Steve Bannon

CNN's Cooper Claims Trump Advisors Have 'Ties to Hate Groups'
August 17th, 2017 11:33 AM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, the smearing of Steve Bannon went so far as to claim that he and other White House advisors have "ties to hate groups" as host Cooper set up a discussion of rumors that he might soon leave the White House. As if the right-leaning Breitbart News might be a "hate group," Cooper cited Bannon's time there, and his quote from more than a year ago about giving a "…

New Republic: Trump ‘Is Our First Neo-Nazi President’
August 14th, 2017 4:06 PM
Liberal media outlets have now fully entered tin foil hat mode en masse, but none so more as the failing New Republic. And leading this merry band of lunatics is it’s Editor-at-Large Bob Moser, who today penned an article titled ‘Donald Trump, Neo-Nazi Recruiter-in-Chief’.

CNN's Sanders Falsely Claims Gorka Called 'Brown People' a Problem
August 14th, 2017 1:48 PM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's New Day, liberal CNN political commentator Symone Sanders not only repeatedly smeared White House advisors Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka as "white supremacist sympathizers," but she even deceptively claimed that Gorka had characterized "brown people" as a problem.

MSNBC Guests: 'Nazis' Are in White House; Supporting 'a Lot of' NFL
August 13th, 2017 3:35 PM
During Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, during discussions of the white racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, White House advisors were repeatedly referred to by panel members as "Nazis" or "white supremacists." And in one segment, as the group fretted over Colin Kaepernick's outcast status in the NFL, ESPN columnist William C. Rhoden oddly claimed that "a lot of players" in both the NFL and Major…

NYT Fires ‘Warning Shot for Hard-Line,’ ‘Ultraconservative’ Catholics
August 3rd, 2017 5:20 PM
Jason Horowitz, the New York Times’ most showily left-wing political reporter, made common cause with a piece making the rounds of Catholic intellectual circles singling out “ultraconservative” Trump-supporting conservatives as dangerous, in “From the Vatican, a Warning Shot for Hard-Line Catholics in the U.S.”

‘We Don’t Communicate to Them!’ CNN Guest Unloads on Media Disconnect
July 19th, 2017 3:34 PM
Late in Tuesday’s AC360, former Republican National Committee (RNC) official and CNN political commentator Mike Shields unloaded on his fellow panelists and the news media at large for failing to connect with Americans outside the Washington D.C. area.

NY Paper Running Chapters of Bizarre Novel on Donald Trump’s Downfall
June 13th, 2017 9:25 PM
Most newspapers overwhelmingly report news as their primary function, but the New York Daily News has ventured into another area: fiction that spews venom regarding Donald Trump in a serialized novel written by liberal columnist Gertz Kuntzman called Coup! in which Vice President Mike Pence deposes the Republican president and installs himself in the Oval Office.
Serving as the cover to the…

PBS 'Frontline' Director's Fake News About Bannon's Military Service
May 24th, 2017 2:23 PM
On Tuesday night, the leftish PBS documentary series Frontline aired a documentary titled “Bannon’s War” which seemed awfully reminscent of their anti-Cheney documentary suggestively titled “The Dark Side.” If you’re not a liberal PBS fanatic, it was another boring and predictable slog, attacking Bannon and Trump with lots of black and white photos and scary-sounding orchestral music.
It was…

Chelsea Handler Calls Steve Bannon 'Ugly, Fat,' 'Nazi' Klan Member
April 24th, 2017 2:30 PM
The April 21 episode of Netflix’s Chelsea titled “Women That Are Strong Are Fun” brought another Trump bash-a-thon which included a trip to Paris to bash Trump with some French voters. But Chelsea Handler seemed especially deranged about Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

Maddow: Venezuelans Are Rioting Over Donations to Trump's Inauguration
April 22nd, 2017 3:44 PM
As Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters noted on Friday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's obsession with the money raised for President Donald Trump's inauguration went into overdrive the previous evening. During the same show, Maddow combined that obsession with another one shared by most of the news media — the absolute necessity to avoid blaming Venezuela's dire economic circumstances on its Bolivarian…

CNN Ignores Guest Calling Bannon 'Anti-Semite'; Once Made Hitler Refs
April 12th, 2017 8:57 PM
As The Root's Jason Johnson appeared as a panel member on Wednesday's New Day on CNN, the race-obsessed political analyst was true to form as he took his latest opportunity to trash White House advisor Steve Bannon, this time calling him an "anti-Semite" and someone who "sympathizes with white terrorist organizations," as he received no pushback from CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota or Chris Cuomo over…

MSNBC Guest Ties Trump to 'Neo-Nazis,' Bannon to 'Terrorists'
April 10th, 2017 9:28 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Monday's MSNBC Live with Steve Kornacki, The Root's Jason Johnson engaged in his latest smears against President Donald Trump and White House advisor Steve Bannon as the recurring MSNBC guest tried to link Trump to 'Neo-Nazis' and Bannon to "white nationalist terrorists." The race-obsessed politics editor of The Root was quick to bring up "Neo-Nazis" as he began his…

MSNBC Lets Guests Smear Bannon as 'Avowed Anti-Semite,' 'Hates Jews'
April 8th, 2017 4:16 PM
Twice in the last few days, MSNBC hosts have allowed guests to hyperbolically make unfounded claims of bigotry against White House advisor Steve Bannon, with former MSNBC contributor Michelle Bernard calling him an "avowed anti-Semite" on Wednesday's Hardball, and current MSNBC contributor Howard Dean calling him a "white supremacist" who "hates Jews" on Saturday's AM Joy. AM Joy host Joy Reid…

Writer: The Media Aren’t the ‘Opposition Party,’ But They Should Be
March 24th, 2017 10:21 AM
According to Leah Finnegan in her Thursday piece for The New Republic, when Steve Bannon cast the mainstream media as full-fledged opponents of the Trump White House, it wasn’t an accurate statement, but it may have been the next best thing: a self-fulfilling prophecy. “What if, rather than reflexively assuming its defensive posture of ‘objectivity,’ the press embraced this opportunity to go full…