Today topped their front page with an "Essay by Ken Burns" headlined "National parks feed the American soul." Naturally, this liberal PBS filmmaker/sermonizer began by celebrating Barack Obama, which the newspaper put in large type. "Just before our documentary film series on the history of our national parks was first broadcast on PBS in the fall of 2009, I had a once-in-a-…

Ken Burns Uses 'Prohibition' To Bash Conservatives, Ignores Mika the M

September 29th, 2011 10:02 AM
If Ken Burns ever decides to stop making documentaries, he could always go into comedy . . .On today's Morning Joe, Burns claimed he was non-political, despite repeatedly attempting to draw parallels between Prohibition, the subject of his current film, and themes in current conservatism, particularly immigration. At the same time, Burns ignored the modern-day prohibitionist sitting right…

Ken Burns: A CPB Cut is 'Purely a Show Trial, and We Don't Do That In

April 10th, 2011 9:16 AM
AP reports something that's not very shocking: hallowed liberal PBS filmmaker Ken Burns (in between his Kennedy tribute films for Democrat conventions and the tens of thousands in donations to Barack Obama and other Democrats) is decrying Republicans for a "show trial" atmosphere in proposing cuts to public broadcasting subsidies: "I just don't think they have fully thought through what they'…