
Fox Police Drama: Cops Hunt Black People, Pastor Yearns for Ferguson
April 19th, 2017 10:50 PM
Wednesday night’s episode of Shots Fired, “Hour 5: Before the Storm,” officially established the show as over-the-top, race-baiting nonsense. While DOJ Special Prosecutor Preston Terry (Stephen James) and Investigator Ashe Akino (Sanaa Lathan) delve deeper into their investigation of the deaths of black, unarmed teen Joey Campbell and white, unarmed teen Jesse Carr, their discovery about the…
Benjamin Crump: TV's Rising Fake News Star
March 29th, 2017 1:29 PM
He's the new Al Sharpton on steroids -- and he's coming to a TV near you.
Benjamin Crump, camera-lovin' lawyer for the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, rocketed to fame perpetuating the "Hands up, don't shoot" lie. Never mind that even the left-wing Obama Justice Department concluded that the 22 witnesses who manufactured the Black Lives Matter-promoted narrative were unreliable,…

Rude Michael Brown Filmmaker Goes Ballistic on FNC’s Martha MacCallum
March 14th, 2017 9:07 PM
In what could only be described as one of the most cringe-worthy and disrespectful interview to date, Fox News Channel host Martha MacCallum took on a petulant filmmaker in Jason Pollock and his “documentary” on the murder of Michael Brown during Monday night’s First 100 Days.

BLM Student on Cable Drama: ‘The Media Is Biased Against Us’
March 1st, 2017 5:19 AM
On a very special Black Lives Matter episode of Freeform’s Switched at Birth, the show switches its focus from its main white and Latino characters to feature the stories of 3 black students at University of Missouri – Kansas City. It's about as preachy, melodramatic, and self-important as you'd expect, but it really strains credulity with an unintentionally comedic lecture on media bias.

Vox: Riots Are Bad, But They Can to Lead to Changes for the Good!
August 16th, 2016 8:38 PM
Vox was, well, being Vox on Monday morning as criminal justice and LGBTQ writer German Lopez ruled in a piece entitled “Riots are destructive, dangerous, and scary — but can lead to serious social reforms” that he doesn’t condone destruction of property like what was seen in Baltimore, Ferguson, and Milwaukee, but there are benefits from “a serious attempt” by rioters to “forc[e] change after…

Sharpton Snaps at Kelly to ‘Calm Down’ When Challenged on Ferguson
April 14th, 2016 1:00 AM
Along with addressing her meeting with Donald Trump earlier in the day, Kelly File host Megyn Kelly began Wednesday’s show by clashing with MSNBC host/liberal activist Reverend Al Sharpton over what transpired in Ferguson, Missouri to the point that Sharpton rudely told Kelly to “calm down.”
ABC, CBS Boost Ferguson Report; Skip Party Label for Democratic Gov.
September 14th, 2015 9:38 PM
Returning to the issue of Ferguson, Missouri on Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News touted the findings and recommendations of a commission set up by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon as both newscasts promoted the commission’s calls to increase the minimum wage and CBS neglected to label Nixon a Democrat.
Clarke Slams Liberal Media for Backing 'Black Lies Matter' Movement
August 21st, 2015 10:44 AM
Joining fill-in host Shannon Bream on Thursday’s Kelly File to comment on the latest shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke demanded that “the liberal mainstream media” stop their charade as “the propaganda wing” of the Black Lives Matter movement that Clarke has dubbed the “Black Lies Matter” movement.

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It
June 1st, 2015 10:25 AM
Friday night's The Kelly File on Fox News Channel shared a new Media Research Center report on how the media has perpetuated the false narrative of "hands up, don't shoot" since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown this past August.
Allen Touts How Protesters 'Eloquently' Chanted 'No Justice, No Peace'
April 29th, 2015 9:26 PM
At the top of Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, correspondent Ron Allen reported from the streets of Baltimore with the crowd protesting the death of Freddie Gray and gushed that the crowd was “so loudly and eloquently” chanting “no justice, no peace” like those had done in Ferguson, Missouri a few months ago.

On CNN, Leftist State Senator Attacks 'Racist,' 'Jim Crow' Police Rep.
March 12th, 2015 6:02 PM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, left-wing Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal wildly accused fellow guest Jeff Roorda of the St. Louis Police Officer Association of being a racist. Chapelle-Nadal asserted that she, as well as the far-left protesters she supports, were "trying to...ensure that racism does not continue by people like you." Roorda replied, "Are you calling me a racist,…

Obama Tells Dems: 'Get Informed, Not by Reading the Huffington Post'
January 30th, 2015 5:11 PM
During an annual retreat in Philadelphia, president Barack Obama had some unusual advice for a closed-door gathering of Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives: “Get informed,” but “not by reading the Huffington Post.”“Keep your powder a little dry,” Obama said on Thursday, the same day the liberal website posted an opinion piece entitled “A Blueprint for Middle-Class Economics,”…
WSJ’s Riley Tears Into Obama, Sharpton on Race Relations
December 29th, 2014 3:43 PM
On the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley blasted President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and activist/MSNBC host Al Sharpton for having “a vested interest in pushing a false narrative, which is that racism is an all-purpose explanation of what drives what's wrong in black America.”
When asked by host Chris Wallace to explain why there…

Ferguson Protesters Dominate CBS's 'Young Adults' Panel on Race
December 12th, 2014 8:56 PM
CBS Evening News's liberal bias was blatant on Friday, as their "young adults" panel discussing the issue of "the excessive use of force by police – especially against minorities" was made up entirely of people who have participated in the protests decrying the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Correspondent Elaine Quijano asked, "How many of you have been involved…