Reid Epstein

New York Times Revels in Harris Tactic of Labeling Trump a Fascist
Despite its alleged concern for the decline of civility in politics, the New York Times is actually all in on political slander and name-calling lately -- when it’s in the service of defeating Donald Trump. For the second time in under two weeks, the paper reveled in the party’s new tactic of throwing the dirty word “fascist” at Trump to see if it would stick (not that they didn’t do…

New York Times: 'Democrats Want Trump Plastered All Over the News'
Anyone who watches the broadcast and cable TV networks all the time (like we do) knows how much they are still pumping a Trump outrage machine. But The New York Times is pretending Trump and his scandals have vanished from the news, worrying out loud in a story titled "Democrats Want Trump Plastered All Over the News."

NY Times Mocks DeSantis's 'Angry...Tongue-Tied,' Defensive Debates
As the first Republican presidential debate looms, New York Times campaign reporter Nicholas Nehemas spread anti-DeSantis doomsaying in “For DeSantis, Release of Debate Strategy Amplifies a Daunting Challenge": "Mr. DeSantis’s most prominent debates -- in his contests for governor against Charlie Crist, a former Republican governor of Florida turned Democratic member of Congress, and…

NY Times Gets Religion: Embraces Warnock, ‘Who Sees Voting as Prayer'
Respect for religion reigned over the front page of Thursday’s New York Times, at least the progressive strain, focusing on U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock, the reverend who recently won reelection in Georgia runoff. The Times has found its latest left-wing “rising star,” as revealed in the fawning profile by Katie Glueck, “Raphael Warnock Is a Pastor and Politician Who Sees Voting…

NY Times Adores Warnock Ad: Walker Spurs 'Disbelief and Embarrassment'
In Tuesday’s New York Times, political reporter Reid Epstein packed a lot of open mockery into a short news account about a campaign ad from Rev. Raphael Warnock, the current U.S. senator from Georgia, who is in an electoral runoff with Republican candidate and former football star Herschel Walker: “‘Is He for Real?’: Warnock Hits Walker in New Ad, but Lets Others Do the Talking.”

NYT Front-Page Fright: Wisconsin GOP Nears 'Total, Veto-Proof Power'
Wisconsin is the canary in the coal mine for American democracy, according to the New York Times, and it can only be saved if everyone votes for a single party (the Democrats). That’s the confusing if ideologically convenient argument from the paper, as Election Day looms. Saturday’s front page heralded campaign reporter Reid Epstein’s “Wisconsin Republicans Stand on the Verge of…

NY Times: DeSantis Hurricane Hypocrite For Shunning Fed Covid Guidance
In Thursday’s New York Times, reporters Reid Epstein and Alan Rappeport tried to paint Gov. Ron DeSantis as hypocritical for receiving federal assistance in the wake of the hugely damaging Hurricane Ian under the hostile headline “Ron DeSantis Pauses Political Bomb-Throwing as Hurricane Ian Hits.” They decided to drag Covid into the act, foolishly, given DeSantis’s impressive record…
NY Times Finds GOP Racism, McCarthyism, Even Nazism Afoot in 3 States
What do Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia have in common? Dangerous conservative trends, according to the New York Times. The paper saw the dark cloud of McCarthyism still hanging over Wisconsin: "Much of the state remains rural and conservative -- McCarthy and Trump country." Contributing writer Robert Draper in the Sunday Magazine wrote thousands of words on…
NYT Says GOP ‘Demonizing’ Refugees, But ‘Soaring’ Biden Cried Jim Crow
The New York Times knows the Democrats are in trouble, and they’re getting frantic. A front-page story on Friday, “G.O.P. Memo Shows Plan to Attack Democrats on Immigration,” was based on a leaked document distributed to House Republicans. The reporters seized on it to play defense attorney for the Democrats, trying to refute every piece of the memo on the party’s behalf. Reporters…

NY Times Tilts Against Requiring Voters to Prove Citizenship
How elections are run are the first question of democracy, and The New York Times routinely displays its eagerness to push the partisan Democrat point of view. On Friday, the paper tilted to the left in three different articles about election issues in Arizona, Florida, and New York. The paper painted Democratic hacks as non-partisan while invariably identifying Republicans as…
As Dem Polls Sag, NY Times Whines GOP 'Weaponizing' the 'Culture Wars'
It’s a pattern of bias: Whenever Democrats find themselves on the defensive politically over a divisive issue (transgender rights, mask mandates, school shutdowns, even inflation), the New York Times can be relied upon to ride to the party’s defense by flipping the issue, making the Republican Party seem like the unfair aggressor for pointing out and criticizing the controversial…
NYT Lead Pities Dems:'Costly Fight to Overcome GOP Curbs,' Suppression
New York Times reporters Reid Epstein and Nick Corasaniti consoled the Democratic Party and lamented its electoral prospects in 2022 in Sunday’s lead story, “With Voting Rights Bill Dead, Democrats Face Costly Fight to Overcome GOP Curbs.” Evidently, moves by Republicans in various states to roll back pandemic-inspired loosenings of the vote, such as ballot harvesting and vote drop…

NY Times Wails ‘Degree of Voter Suppression May [Be] All But Assured'
The New York Times is joining left-wing activist groups to push President Biden to the left and become newly aggressive to defend “voting rights,” defined as Democratic-helpful changes to state voting laws, while emotionally labeling Republican attempts to secure the vote as “voter suppression.”
A front-page “news analysis” on Wednesday by reporters Nick Corasaniti and Reid…

NYT Says Youngkin ‘Weaponizing…Racial Issues’ in VA, Denies CRT Taught
It’s Election Day in Virginia, and New York Times reporter Reid Epstein covered in Tuesday’s edition the surprisingly close fight between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe, former Virginia governor and previously the head of the Democratic National Committee: “As Youngkin Tries to Finesse Trump, McAuliffe Conjures His Comeback.”