Cindy Sheehan

Who Gets Absolute Moral Authority?
July 20th, 2016 4:58 PM
My 12-year-old son couldn't remember the phrase "take a walk down memory lane" last week, instead describing a stroll through "nostalgia road." I knew it would come in handy. Put on your hiking boots and join me for an educational trip down good ol' nostalgia road. It seems like yesterday when Champion of Wimmin Maureen Dowd, bemoaning the lack of sympathy for anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan, declared…

Press Ignores Gold Star Mom Demanding, Getting General's Apology
April 21st, 2015 11:13 PM
A decade ago, a Gold Star Mom who had lost her son in Iraq gained national attention when she staged a protest against the Iraq War near George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Leftist PR flaks took control of Cindy Sheehan's every move, keeping her in the headlines for months on end as a symbol of supposedly strong opposition to the war which toppled Saddam Hussein. In August 2005, New York…

Bozell Column: The Vanishing Anti-War Left
September 3rd, 2013 11:24 PM
Barack Obama ran for president as the last of the red-hot pacifists, so it might have sounded preposterous to predict that after a few security briefings at the White House, President Obama would follow in the same policy footsteps of horrid warmonger George Bush, with his anti-terrorist wars and strategies.
So where is the anti-war movement now?

Orwell Calling: Roseanne Running for President on the 'Peace and Freed
August 3rd, 2012 1:14 PM
Fresh from her "hate tweets" saying Chick-fil-A eaters deserve a premature death from cancer, Roseanne Barr is revving up her presidential ambitions again. Fox News reports "Roseanne Barr is joining up with activist Cindy Sheehan for a new run at the White House."
Roseanne's presidential website now actively advocates her campaign for the "Peace and Freedom Party," which "is committed to…

MSNBC: Leaning Left for 15 Long Years - A Year-by-Year Video Retrospec
July 7th, 2011 10:13 AM
Tonight MSNBC's cast and crew will gather in Washington D.C. to celebrate their network being on the air for 15 long years. In that time its hosts, reporters and guests have attacked conservatives and Republicans on everything from impeaching Bill Clinton and conducting a war on terrorism, up to the fight over public unions. All the while some of its reporters and hosts have been thrilled by…

Cindy Sheehan Thinks 'Empire' Faked Osama Takedown: Will Chris Matthew
May 3rd, 2011 8:29 AM
Remember back in 2005, when the major media turned Cindy Sheehan into their anti-Bush heroine of the moment? They never seemed to notice her statements made her sound like a very anti-American radical fruitcake. On August 15, 2005 (video here), Sheehan went on Hardball and told Chris Matthews the U.S. was using Iraq "as a base for spreading imperialism." An impressed Matthews suggested: "You…
Gainor Column: Now the Media Support a President Waging Another War In
April 2nd, 2011 9:13 AM
Where have all the war protesters gone, long time passing?
They’re mostly backing Obama’s attack on Libya or at least keeping quiet so they don’t aid those evil conservatives intent on criticizing the president. More moderate lefties had once promised a third way. Now we find out that was a typo. It’s not a third way, it’s a third war.
President Obama, who was swept in on a tide of…
Matthews Special 'Rise of the New Right' Pretty Much What You'd Expect
May 28th, 2010 4:03 PM
A promo for a new Chris Matthews special on the "Rise of the New Right" is pretty much what you'd expect: Rand Paul, 9/11 Truther Alex Jones, and lots of militiamen shooting guns. That is the doctrinaire leftist snapshot of the Tea Party movement, so it stands to reason that Matthews will extrapolate it into some dire warning about our political future."There is a rising tide on the right,"…
Video Shows Media Hypocrisy Concerning Right-wing Hate Speech
March 31st, 2010 12:32 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, you can't turn on the television or open up a newspaper these days without coming across a piece about extreme right-wing hate speech and/or the supposed violence being stoked by Tea Parties.During such reports, the so-called journalist involved acts like demonstrations of this sort are somehow new and have taken on inflammatory rhetoric never before seen in…
On Hardball: Dems to Turn Joe Wilson into Sheehan-like 'Clownish Figur
September 10th, 2009 6:53 PM
You know Cindy Sheehan's star has really fallen with the liberal media when the likes of Mike Barnicle, compare her to GOP Congressman Joe "You lie!" Wilson. On Thursday's "Hardball," Barnicle, substitute hosting for Chris Matthews, declared, "Democrats hope to turn Wilson into the Cindy Sheehan of the anti-health care reform movement. A clownish figure of ridicule who hurts his own side, more…
Sheehan More Consistent Than Media: She Protests Bush and Obama, Media
August 31st, 2009 11:14 AM
On a Sunday evening in August four summers ago the NBC Nightly News devoted its “In Depth” segment to how Cindy Sheehan was “single-handedly bringing the Iraq debate to Mr. Bush’s doorstep” with her protest in Crawford, Texas. But Sunday night this year, after Sheehan departed Martha's Vineyard without earning any network media coverage as President Barack Obama's wrapped up his vacation there,…
Reality Check: Will Nets Notice Sheehan's Anti-Obama Protest
August 24th, 2009 3:37 PM
Media Embraced Cindy Sheehan's Anti-Bush Push in 2005; ABC Anchor Now Says: "Enough Already"When Cindy Sheehan arrives on Martha’s Vineyard tomorrow (Tuesday), to protest against President Barack Obama, will the news media be as drawn to her as they were in the summer of 2005 when she was condemning George W. Bush?Last week, ABC anchor Charles Gibson declared “enough already” when asked on…
Flashback: When Gibson was Enthralled by Cindy Sheehan
August 20th, 2009 5:22 PM
As Noel Sheppard noted earlier today in picking up from the Washington Examiner's Byron York how ABC World News anchor Charles Gibson declared “enough already” when asked on Chicago's WLS Radio (audio) about Cindy Sheehan's plan to travel to President Barack Obama's Martha's Vineyard vacation spot next week to protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. York observed how “that's a remarkably…
ABC's Gibson on Cindy Sheehan's War Protest: 'Enough Already
August 20th, 2009 1:17 PM
When George W. Bush was President, ABC and Charles Gibson, like most media members, couldn't get enough of anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan.Now that Barack Obama is in the White House, the host of "World News Tonight" is no longer interested in Sheehan, even telling WLS radio in Chicago, "Enough already." I guess she served her purpose as reported by the Washington Examiner's Byron York Thursday: