On 'Cavuto,' MRC's Tim Graham Mocks the NY Times for Demanding Clemenc

January 6th, 2014 1:14 PM
The New York Times issued an editorial on New Year’s Day demanding that massive leaker Edward Snowden “deserved better” than exile in Moscow. He deserved clemency or a plea bargain so he could come home. On Friday night’s “Cavuto” on Fox Business, guest anchor Melissa Francis interviewed MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham, who didn’t like the paper’s choices for hero worship. Graham…

Buchanan: ‘There Is an Inherent Conflict of Interest Between Journal

January 4th, 2014 1:21 PM
On Thursday, the New York Times called for the Obama administration to enter into a plea bargain or offer clemency to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden in order to bring him back to the United States. On PBS’s McLaughlin Group Friday, syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan observed during a discussion about this issue, “There is an inherent conflict of interest between journalists and…

NY Times Editorial Page Demands Not Only Clemency for Edward Snowden

January 3rd, 2014 2:05 PM
On Thursday, The New York Times clearly insisted on its own Person of the Year: it lauded "whistle-blower" Edward Snowden’s allegedly heroic mass-leaking against an allegedly criminal federal government, and demanded that Snowden not only receive clemency, but that “President Obama should tell his aides to begin finding a way to end Mr. Snowden’s vilification and give him an incentive to return…

Larry O'Donnell Slams Snowden: 'Every Time He Speaks, He Says Provably

December 28th, 2013 2:24 PM
It's not often that liberals and conservatives can agree on something, but on Thursday night's "The Last Word" on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell agreed with us that Edward Snowden showed a very flimsy grip on reality in his "alternative Christmas message" that aired on Britain's Channel 4. "So, here we have another Edward Snowden statement. And once again, Joy Reid, he says things, every time…

Greenwald Schools MSNBC Host: ‘I Defend Snowden Like People On MSNBC

December 26th, 2013 4:24 PM
Something absolutely marvelous happened on MSNBC Thursday that could have only been a better Christmas gift to those fighting liberal media bias if the host at the time had been a more prominent person on that so-called “news network.” When MSNBC Live substitute host Kristen Welker scolded the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald for appearing to always be defending NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Greenwald…

WashPost Reports British TV Channel Airs Edward Snowden 'Christmas Mes

December 26th, 2013 7:20 AM
Britain’s Channel 4 turned itself into the Edward Snowden Propaganda Channel on Christmas. Washington Post deputy managing editor Griff Witte wrote a story for Thursday’s paper headlined “Spying worse than in ‘1984,’ Snowden tells Britons.” But “1984" was a novel about a totalitarian state that attempted constant of surveillance and mind control of all citizens to rid the nation of Oceania…

Putin: 'I Envy Obama Because He Can Get Away With' Spying On His Own P

December 19th, 2013 11:21 AM
Russian President Vladimir Putin is jealous of Barack Obama. At a news conference in Russia Thursday, Putin said, "How do I feel about Obama after Snowden's revelations? I envy him, because he can get away with it."

NBC's 'Nightly News' Avoids Obama in 'Serious Legal Blow' to NSA Spyin

December 17th, 2013 12:54 PM
  All three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning covered the "major blow" a judge delivered by ruling that the National Security Agency's massive data collection is likely unconstitutional. Yet, NBC's Nightly News managed to mention the President only once in passing. Instead, anchor Brian Williams kept the nearly three and a half minute segment politically vague: "Privacy violation:…

Report: ABC Wouldn't Let Barbara Walters Name Traitor Edward Snowden a

December 7th, 2013 6:59 AM
“It’s a leak Barbara Walters doesn’t want you to know about,” the New York Daily News gossip column “Confidential” promised on Wednesday. “The ABC News doyenne pushed hard to have NSA leaker Edward Snowden at the top of her list of 10 most fascinating people of the year — but in the end was overruled by network brass,” said a source. Snowden did not cooperate. “She had a particular…

Obama Brags: 'I've Been More Deeply Involved In Intelligence Than Just

November 8th, 2013 10:56 AM
President Obama's narcissistic hits just keep on coming. Yesterday, we noted that in his interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, President Obama cast himself as the victim of the ObamaCare mess, complaining that "I've been burned" by the bad website.   In a new clip from the interview, aired during today's Daily Rundown, President Obama bragged "I can guarantee you that I have been more deeply…

CBS Allows a Scant 21 Seconds to Revelation That NSA Is Snooping on Mi

October 15th, 2013 12:50 PM
 CBS This Morning on Tuesday allowed a scant 21 seconds to the newest revelations about the National Security Agency. The government organization has been secretly collecting millions of internet address books and instant message accounts from around the world, including Americans. In contrast, ABC and NBC highlighted the story in full reports and news briefs. [See video below of ABC's Good…

Soros-Funded ProPublica Also Has Secret Snowden Documents

September 4th, 2013 5:02 PM
A Soros-funded journalism organization also has copies of secret intelligence files from NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Reuters revealed this during an Aug. 30 article that called ProPublica an “independent investigative journalism group,” and made no mention of its political left-wing leanings. ProPublica is a liberal investigative journalism outfit that has received $300,000 from George Soros’…

Sorry, NYTimes, It's the Private Sector, Not Obama, Which Has Successf

August 20th, 2013 11:11 AM
The Gray Lady on Sunday packed a tremendous amount of bias into the opening sentence of their “Most of U.S. Is Wired, but Millions Aren’t Plugged In.”  Brace yourself - here goes:

Liberal Blogger Learns the Hard Way What It's Like to Be Conservative

August 20th, 2013 4:10 AM
As conservatives, we know what happens every time we criticize the policies of the liberal occupant of the White House: We're instantly branded as “racist” and “intolerant” while our views are quickly and summarily dismissed. However, Kevin Drum, a political blogger for the liberal Mother Jones website, has received similar treatment as he learned that no matter which side of an issue he…