Kasie Hunt and Tiffany Cross

MSNBC Brings On Newest Far-Left Host to Campaign for Georgia Dems

December 4th, 2020 4:54 PM

Filling in for Craig Melvin during MSNBC’s 11:00 a.m. ET hour on Friday, anchor Kasie Hunt welcomed on newly-announced left-wing weekend host Tiffany Cross to campaign for Democrats in Georgia’s Senate runoff election. In part, Cross labeled incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler a “carpetbagger” and dismissed criticism of Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock’s radical record as “asinine…


Joy Reid Insinuates David Perdue Should Be Jailed Like Martha Stewart

December 3rd, 2020 10:07 PM

Leading off Thursday’s ReidOut, scandal-ridden MSNBC host Joy Reid spun her latest web divorced from reality by comparing Senator David Perdue (R-GA) to Martha Stewart and insinuating that Perdue should be cuffed and jailed due to claims of inside trading that arose with the businesswoman in 2004.


PolitiFact's 'Half True': Loeffler's 'For Getting Rid of Health Care'

November 30th, 2020 5:17 PM

Bryan White at the website PolitiFact Bias points out that the "fact checkers" are tilting in favor of both Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in runoffs. We noted PolitiFact cried "PANTS ON FIRE" when Sen. David Perdue dared to call his opponent Jon Ossoff a "socialist," but somehow it's "Half True" for Democrat Raphael Warnock to suggest Sen. Kelly Loeffler is "for getting rid of health…

NYT Pushes Dems in Georgia Against 'Scathing Negative Ads' of the GOP

November 26th, 2020 10:17 PM

In Tuesday’s New York Times, reporters Astead Herndon and Nick Corasaniti helped out the Democratic cause in the unusual double runoff election in Georgia that will decide which party has control of the Senate next term: “Republicans On Attack In Costly Georgia Runoffs.” The text box established the premise: “A slate of scathing negative ads by two G.O.P. candidates.” The Democratic…

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Beware the Tilted 'Independent Fact Checkers'

November 25th, 2020 7:02 PM

On the Turkey Day edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, executive editor Tim Graham is carving up the so-called "independent fact-checkers" and how they often tilt to the left and spin all the "facts" into a Democrat-defending direction.

Jon Ossoff 'Socialist'? PolitiFact Rips Perdue as 'PANTS ON FIRE'

November 24th, 2020 7:02 AM

Just before the election, PolitiFact slapped President Trump with a “False” for saying “Socialism is the mainstream of the Biden campaign.” This was fascinating, since PolitiFact allows Trump haters everywhere to call Trump a “fascist” or a “dictator” and that’s apparently considered factual. This happened again to Sen. David Perdue when he claimed his runoff opponent Jon Ossoff is a “…


Mitchell Laments False 'Socialist Memes' Harming Democrats

November 14th, 2020 11:15 AM

In trying to explain why Democrats failed to take back the Senate, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell concluded that it was because of false socialist memes, which is not fair because they were mostly not true.

Facebook, Google May Continue Blocking Political Ads for Another Month

November 12th, 2020 4:49 PM

The left has long ignored conservatives’ complaints about Big Tech censorship: but now Democrats are whining that the shoe is on the other foot. Facebook and Google have not lifted their respective bans on political ads, and likely won’t for at least another month, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Even Dems TICKED About Facebook, Google Ad Bans for Georgia Runoffs

November 10th, 2020 12:14 PM

Leftists generally ignore the problem of Big Tech Censorship: until they are affected by it. Facebook and Google have not lifted their bans on political ads, which is proving to be a headache for them in the Georgia runoff senate races between Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Rev. Raphael Warnock, and between Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff

Excited NY Times: 'Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?'

June 10th, 2020 12:20 PM

The New York Times could barely hide its excitement in the full-page lead slot of Tuesday’s National section: “Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?” (Don’t bother waiting for the Times headline, “Could This Be the Year Minnesota Flips Red?”) Reporter Astead Herndon began with a quip about Atlanta’s luckless sports teams, then pivoted to another group of beloved…

NY Times Loves Military Now? Praises Buttigieg for ‘Artful' Bragging

October 17th, 2019 9:30 PM

New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer’s profile of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, and how his military career has bolstered his political one, made Thursday’s front page. “A View Outside the Wire Lifts Buttigieg Onstage.” Reading Steinhauer’s loving profile of the South Bend, Indiana mayor is instructive in how easily the liberal press sheds its cynicism toward…

Atlantic: 'Vilified' Pelosi ‘Most Effective...Leader’ vs. Sexist GOP

March 18th, 2018 4:44 PM

Peter Beinart, contributing editor at The Atlantic, devoted 1,700 words in the April issue to ludicrously crowning House minority leader and arch-liberal Nancy Pelosi an amazingly effective congressional leader -- and dishonestly calling Republicans sexist for daring to oppose her: “The Nancy Pelosi Problem -- The first female speaker of the House has become the most effective congressional…


Todd Warns: ‘Every Republican’ Must ‘Fear for Their Political Lives'

December 13th, 2017 11:24 AM

Appearing on NBC’s Today Wednesday morning to react to Democrat Doug Jones winning the Alabama special election for Senate, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd spun that the defeat of scandal-plagued Republican Roy Moore was not just a “one-off” and even bizarrely claimed that Democratic losses earlier in the year were a sign of building political momentum on the left.

Crazed Lib Alyssa Milano Wants to ‘Hold Trump Accountable for Russia’

July 21st, 2017 2:08 PM

Tinfoil hats are rarely a good look -- even the chic designer kind Hollywood celebrities can afford. But here come TV stars Alyssa Milano and Misha Collins, barking conspiracy theories and joining the throng of actors who want to be activists. Amber Tamblyn, see what you started?