Margaret Sullivan

Tucker Truth-Bomb: CNN, Media Lefties Want to See FNC Shut Down
During his Monday night monologue, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson stated the blunt, honest truth that, from CNN to The Washington Post, many in the liberal media see it as their life’s mission to not only shut down Fox News (and we would add like-minded outlets), but send every last person who worked there to the unemployment lines.

WashPost's Sullivan to Press: No Obsessing Over Trump After Term's Up
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan, who has spent the past four years obsessing about President Donald Trump is now begging the media to stop covering Trump after he leaves office.

WashPost Freaks Out Over 'Race & Violence In Our Cities' Debate Topic
Merely the announcement of topics for the first presidential debate caused great liberal angst and foot-stomping at The Washington Post. We found four articles of complaint so far. They couldn't just wait for the actual questions??

WashPost Columnist Rants Over 'Sexism and Racism' Against Biden Veep
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan lined up on the Left as usual and made her case for slamming vice-presidential pick critics as sexists and racists in her Tuesday column, an attempt to censor criticism of Kamala Harris in advance.

WashPost’s Sullivan Lobs Poisonous Attack at FNC Over Virus Coverage
Despite the fact that the liberal media dismissed and downplayed the coronavirus in its early stages, Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan decided to pull a fast one on her readers, deceptively shooting poisonous barbs at the Fox News Channel, claiming that academic research has decided once and for all that FNC’s pandemic coverage was deadly irresponsible. Of course, one…

Columnist Wants an 'Executive Editor' for 3 Billion Facebook Users!?

Save the Media!

WashPost's Sullivan: Stop Showing Live Trump Coronavirus Briefings

WashPost's Sullivan: Media Still Far Too Neutral with 'Trump Unbound'

Washington Post Media Columnist Finds Bias… Against Bernie Sanders

Study: WashPost Twitter Page Bored to Death by Senate IG Hearing

WaPo Columnist Fails to Disclose Potential Conflict of Interest

On CNN, WashPost's Sullivan Calls Liberal Media 'Reality-Based Press'
CNN’s Brian Stelter devoted the entire opening segment of Reliable Sources to trashing Fox News and right-wing media. His guests all too happily joined in. The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan contrasted the right-wing media with the “reality-based” liberal media while multiple members of the panel accused Fox News and conservative media of pushing a narrative sympathetic to President Trump…