
Crowder Exposes Media's Refusal to Report Antifa Violence and Tactics

September 30th, 2017 11:27 AM
The proactive, preemptive violence of so-called anti-fascists, aka "antifas," has gotten very light media exposure. It's fair to say that one big reason for this is the establishment press's reluctance to recognize or even report their violent and intricately planned attacks. A months-long undercover investigation by Steven Crowder and his producer found ample evidence of antifas' premeditated…

ABC/NBC Smear Trump, Claim Racially Coded Rhetoric on Kneeling

September 24th, 2017 10:49 AM
Since Friday, the liberal media had been foaming at the mouth after President Trump made a series of comments arguing that athletes who disrespected the American flag by kneeling should be either fired or suspended. Come Sunday, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and NBC) were eager to smear the President with claims of racism and assertions that he was on the wrong side of the issue.

Nets Tout Liberal Tax Day Protests; Smeared Tea Party Events in 2009

April 15th, 2017 9:33 PM
On Saturday, the major broadcast networks dedicated airtime to the liberal Tax Day protests against President Trump as one network aired a crowd chanting “lock him up,” another refused to acknowledge the anti-Trump violence in California, and all of them declined to label the demonstrations. This coverage of April 15 protests by liberals stood in stark contrast to how ABC, CBS, and NBC dismissed…

ABC Bemoans ‘Skyrocketing’ Numbers Illegally Immigrating to Canada

February 19th, 2017 10:06 AM
During Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC finally became worried about “skyrocketing” illegal immigration and the strain on resources. But it was not illegal immigration into the United States they were fretting about, but that into Canada. “Illegally crossing the border, fueled by fears after recent immigration raids and uncertainty over President Trump's executive order,” announced co-anchor…

ABC Comes to the Aid of Lewis, Slams Trump for Twitter Attacks

January 15th, 2017 12:41 PM
ABC had clearly picked sides in the fight between President-elect Donald Trump and Congressman John Lewis, who claimed Trump was an “illegitimate president,” during their Sunday morning programming. The network spent that time slamming Trump for his counterattack on the congressman, even tying it to Martin Luther King Jr. “You know, just five days before the inauguration and one day before MLK…

103 Minutes for Trump Tape, Just 8 for Hillary's Wall St. Speeches

October 9th, 2016 8:18 PM
An MRC analysis of the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows from Friday evening, October 7 through Sunday evening, October 9, found a whopping 103 minutes of airtime devoted to audio recordings of Donald Trump talking about his attempted sexual conquests, but less than eight minutes spent on speech excerpts showing Hillary Clinton boasting in her speeches to big Wall Street banks that…

ABC, NBC Pounce on Trump Tax Docs, Ignore Clinton on Sanders Backers

October 2nd, 2016 4:29 PM
With a story from The New York Times breaking overnight, where Donald Trump was alleged to have lost close to $1 billion in 1995, ABC and NBC were eager to pounce during their Sunday morning shows. So eager were they, in fact, that they completely skipped over audio of Hillary Clinton chiding Bernie Sanders’ supporters as basement dwellers, which also leaked over the weekend. “And now, for the…

Nightline Fact Checks Ivanka, Ignored This Dem Debacle for Years

September 16th, 2016 4:30 PM
The superficial Nightline, a show that found time this week to cover the dilemma of pudgy pets, made time to fact check Ivanka Trump. This is the same program that has ignored ObamaCare (and all its problems) for nearly three years. On Thursday night, after a segment about extreme athletes who rock climb and surf, Dan Harris concluded, “Finally here tonight, Ivanka is supposed to be the calm,…

ABC Discloses Yankees Fan, But Not Clinton Foundation Donor

August 21st, 2016 12:05 PM
ABC demonstrated a marvelous case of hypocrisy on Sunday when it comes to its transparency and perhaps conflicts of interest. On Good Morning America, anchor Dan Harris joked that correspondent Ron Claiborne "can barely hide his lack of objectivity when it comes to the Yankees” after a sports report. However, during ABC's This Week, moderator George Stephanopoulos failed to re-disclose his…

ABC Spotlights Conviction of Pennsylvania's 'Rising Star' Democrat

August 17th, 2016 3:43 PM
ABC became the first Big Three network to cover the felony conviction of the Democratic attorney general of Pennsylvania, Kathleen Kane, on the early Wednesday edition of Nightline. Byron Pitts spotlighted the downfall of the "rising star in Pennsylvania's Democratic Party," who went from being endorsed by Bill Clinton to being a "convicted criminal." ABC's morning and evening newscasts still…

'Moderate,' 'Centrist' Tim Kaine vs. 'Staunch Conservative' Mike Pence

July 23rd, 2016 3:38 PM
Even before Indiana Governor Mike Pence was selected as the GOP vice presidential candidate, all three broadcast networks instructed viewers that he was a "staunch conservative" and "social conservative" who was "popular with the Tea Party." But those same networks are now advertising Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's choice to be the Democrats' vice presidential candidate, as a "…

ABC Spends Sunday Morning Fretting Hillary's Inability to Combat Trump

May 29th, 2016 11:07 AM
In an encore performance from Thursday night, ABC spent Sunday morning fretting that Hillary Clinton is not doing enough to stop Donald Trump. “Early on her campaign seemed pretty giddy to be running against Donald Trump, but now some people are worried that she's not fighting back hard enough,” stated Good Morning America co-host Dan Harris. “Are they right to be nervous, do you think?” Harris…

ABC’s Dowd Dismisses Cruz Win; Still ‘Doesn’t Have a Clear Path' Ahead

February 2nd, 2016 1:43 AM
The late-night news magazine Nightline on ABC devoted its show Monday night to the Iowa caucuses. ABC News political analyst and former Bush administration official Matthew Dowd denounced caucus winner Ted Cruz’s chances for winning the nomination since he still “doesn’t have a clear path” to the top. Dowd was set up by host Dan Harris pointing out to him that “we've seen in the past conservative…

GMA Hosts Argue Over Calling Caught-on-Camera Robber 'Alleged'

January 16th, 2016 8:17 AM
Do your Allen Iverson imitation, but instead of "practice," try saying "alleged" in your most disbelieving voice. . .  On today's Good Morning America, co-host Dan Harris struck a blow against political correctness, taking issue with Ron Claiborne's insistence on calling a caught-on-tape convenience store shooter an "alleged" robber. The show rolled the security video several times, showing the "…