Nicole Winfield

AP, NY Times Target Whistleblower Bishop, 'Ultra-Conservative' Allies
August 28th, 2018 10:29 PM
The Associated Press and the New York Times both tried to spin a Catholic archbishop's recent exposé about the Church's sex abuse scandal as an ideological attack on Pope Francis from the right. AP's Nicole Winfield touted how Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano turned to "ultra-conservative media that have been highly critical of Francis' mercy-over-morals papacy." The Times write-up highlighted how "…

NY Times, AP Tout Vatican Ending 'Crackdown' on Dissenting U.S. Nuns
April 16th, 2015 6:25 PM
Laurie Goodstein spotlighted that "the Vatican abruptly ended its takeover of the main leadership group of American nuns" in a Thursday article for the New York Times. Goodstein played up that the final report of the supposed "takeover" was a "far cry from three years ago, when the Vatican's doctrinal office...issued a report finding that the [nuns] had 'serious doctrinal problems.' It said the…

Media Spin Catholic Bishops' Vote as Spurning a 'Welcome to Gays'
October 19th, 2014 10:40 AM
CBS, USA Today, and the Associated Press all sang from the same sheet of music on Saturday, as they covered the end of the Catholic bishops' Extraordinary Synod on the Family. On CBS Evening News, Jim Axelrod played up a supposed "deep split over the direction Pope Francis wants to take the Church," after the Church's leaders rejected controversial language about homosexuals and divorced…
AP's Winfield Hypes 'Seismic Shift' on Homosexuals in Vatican Document
October 13th, 2014 4:10 PM
Nicole Winfield unsurprisingly slanted toward left-wing LGBT groups in her Monday article about the mid-term report of the Catholic bishops' synod on the family currently underway at the Vatican. Winfield played up how "gay rights groups hailed a 'seismic shift' by the Catholic Church toward gays on Monday after bishops said homosexuals had gifts to offer the church," and front-loaded three…

Vox's Fisher Spins Pope's Support for Stopping ISIS As A 'Crusade
August 18th, 2014 5:01 PM
Vox's Max Fisher shamelessly invoked medieval history in a Monday post about Pope Francis. Fisher highlighted the pontiff's support for action against ISIS's "unjust aggression" in Iraq, and hyped that "there is good precedent for this...between 1096 and 1272 AD, popes also endorsed the use of Western military action to destroy Middle Eastern caliphates. Those were known as the crusades; there…

AP Spins Pope's Slam of Abortion as 'Olive Branch' to Church's 'Conser
September 20th, 2013 6:42 PM
On Friday, Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press shamelessly construed Pope Francis' denunciation of abortion and euthanasia as an "olive branch of sorts to the doctrine-minded, conservative wing of the Catholic Church". Winfield ballyhooed how the pontiff "issued a strong anti-abortion message and cited Vatican teaching on the need to defend the unborn".
The Bishop of Rome advised a group…
AP's Vatican Reporter Cheers Pope Opposing 'Poisonously Homophobic Cul
August 1st, 2013 6:44 AM
The media is imagining a whole new Pope that it can hug and squeeze and calls its own. In its narrative, Pope Francis is a liberal modernizer, and everything he does sweeps that caveman Pope Benedict under the rug. See AP's Vatican reporter Nicole Winfield at the end of the pope's trip to Brazil: "The Francis Revolution is underway. Not everyone is pleased."
Catholics see the two popes as…

Pope Plugging Leaks Is News at AP; But Not Obama's Insider Threat Prog
July 11th, 2013 12:26 PM
A report today from Nicole Winfield at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, headlines the news that Pope Francis's revision and update of Vatican City laws "criminalizes leaks." Meanwhile, searches on relevant terms at the AP's national web site ("leaks"; "insider threat" "McClatchy"; all not in quotes) return either nothing, or nothing relevant.
AP's apparent decision thus…
Media Turn Pope's Deep Speech on Gender Politics Into a Personal Chris
December 26th, 2012 7:33 AM
Does anyone in the media ever attempt to read and understand the speeches of Pope Benedict? The New York Daily News account of his December 21 speech to the curia (the “Vatican bureaucracy”) is being mangled by the Daily Kos into “Pope gives special holiday hate speech against gays because it's Christmas.” The Mediaite headline (off London’s Daily Mail) is “Merry Christmas? Pope Benedict XVI…

‘Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’ Comes Under Suspicion of Forgery, Media
October 9th, 2012 11:47 AM
Remember that scrap of papyrus the media were screaming about that claimed that Jesus had a wife? Scholars are lining up to dismiss it as a forgery. The Smithsonian Institute canceled its planned documentary on the subject after scholars expressed doubts about its authenticity.
But the media, so quick to report on a scrap that CBS reporter Allen Pizzey argued “challenges the very foundation…

Catholic Bashers: CBS, AP Use John Paul II Beatification News to Drag
January 14th, 2011 3:53 PM
On Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Mark Phillips declared how the beatification of Pope John Paul II to sainthood was moving "at break-neck speed" and noted that "Groups protesting the Catholic Church's child abuse scandal are urging the Vatican to slow down the process."
Despite the protests, Phillips remarked that "the current pope, Benedict XVI, seems determined to charge ahead…
Media Falls Way Short in Claiming Pope Has 'Justified' Condom Use
November 21st, 2010 3:50 PM
The media is practically falling over themselves with a report, propagated in part by the flimsy Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press, that Pope Benedict XVI has "justified" the use of condoms. (See this enormous (and misleading) headline at HuffPo, for example.) But is it true? In a word, no. Nowhere in his remarks does the Pope talk about "justifying" anything.
Rev. Joseph Fessio is the…
With Pope in Spain, AP's Winfield Trumpets Gay 'Kiss-in,' Misrepresent
November 7th, 2010 4:44 PM
The Associated Press' Nicole Winfield is at it again with erroneous and slanted reporting of the Catholic Church. In an article about Pope Benedict XVI's dedication of a basilica in Spain this weekend (Sun. 11/7/10), Winfield writes:
As [the Pope] headed to the basilica, about 200 gays and lesbians staged a 'kiss-in' to protest his visit and church policies that consider homosexual acts '…
UK Press Finds Possible 'Muslim,' 'Islamic' Plot to Kill Pope; AP Find
September 18th, 2010 3:55 PM
Check out the following headlines in the British press about the arrest of six men who may have been planning to kill the Pope during his visit to England:"Muslim Plot to Kill Pope" (Daily Express)"Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot" (Telegraph)"Police question six street cleaners held over plot to attack the Pope" (Daily Mail) (2nd paragraph: "Armed…