
ABC's Salinas Shamelessly Shills For Woke ‘Latinx Museum’

October 16th, 2023 7:06 PM

To close out its special coverage of Hispanic Heritage Month, ABC News published a one-sided report intended to gin up support for the beleaguered National Museum of the American Latino. The result: race-essentialist propaganda passing itself off as news.


Trabajador de bodega demanda al Fiscal de NY tras informe de Univision

October 4th, 2023 4:55 PM

Un ex empleado de una bodega busca retribución después de ser acusado de asesinato en segundo grado por un fiscal de Nueva York financiado por Soros, en lo que críticos, incluyendo al alcalde de la ciudad de Nueva York, Eric Adams, describieron como un aparente incidente de defensa propia.


Bodega Worker Sues Soros-Backed NY DA After Damning Univision Report

October 4th, 2023 4:38 PM

A former bodega worker is seeking retribution after being charged with second-degree murder by a Soros-backed New York DA in what critics, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, described as an apparent self-defense incident.


Univision Anchor NUKES Bob Menéndez: “He's An Embarrassment”

October 3rd, 2023 6:15 PM

During a panel discussion on Univision’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto, anchor Luis Carlos Vélez went where very few in media, if any, have gone; calling for the resignation or removal of U.S. Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) in light of his most recent indictment on corruption charges.


Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota

September 30th, 2023 7:30 PM

Time and time again, Univision proves itself to be an immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license. And, as immigration advocacy organizations do, they cheer anything that erodes the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration.

La vergonzosa entrevista de WashPost al presidente Gustavo Petro

September 27th, 2023 4:53 PM

El miércoles, The Washington Post hizo pasar por alto al presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, un autodenominado radical y ex-miembro de las FARC, en otra entrevista suave a un político izquierdista. Hablan de democracia muriendo en la oscuridad.

WashPost Runs Disturbing Softball Interview of Colombia’s Petro

September 27th, 2023 4:14 PM

On Wednesday, The Washington Post ran cover for Colombian President Gustavo Petro, a self-described radical and former FARC member, in yet another softball interview of a leftist politician. Talk about democracy dying in darkness.

Univision no representa a la comunidad hispana, pese a rol en debate

September 27th, 2023 4:12 PM

La peor parte de la inexplicable decisión del Partido Republicano de invitar a Univisión a moderar el debate de las primarias presidenciales de esta noche en la Biblioteca Reagan es que valida la afirmación de Univisión de representar a la comunidad hispana, cuando claramente no es así.

Despite GOP Debate Nod, Univision Doesn't Represent Hispanic Community

September 27th, 2023 2:26 PM

The worst part of the GOP’s inexplicable decision to invite Univision to co-moderate tonight’s presidential primary debate at the Reagan Library is that it validates Univision’s claim to represent the Hispanic community, when they very clearly do not.

‘NOS ENCANTA’: Univision se emociona con el TPS masivo

September 22nd, 2023 11:44 AM

Está  establecido que Univision a menudo actúa de forma semejante a un SuperPAC de defensa de la inmigración con una licencia de transmisión. Ahora que Univisión es un ente de propiedad foránea, tal vez la comparación con ONG de fronteras abiertas sea más apropiada. De todos modos, la cadena continúa aplaudiendo abiertamente cualquier cosa que mantenga abierta la porosa frontera sur de los…


In CA Parental Notification Fight, Univision Sides With GROOMERS

August 31st, 2023 2:00 PM

As we’ve stated time and time again, advocacy for unrestricted immigration is a gateway issue that Univision leverages in order to impose the rest of the left-wing policy pu-pu platter upon its audience. You can now count suppression of parental notification of gender transition in public schools as part of that policy array.

Univisión reinstaura a Daniel Coronell a la presidencia de Noticias

August 30th, 2023 11:39 AM

En Proverbios 26:11, la Biblia dice: “Como perro que vuelve a su vómito, así es el necio que repite su necedad” (Proverbios 26:11). Múltiples fuentes nos indican que en efecto Univisión ha vuelto a su vómito, al reinstaurar a Daniel Coronell a la presidencia de la división de Noticias tras su tumultuosa salida hace poco más de dos años.

SOURCES: Univision Rehires Daniel Coronell As President of News

August 29th, 2023 9:16 PM

The Bible says that “as a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly” (Proverbs 26:11). Multiple sources tell us that Univision has returned to its vomit, rehiring Daniel Coronell as President of News after his tumultuous exit a little over two years ago.


Telemundo's Toilet Tale Touts Trans Agenda

August 27th, 2023 10:58 PM

Comcast-NBC affiliate Telemundo does whatever they can to preserve the mothership’s perfect Corporate Equality Index score. This includes blatantly promoting the trans agenda, such as is the case in this report from the network’s weekend newscast.