‘Designated Survivor’ Producer: Mitch McConnell Is 'As Bad As ISIS'

June 11th, 2019 1:55 PM

Surprise! Neal Baer, writer and producer of the crazy liberal show Designated Survivor, is a crazy liberal! In an interview with The Daily Beast, Baer talked about being a gay Hollywood producer, gushed over his own work, and condemned Republicans as evil, traitorous scum.

The writer-producer stated,

I am more shocked by Mitch McConnell’s duplicity and pusillanimous actions and his work to completely fuck the country … I see Mitch McConnell as being as bad as ISIS. I think he’s as deep a threat to the country as ISIS. And I think he’s a traitor to the country.

If McConnell is like ISIS, then he throws gay people off buildings, traffics sex slaves, and slaughters children. Then again, liberals think that climate change is much worse than ISIS, so at least McConnell isn’t melting any ice caps.

Though the average Joe may not know who Neal Baer is, he is a very established name in Hollywood. The Harvard educated pediatrician wrote and produced China Beach, ER, Under the Dome, and Law & Order: SVU. Baer came out as gay at the age of 57, leaving behind his 20-year heterosexual marriage and son. Baer publicly shared his coming out story in 2014.

As a visiting lecturer at Harvard Medical School, Baer is all too proud to share his accomplishments, but his work on Designated Survivor is just hard-left. The show was cancelled by ABC last year due to poor ratings, but it was saved by Netflix a few months later.

The ratings were low for a reason. The show is Trump Derangement Syndrome displayed on screen. If you’re interested to see how crazy lefties view the world, then the show provides good insight. It is overly-vulgar, filled with senseless metaphors, and overall anti-American. Worst of all, Baer proudly puts his name on it.

In The Daily Beast interview, Baer bragged about the portrayal of Trump’s speechwriter Stephen Miller on the show. Phil Brunton, Miller’s counterpart, is described as a “callous and criminally minded strategist for the right-wing populist presidential candidate.” As you can see, the show’s subtlety is so acute that one could very easily miss its deep underlying message: Orange man is bad.

Even though Baer called the entire Republican Party “a lapse of humanity” in a published interview, he certainly won’t face repercussions. Meanwhile, Tim Allen admitted to going to Trump’s inauguration and got blacklisted for it. That’s Hollywood in a nutshell.