W. Kamau Bell

Bell, Colbert Label Trump a 'First Ballot Hall of Fame Racist'
Former USAID Administrator Samantha Power was not the only liberal guest on Tuesday to enter the liberal echo chamber that is CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Also making an appearance was CNN’s favorite comedian, W. Kamau Bell, who declared President Donald Trump to be “a first ballot hall of fame racist” and attacked “white people” for being unwilling to say so.

MSNBC Claims 'Voters Ran Towards' Trump's 'Mean' Campaign Of 'Racism'
When seeking to explain why Donald Trump won on Tuesday, it would make sense to have a more diverse set of guests than a left-wing “antiracist” author and a Republican for Harris. However, MSNBC’s Wednesday morning election coverage was determined to stay in their bubble as co-host Ana Cabreara asked author W. Kamau Bell why Americans accepted Trump’s “mean” campaign of “racism, misogyny, [and…

'Morning Joe' Promotes Radical Lefty 'Activity Book' to End Racism
The lefty-catering Morning Joe took things up an insidious notch by addressing the racism supposedly running rampant and, to do so, they brought on authors of Do the Work! An Anti-Racist Activity Book, Kate Schatz and W. Kamau Bell.

For Father's Day Weekend, MSNBC Urges Men to Support Abortion
Despite claiming to still be pro-life, former RNC chairman Michael Steele did nothing but lob softballs to Abortion Access Front founder Lizz Winstead and comedian W. Kamau Bell to promote a video they recently created for Father's Day about how it important it is for men to support abortion when he guest hosted MSNBC’s Velshi on Saturday.

Endorsing Hate: CNN Hails Black Panthers and BLM as 'Mainstream'
On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota and fill-in Jim Sciutto brought on the host of United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell to spout woke talking points. Bell went on a tear against white people, insisting that “white supremacy is a system that promotes whiteness.” He also claimed that the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are “mainstream” groups and praised…

Celebrities, Journalists Go Crazy for #ImpeachTrump Day

CNN Earns Its Fake News Reputation Dismissing Pro-Lifers

CNN's Bell Slams 'Ridiculous' Border With Mexico, Pushes Open Border

Hard Left Night at Emmys: Antifa Supporters, Obamas, Climate Change

CNN: Americans Are Racist, Reject Illegal Immigration Because of Fear

CNN's Bell: Snoop Shooting Trump Not as Bad as 'You Lie' Against Obama

CNN Wonders If the Media Have Missed Racist Undertones in the GOP

WashPost Boasts Lefty CNN Comedian Is ‘Easygoing’ in Obsessive KKK Bit