Eli Saslow

WashPost Page One Piece Scorns ICE Raids 'Leaving Families in Tatters'
July 2nd, 2018 8:38 AM
Washington Post feature writer Eli Saslow, best known to NewsBusters readers as the guy who gushed over Obama's "chiseled pectorals" as he prepared to be president, wrote a heart-tugging profile of a 12-year-old Ohio boy whose illegal-immigrant mother was detained after 19 years in the country. Alex Galvez, born in Ohio, was being cared for by Estefany, his 18-year-old American-born sister.

ESPN's Justice Warriors Prod LeBron for Quitting Gun-Control Activism
May 5th, 2016 9:42 AM
ESPN, not content to cover sports, wants in on the burgeoning social-justice market as well. In “Waiting for LeBron," an ESPN magazine essay, Washington Post reporter Eli Saslow pondered why Cleveland Cavaliers basketball legend LeBron James backed off his brief anti-gun activism. Saslow’s histrionic analysis of James “the athlete and the activist” makes it clear that LeBron has (somehow) let…

Gwen Ifill Shames Critic of PBS Bias: Surely, If You Watched, 'Even Yo
April 19th, 2014 7:53 AM
In an online chat on PBS on Thursday, NewsHour and Washington Week anchor Gwen Ifill did the usual song and dance avoiding any admission of liberal tilt.
Someone named “Darius” pressed Ifill: “Why does PBS overdo the PC mentality so much? Especially in the face of reporting hard, substantiated news?” She couldn’t possibly agree. He must not be watching regularly:
Again, WashPost Promotes Gun-Control Victim-Lobbyists to 'Rouse a Sile
September 23rd, 2013 7:51 AM
The Washington Post has a funny way of defining “news.” It just keeps selling the same old story of shooting victims lobbying for gun control. On the front of Sunday’s paper, the headline was “Exposing their scares, hoping to rouse a silent nation.” That headline is simply wrong. The "silent" nation spoke, and liberal gun-control wishes lost.
But the Post’s Eli Saslow went back to the bitter…

WashPost Still Upset on Page One That Newtown Wasn't 'Transformative M
June 10th, 2013 8:26 AM
Sunday's Washington Post seemed to arrive about two months late with a dominating front-page story on mourning Newtown parents Mark and Jackie Barden. Much of the Eli Saslow story was a heart-breaking account about the aftermath of their son Daniel's death in the grade-school rampage.
But the Post also wanted to drive home the anger that Newtown did not create a gun-control victory for Obama…
Washington Post Despairs Parents of Toddlers Forced to Choose Between
March 20th, 2013 2:39 AM
A lengthy – 3,500 word – anguished expose on the front page of Sunday’s Washington Post, “Hungering for a new month to begin,” about how people in Woonsocket, Rhode Island race to the grocery stores on the first of the month to spend their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payment, yet run out of food long before the month ends, didn’t offer a word about President Obama’s…
WaPo Leads with Gooey Story on 'Dear Mr. President' Letters Lovingly A
March 31st, 2010 8:23 AM
The Washington Post rendered itself indistinguishable from the White House publicity effort on Wednesday. At top center of its front page was an article by reporter Eli Saslow -- the man who hailed Obama's "glistening pectorals" in 2008 -- on the letters President Obama reads from, and writes to, average Americans. Under a photo of unemployed Michigan woman (and Obama voter) Jennifer Cline, the…
Washington Post Ties Iowa Protester to Violence, Even Though He Wasn't
March 26th, 2010 3:30 PM
As President Obama went to Iowa City March 25 to campaign for his already signed health care “reform” bill, he was greeted by non-violent, but angry protesters.Eli Saslow of The Washington Post profiled one of those protesters on March 26. That man, Randy Millam, did nothing violent at the rally, yet Saslow referenced “death threats” and brick throwing in his article.Saslow, who was named an…
FNC’s Baier Corrects Washington Post’s Claim Obama ‘Rare’ Prod
February 5th, 2010 12:18 AM
File under: you read it here first. “The Washington Post ignored a few historical facts when it proclaimed in a front page article Wednesday that President Obama is quote, ‘a rare President who comes from the middle class,’” FNC’s Bret Baier pointed out during his Thursday “Grapevine” segment. Baier explained what escaped Post reporter Eli Saslow:There have actually been many Presidents who…
WaPo's Saslow Claims Obama's a 'Rare' President With a Middle-Class Ch
February 3rd, 2010 8:38 AM
Washington Post reporter Eli Saslow (of "The sun glistened off his chiseled pectorals" fame) is back on the Obama beat and on the front page Wednesday, with a story headlined "A middle-class president's paradox." Some think Obama's an elitist. Imagine that. But do they have fact-checkers? Saslow wrote: His first year in office was defined in part by a paradox. He is a rare president who comes…
Obama's a 'Powerful New Ally' for Muslim Outreach As 'Myths Abound' in
June 3rd, 2009 4:27 PM
Eli Saslow, the young Washington Post reporter best known for his giddy promotion of Obama’s "glistening pectorals," touted Obama as a "powerful new ally" against "Islamophobia" on the front of Wednesday’s Style section. The protagonist of Saslow’s story, Aida Mansoor of Hartford, Connecticut, tries to educate an apparently (and painfully) bigoted America about Islam. This is where Obama comes to…
WaPo: Dubya Now Lives In 'Insular World,' Squarely Among the '33 Perce
April 11th, 2009 9:35 AM
George W. Bush has taken up a quiet post-presidential life. Like his father, he has sworn off any public denunciation of his Democratic successor. The Washington Post has an odd way of showing appreciation for Bush’s humble exit: mocking him on Saturday’s front page about his return to Texas: "In Insular World, the Negative Is Left Behind." Sound like corporate synergy with Newsweek from a few…
Bernard Goldberg Nominates Chris Matthews, Eli Saslow as Leading Media
January 26th, 2009 8:14 AM
Bill Steigerwald of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has the first interview with author and former CBS News reporter Bernard Goldberg about his brand new book. You'll love the title: "A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media." The book goes on sale Monday, and Goldberg named two journalists as the most embarrassing…