Amy Goodman

Michael Moore: ‘We Have Got to Get Rid Of Trump,’ 2nd Amendment
October 4th, 2017 12:37 PM
In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Las Vegas, celebrities have decided to use death as a stump for their activism. And of course, who better to lead the way than professional protester Michael Moore.

Environmentalists Escalate Protest to ‘Dangerous’ Pipeline Tampering
October 12th, 2016 3:45 PM
While many activists fighting the Dakota Access oil pipeline have been exposed and even arrested for trespassing on the property, Climate Direct Action turned to criminal eco-terrorism in “solidarity” on Oct. 11.
Climate change activists disrupted crude oil flowing through multiple pipelines by tampering with pipelines in four states simultaneously, according to Reuters. Enbridge Inc. pipelines…

Democracy Now! Host Brags N. Dakota Wants to Arrest Her
September 14th, 2016 11:38 AM
The Dakota Access pipeline has attracted a host of liberal protesters including Black Lives Matter, in addition to the many Native American groups upset by the pipeline’s proximity to their lands. Over Labor Day weekend, protesters trespassed by entering the construction area, confronted security — some even threw rocks at security — and vandalized equipment.
Exploiters and Hypocrites Exposed: 'Progressive' Media Outlets Paying
December 2nd, 2013 9:10 PM
Charles Davis at has written an eye-opening expose of “Exploited Laborers of the Liberal Media” – unpaid or poorly paid interns at liberal magazines, websites, and radio networks that claim to speak out for the poorly paid working stiffs.
Davis notes Harper’s magazine wants interns to “work on a full-time, unpaid basis for three to five months” and The Washington Monthly is offering…

Glenn Greenwald: NY Times Has 'Helped to Kill Journalism as a Potent F
October 28th, 2013 6:32 PM
"[T]he kind of traditional New York Times model...I think has neutered and, in a lot of ways, helped to kill journalism as a potent force for checking power."
So said Glenn Greenwald during an interview with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman Monday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ralph Nader: 'Has There Been a Bigger Con Man in the White House Than
June 13th, 2013 11:14 AM
Ralph Nader last week had some harsh words for the current President of the United States.
Appearing on Democracy Now!, Nader asked host Amy Goodman, "Has there been a bigger con man in the White House than Barack Obama?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Cornel West: MSNBC's Black Commentators 'Sold Their Souls for a Mess o
November 12th, 2012 6:26 PM
Princeton University professor Cornel West had some harsh words for MSNBC's Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Michael Eric Dyson Friday.
Speaking with Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman, West said, "They have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Tax-Funded Pacifica Radio Hosts Colorado Anti-Gun Activist Who Claims
July 20th, 2012 12:44 PM
In the first hours of a dreadful mass shooting, one might think it's a time to mourn the victims and wait for more information. That was not the plan on taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio and its morning program "Democracy Now!" They brought on Colorado gun-control activist Mary Kershner, who wildly clamed that gun-rights activists are"offering to rape us" when they protest gun shows.

UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Th
November 24th, 2011 2:39 PM
As Occupy-loving media continue to express outrage over protesters getting pepper-sprayed by campus police officers at the University of California at Davis last week, a surprising admission by one of the attendees was uncovered in an interview Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman did Monday.
One of the pepper-sprayed students told Goodman, "We had encircled them [campus police], and they were trying…

On Pacifica Radio, Jesse Jackson Rips Obama's America
August 27th, 2011 6:50 AM
Naturally, most liberal Democrats are stifling their disappointment with President Obama in order to preserve any electability he still holds. That's not true of Rev. Jesse Jackson, who absolutely denounced Barack Obama's America on Friday on radical (yet taxpayer-supported) Pacifica Radio. This is a little ironic, since Pacifica griped a bit to Jackson in 2008 that he was being sidelined by…

Ed Asner, Harry Belafonte Both Lament Obama's Betrayed the Left
February 10th, 2011 2:45 PM
Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer reports hard-left actor Ed Asner is slamming Obama as another "corporatist as president," another "president who represents corporations more than people." The remarks came on the liberal Stephanie Miller radio show:
ED ASNER: I’m on the board of Defenders of Wildlife, and at a recent board meeting the announcement was made for just wildlife alone the…
Did Media's Bush Derangement Syndrome Drive Times Square Bomber To Vio
May 5th, 2010 4:43 PM
There's a cynical theme growing in the media that Faisal Shahzad, the man accused of attempting to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square Saturday, was driven to violence by the loss of his job, the loss of his house, and his anger towards former President George W. Bush.In all of this theorizing -- or what some might call psychobabble -- those making the assertion have yet to ponder if…
Danny Glover Lashes Out at Obama, South African Government for Plot to
February 15th, 2010 5:09 PM
Last week, far-left actor Danny Glover appeared on tax-supported radical Pacifica Radio to stump for returning Marxist ex-leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti. In his political role as the chairman of the leftist TransAfrica Forum, Glover not only attacked the Obama-led U.S. government for obstructing this natural return of the "savior." He attacked the black government of South Africa for…
Pulitzer Prize Winners: Geithner Far Worse Tax Evader Than Daschle
February 8th, 2009 5:18 PM
Former Sen. Tom Daschle might have been forced to withdraw his name as President Obama's Health and Human Services secretary last week, but his tax problems were far less egregious than Timothy Geithner's, the man just confirmed as the Secretary of the Treasury.In fact, according to Pulitzer Prize winning Vanity Fair contributing editors James Steele and Donald Barlett, Geithner's offenses were…