Leonardo DiCaprio
Nets Ignore How CCP-Tied Financier Tried to Funnel Millions to Obama
ABC, CBS and NBC took a stand on a potential scandal involving tens of millions in reportedly stolen money and former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign: We won’t report on this.

Hollywood Journalists Protect Liberal Stars from Themselves
Leonardo DiCaprio, Alec Baldwin get off easy while reporters look the other way. This just in: The earth has nine years left before Climate Change’s impact is irreversible. So says Leonardo DiCaprio in a new Deadline interview. It’s clear to most casual observers that DiCaprio doesn’t practice what he preaches. So how many journalists have asked some tough but fair questions of DiCaprio on the…

FLASHBACK: Most Unhinged Liberal Rants at the Oscars
A pandemic, an election, a new president - a lot has changed since the last Academy Awards in February 2020. But one thing I can guarantee is that this year's Oscars will be as political as ever.

FLASHBACK: DiCaprio Panicked It Was ‘Too Late’ to Save Us From Climate
Liberal celebrities and journalists keep telling us that it’s “too late” save the Earth from the coming climate change horror. Well, in this week’s FLASHBACK we found movie star Leonardo DiCaprio worrying that very thing four years ago. The same day, ABC’s Good Morning America used a child as a prop to fret about polar bears and global warming.

FLASHBACK: 4 Years, 4 Worst Political Moments at the Oscars

Kerry's 'World War Zero' Climate Coalition Likely to Achieve Just Zero

ABC, NBC Gush Over 'Dream Team' of DiCaprio and Greta Thunberg

Liberal Celebs Donate More Than $1 Million to Kamala Harris Campaign

Grist ‘Investigates’ DiCaprio’s Climate Activism, But Falls Short

Variety: Spielberg Wants DiCaprio for U.S. Grant Biopic

Fifteen Stars Are Promoting Armenian Genocide Film 'The Promise'

Climate Activist DiCaprio Flies Eyebrow Artist 15,000 Miles for Oscars

Climate Alarmist Leonardo DiCaprio to Produce 'Captain Planet' Film