Brexit Vote

Apocalyptic NY Times Bashes Boris Johnson: ‘End of Britain?’

Nets Mock Brexit-Supporting Johnson: ‘Buffoon,’ ‘Boris the Clown'
All three networks on Tuesday night offered up mocking, derisive reports on Brexit-supporting Boris Johnson winning his party's support and becoming the new British Prime Minister. ABC, CBS and NBC also highlighted comparisons of the conservative leader to Donald Trump. On World News Tonight, Ian Pannell derided, “To his opponents, he's an ambitious philanderer, unfaithful in marriage, accused…

NY Times Warns of 'Talibanization' When Brexit Backers Get Their Way

NYT Bashes Boris, 'Virtually Cultlike Certitude' of Brexit Embrace
Here Comes Boris — And Donald, Too

Wallace, Brennan Trash 'Xenophobic' Brexit and 'America First'

'Ashamed’ of Brexit, Elton John Declares He’s ‘Not an English Idiot’

Bill Press on 'Milkshaking' - 'I Love That Idea', Hope it Comes to US

Nasty John Oliver as Churchill: ‘We Haven’t Begun to F**k Ourselves'

NY Times Fawns Over Radio Host ‘Fighting Brexiteers With Logic'

NYT's Politicized TV: Brexit ‘Exploitation of Nativism and Bigotry'

Brian Williams Blames Russian ‘Election Meddling’ for Brexit
Decision Time on Brexit