
Liberal Media Have a Field Day LYING About Vance’s Parenthood Comments

July 26th, 2024 2:26 PM

In perfectly coordinated fashion this week, the liberal media have gone postal on GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance for 2021 comments about the left being dominated by unhappy progressives who don’t have children. Everyone in the liberal media have piled on, ranging from ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning and evening newscasts to major newspapers to the insufferable…

Editor’s Pick: Twitchy on Libs Mocking an EASY Way to Fortify Schools

May 26th, 2022 10:34 AM

Twitchy’s Greg Pollowitz posted an item Thursday on the maddening strategy from liberals to denounce and mock conservatives or anyone who suggests hardening schools to better protect them against deranged individuals (like the one in Uvalde, Texas) by employing a single point of entry. Simply put, liberals have concluded that the right not only doesn’t care about dead kids, but they oppose…

Thumb on the Scale: Liberal Media Ignore Ossoff’s Ties to Red China

December 21st, 2020 5:34 PM

With the Georgia Senate run-offs about two weeks away, the liberal media have continued to put their thumbs on the scale of the electorate in much the same fashion they did by hiding from voters negative stories about the Biden ticket. In Georgia, one example has been the refusal of the networks and newspapers to cover Democrat Jon Ossoff’s cozy business dealings with the Chinese Communist…


Trump Torches ‘Dirty’ Liberal Media in Wild CPAC Speech

March 2nd, 2019 3:15 PM
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD — Addressing a full capacity Potomac Ballroom inside the Gaylord National Harbor, President Donald Trump continued his annual tradition started in 2011 of addressing CPAC and, as expected, it was a quintessential Trump speech with riffs attacking everyone from Hillary Clinton to the liberal media to Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions, and critics writ large for peddling “b***s***.”

WashPost's Weigel Gets In Hot Water for Calling Trump Voters 'Rubes'

January 29th, 2019 2:19 PM
Joe Simonson at the Daily Caller reported that Washington Post political reporter David Weigel’s in some hot water at his paper for going on the far-left podcast “Chapo Trap House” and ripping on the Trump voters as a bunch of rubes. “McConnell just didn’t care about the wall, because he knows it’s a scam – he’s very good at identifying what the rubes want to hear,” Weigel said.

WashPost Reporters Put Racial Spin on Mississippi GOP Victory

November 28th, 2018 7:00 PM
Whenever a Republican candidate loses a big election to a Democrat, he or she is expected to bow out gracefully and quietly to allow people in the liberal media to bask in the glow of being on the winning side. However, when a member of the Grand Old Party wins the contest, those same people in the press obviously feel justified in venting their frustration by downplaying the significance of the…

NYT's Humorless, Fearful, Defensive Take on Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

January 18th, 2018 2:32 PM
Thursday’s New York Times was haughtily dismissive of the Trump-inspired “2017 Fake News Awards” posted on the RNC’s website Wednesday night: “May We Have the ‘Fake’ Envelope, Please?” The Times itself scored two of the coveted slots. Reporters Michael Grynbaum and Matt Flegenheimer tried to shift the blame to Trump right off the bat, while taking the stunt quite solemnly indeed, seeing a threat…

WashPost Skips Reporter's History of Bias After False Trump Tweet

December 11th, 2017 3:05 PM
The Washington Post reported on its own reporter’s Fake News on Saturday night, but they left something important out as they huffed that President Trump calling for Dave Weigel to be fired. Back in 2010, Weigel resigned (with a push) from the Post when “JournoList” emails came out showing profound hatred for conservatives...the ones the Post assigned him to cover.

AP Jumps to Downplay David Jolly's Victory in Big-Money U.S. House Rac

March 11th, 2014 11:17 PM
We all know that if Democrat Alex Sink had defeated David Jolly in FL-13's special Congressional election tonight, the morning news shows would have been all over the story, crowing that her victory represented a convincing verdict in favor of Obamacare. Well, that didn't happen. David Jolly won, despite being badly outspent and forced to survive a bruising January primary. He also had to…

Shorter Slate: Mark Levin Inspiring 'Secretive' Cabal to 'Rewrite the

December 12th, 2013 1:03 PM
His book The Liberty Amendments made the New York Times bestseller list for weeks, and radio host Mark Levin has repeatedly discussed his proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution via a state legislature-called convention on his nationally syndicated program. But to the folks at Slate, the push to make Levin's call for an Article V amendment convention a reality is a "secretive campaign" to "…

Slate Feminist Whips Out the Nazi Card Against Pro-life Republican

June 13th, 2013 4:00 PM
On June 11, Slate editor Emily Bazelon whipped out the Nazi card against Congressman Trent Franks.  The media site, which is an affiliate of the Washington Post, unsurprisingly went after the Republican legislator for his remarks about rape on Wednesday concerning a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks into a pregnancy. Of course, liberals tried to tie these remarks to Todd Akin, who…

Obama Calendar Touts President as 'Heaven Sent,' Quotes John

September 4th, 2012 4:31 PM
A calendar that compares Barack Obama to Jesus Christ may not get too much media play. It could be an uncomfortable reminder of the time when journalists, such as Evan Thomas, compared the President to "God."  One of the hottest selling items at the Democratic National Convention is a 2013 calendar titled "Keep the Dream" that features 16 flattering photos of the First Family and their dogs…

NPR Highlights Liberal 'Buzz' That CNN Was Unethical for Offering Air

January 27th, 2011 7:18 AM
At their website, NPR tried to add to the controversy that CNN would dare to air Rep. Michele Bachmann offering a Tea Party response to Obama's State of the Union address, despite her "history of inflammatory remarks." Reporter Corey Dade underlined that it could undermine CNN's image of neutrality, as if it wasn't a liberal network: "I can't figure how you can partner with a political action…

David Weigel's Laughable Lame Duck Congress Prediction

December 20th, 2010 9:06 AM
UPDATE: David Weigel responds below. It's the season of good cheer and if you want a really good belly laugh then check out David Weigel's August prediction in Slate that the Democrats in the lame duck session of Congress would NOT attempt to ram through legislation in the final days as their term winds down. Here is Weigel proving he is something less than another Nostradamus with his August…