
Spanish-Language Media Hide AOC Corruption, Smear Clarence Thomas

April 19th, 2023 8:00 AM

The nation’s Spanish-language media appear to have made some (D)istinctions as to which ethics stories they choose to cover. Allegations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas were covered extensively, but an actual ethics scandal surrounding Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew nary a mention.


Univisión TAPA el crimen como razón para cierre de Walmart en Chicago

April 18th, 2023 3:43 PM

​Univisión sumó Chicago a la lista de beneficiarios de manejo de crisis gratuito disfrazado de noticias. Tomemos su cobertura del cierre repentino de cuatro de las ocho tiendas Walmart en Chicago, donde sobraron excusas pero faltó la real: el crimen desenfrenado e incontrolado en la ciudad.


Univision HIDES Crime as Reason for Chicago Walmart Closings

April 17th, 2023 6:26 PM

Univision added Chicago to the list of beneficiaries awarded free on-air crisis management disguised as news. Take the network's coverage of Walmart's sudden closure of four of its eight Chicago stores where a number of excuses were given, except for the real one: the city's rampant and uncontrolled crime.

Jorge Ramos Column Calls Trump Indictment ‘A Beautiful Act’

April 15th, 2023 10:24 AM

We are reminded that Univision’s Special Editorial Advisor to the CEO, Jorge Ramos, is the ONLY national prime-time anchor with a syndicated weekly column. Surprising no one, his latest Trump-deranged column deems the indictment of the former president to be “a beautiful act…


Univisión revive la trama Rusa en reporte de 'Papeles del Pentágono"

April 14th, 2023 4:34 PM

La culpa la tiene Rusia, Rusia, Rusia. Así fue que el departamento de noticias de Univisión lidió el jueves por la mañana con el tema de la filtración de los Papeles del Pentágono: responsabilizando a Rusia con una clásica línea de conspiración, como podemos ver en el siguiente vídeo.


Agenda personal por noticia para activista climática de Telemundo

April 14th, 2023 3:06 PM

​Mientras Noticias Telemundo juega a las sillas musicales con su equipo, barajándoles entre noticieros (o sacándoles por completo), una expresentadora nocturna / de fin de semana aprovechó al máximo su oportunidad para reemplazar a Nacho Lozano en la edición del mediodía:


Univision's 'Pentagon Papers 2.0' Coverage Tries to Revive Russia Hoax

April 13th, 2023 8:48 PM

When in doubt, blame Russia, Russia, Russia- which is exactly what Univision’s news department did early Thursday morning. As you can see in the following clip, anchor Alan Tacher from Univision´s Despierta América opened his report on the Pentagon Papers leak with a classic Russia hoax conspiracy line: “Does Russia have a spy in the Pentagon?”


Telemundo Climate Activist Determined to Push Personal Agenda on Air

April 12th, 2023 9:56 PM

While Telemundo News plays musical chairs with their news staff shuffling them around (or pulling them off air), one standby and former evening/weekend anchor took full advantage of her chance to fill in for departed anchor Nacho Lozano of the network’s midday news edition: Vanessa Hauc, the network’s own climate activist who also happens to be the co-founder of ´climate issues´ non-profit…


Accidental admisión en Univisión sobre expulsión de legisladores en TN

April 11th, 2023 3:10 PM

​El informe del viernes por la mañana de Univisión sobre la expulsión de dos representantes del estado de Tennessee, transcurrió como era de esperar; enfocado en el racismo y el control de armas. Pero el cierre de la presentadora del noticiero matutino Satcha Pretto, voló ambos argumentos en pedazos.…

Univision Accidentally Told The Truth About TN Lawmaker Expulsions

April 8th, 2023 11:18 PM

Univision’s Friday morning report on the expulsion of two Tennessee state representatives went mostly as expected, with emphasis on racism and gun control. But morning show news anchor Satcha Pretto closed the report by blowing both of those up.


Noticiero Univisión promociona portales porno de Stormy Daniels

April 6th, 2023 4:49 PM

Univisión, cegado por su Síndrome de Trastorno de Trump, presentó un extraño segmento en el que los presentadores Borja Voces y Carolina Sarassa se dieron a la tarea de promocionar los diversos portales pornográficos de Stormy Daniels.


Trump-Deranged Univision News Shills For Stormy Daniels’s Porn Sites

April 6th, 2023 3:37 PM

Univision, blinded by its Trump derangement, featured a bizarre segment wherein anchors Borja Voces and Carolina Sarassa cheerfully promoted Stormy Daniels’ various pornographic sites.


Univisión y Telemundo ocultan pagos en efectivo de China a los Biden

April 3rd, 2023 3:34 PM

Si usted ha escuchado algo acerca de los millones de dólares pagados en efectivo a la familia Biden desde China, seguramente es porque no depende de Telemundo o Univisión para las noticias.


Latino Networks Desperate For Trump Mugshot

March 31st, 2023 5:58 PM

While the Latino networks quickly buried Monday´s deadly Nashville school shooting when it was learned that the assassin was a deranged transsexual, the prospect of a dream coming true in the shape of a Donald Trump mug shot was too much to ignore.