Kristan Hawkins

Hawkins: ‘Without Free Speech, There Is No Pro-Life Movement’
Roe v. Wade may be history, but the fight for the rights of the unborn is far from over. Big Tech continues to flex its pro-abortion muscles, targeting pro-life activists and groups.

ABC, CBS Hype Pro-Abortion Rallies Amid SCOTUS Leak
When the March for Life takes place every year, it is a time for media to lament attacks on “abortion rights.” When pro-abortion people take to streets, it is a great time for Saturday’s Good Morning America on ABC and CBS Saturday Morning to lament attacks on abortion rights.

NewsBusters Podcast: The Ghoulish Arguments Against Pro-Lifers
In this episode of the NewsBusters Podcast, Curtis Houck and I are joined by special guest Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life. Together we discuss the ghoulish arguments against the pro-life movement and dispel them. We examine the nonsense from the insufferable cast of The View, such as Whoopi Goldberg claiming “it doesn’t matter” when an unborn child gets their…

Líderes conservadores: las empresas tecnológicas son una amenaza
El presidente del Centro de Investigación de Medios (MRC por sus siglas en inglés), Brent Bozell, y más de 30 líderes conservadores, emitieron la siguiente declaración el lunes pidiendo la disolución de empresas tecnológicas (Big Tech) como Amazon, Google, Facebook y Apple tras su amplia censura de los conservadores y del presidente Donald Trump la semana pasada.

Conservative Leaders: Tech Companies Pose Existential Threat
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and more than 30 conservative leaders issued a statement Monday calling for the breakup of Big Tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple after their sweeping acts of censorship against conservatives and President Donald Trump this past week.

Bozell, Conservative Leaders on Ways to Counter Biased Social Media
On Wednesday the Free Speech Alliance (FSA) responded to President Donald Trump's executive order addressing social media platforms' bias against conservatives by releasing the following statement setting out four principles these platforms need to adopt.

Conservative Leaders Call on Google: Stop Blocking Conservatives
On Tuesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and other conservative leaders released a letter calling on Google to explain reports and allegations that the search engine is attempting to block conservative sites and exclude voices that don’t fit the liberal narrative. (A similar letter has also been sent to members of Congress, asking them to investigate.) The letter to Google can…

Nets Applaud ‘Historic’ Irish Abortion Vote as ‘Women’s Rights’ Win
Women matter, but only if they’re already born – at least according to the networks on Ireland’s recent abortion vote. On Friday, May 25th, Ireland voted to repeal the country’s Eighth Amendment that banned abortion. In many of their segments, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) framed the repeal as a win for “women’s rights” against a “highly restrictive” law.

Nets Totally Ignore Pro-Life Walkout, Spent 10 Minutes on Gun Walkout

Pro-Lifers Warn of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions for Illegal Immigrants
While some in the media are reporting on pro-life leaders’ warnings of a “dangerous precedent” in a ruling insisting on abortion for an immigrant here illegally, other outlets are ignoring them.

‘Nightline’ Features ‘Anti-Abortion Cause Célèbre’ Maddi Runkles

Conservatives Demand: Nets Must Cover the March for Life