
Brian Williams Likens NFL Caving to Trump to Kennedy Appeasing Hitler

June 6th, 2018 8:58 PM
On Tuesday's The 11th Hour show on MSNBC, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's dispute with the NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles, Brian Williams dropped a Hitler comparison as he likened the NFL caving to Trump on the National Anthem protests to Joseph P. Kennedy trying to appease Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. And race-obsessed MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson declared that Trump is angry…

Matthews: Will Trump Bomb Syria to 'Distract' from Mueller?

April 9th, 2018 9:58 PM
Following the revelation on Monday that the FBI had raided the office of Donald Trump’s lawyer, the recent developments in Syria took a back seat on MSNBC’s evening shows. However, Hardball host Chris Matthews found a creative way to tie the stories together: by predicting the President would bomb Syria to distract from the raid. 

Cowards: ‘The Atlantic’ Fires Conservative Writer Kevin Williamson

April 5th, 2018 3:29 PM

In another sign of extreme cowardice and censorship of conservatives, The Atlantic and editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg decided to fire conservative and former National Review writer Kevin Williamson on Thursday after just over two weeks since the announcement following vicious backlash to the hiring. The excuse was holding a pro-life position about women aborting children facing the death…


'Hardball': Trump Popular With Base for 'Viscerally Hating' Immigrants

April 2nd, 2018 9:47 PM
On Monday, political commentator Charlie Sykes made a guest appearance on MSNBC's Hardball With Chris Matthews, wherein he disparaged both President Trump and his base. Among his bolder assertions was the claim that the President's base didn't care "whether he actually accomplishes anything," so long as they saw him "fighting."

Eye Roll: Wallace Pans Trump as ‘Bleep-Hole’ for Wanting to Axe McCabe

March 14th, 2018 10:48 PM
Offering the latest installment of her deep-seated disdain for President Trump, MSNBC’s Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace blasted the President during Wednesday’s show as “a bleep-hole” for considering whether to terminate Andrew McCabe before his official retirement from the FBI.

MSNBC Republican: Trump’s Tweets Display ‘Textbook’ ‘Authoritarianism’

January 3rd, 2018 6:20 PM
On Tuesday’s Deadline: White House, MSNBC’s pundits continued their pattern of shameless anti-journalism coverage. While in the midst of a discussion about the latest Trump-Russia collusion story, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes went on the warpath against Trump for his recent tweet calling for an investigation of longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin…

MSNBC's Geist, Sykes: Republicans Are Now The ‘Party of Pedophiles’

November 22nd, 2017 12:18 PM
After Kellyanne Conway and President Trump blasted the very liberal Democrat candidate running for the Alabama Senate seat against Republican Roy Moore, the liberal media reacted with an uproar at the audacity of Republicans encouraging voters not to vote for Democrats.

'GOPer'?? Sykes Says Any Clinton Scandal's 'Completely Irrelevant'

October 29th, 2017 6:04 PM
On Friday, Jake Tapper promoted his Sunday State of the Union panel on Twitter like this: “we have two Dems and two GOPers.” One of the alleged Republicans was Charles Sykes, author of the book How The Right Lost Its Mind. So I tweeted back: “Rhetorically, that's one Republican and three Democrats.” Sykes proved it on Sunday, attacking Rick Santorum for having no integrity insisting Clinton…

WashPost Book Critic Enjoys Author Saying GOP Needs an 'Exorcism'

October 8th, 2017 4:58 PM
You can tell when a fight between conservatives delights liberal journalists. Charles Sykes, who had conservative credentials as an author and talk-show host, wrote an angry book for the never-Trumper called How The Right Lost Its Mind. Washington Post book reviewer Carlos Lozada enjoyed Sykes writing that in victory, Republicans won't need an "autopsy" like 2012, but an "exorcism of the forces…

WATCH: Charlie Sykes Beats Himself Up for Being a Former Conservative

October 6th, 2017 1:11 AM
Former conservative radio host Charlie Sykes appeared on MSNBC’s MTP Daily on Thursday to promote his new book How the Right Lost Its Mind. And in an embarrassing show of self-flagellation, Sykes whipped himself for his past life of being a conservative radio host before making his way into the arms of the liberal MSNBC as a news analysis. All of his self-loathing was for the amusement of host…

NYT Mag Eagerly Interviews Favorite Conservative: Conservative-Bashing

August 28th, 2017 11:41 AM
The media’s new favorite conservative, recently retired Milwaukee political talk show host Charlie Sykes, was predictably lauded bin the August 27 edition of the New York Times' Magazine. Sykes spoke to the magazine’s Ana Marie Cox, a liberal journalist who has a regular slot on the Talk page at the back of the paper’s Sunday magazine where she talks to personalities from various fields, but…

MSNBC's Sykes: GOP 'Caricature' Health Plan 'Crueler' Than Obamacare

July 6th, 2017 7:39 PM
On Wednesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes joined substitute host Nicolle Wallace -- formerly of the Bush administration -- for a "recovering Republicans" therapy session as the two discussed the Republican health care plan, and, true to form, Sykes made jabs from the left in spite of being a supposedly right-leaning analyst.

MSNBC-Style 'Conservative' Charlie Sykes Bashes GOP 'Cult,' Fox News

June 24th, 2017 3:08 PM

Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, MSNBC contributor and former talk radio host Charlie Sykes displayed the latest example of why he is the type of right-leaning figure that liberal outfits like MSNBC include who will join liberal analysts in bashing Republicans. Sykes took aim at Fox News supposedly not informing its Republican-leaning viewers on the nefarious…


WSJ’s Strassel Destroys Stacked Anti-Trump Panel on ‘Meet the Press’

May 28th, 2017 3:13 PM
The liberal network shows were all busy Sunday morning pushing accusations and speculation about President Trump and his adviser Jared Kushner. Their discussion was driven by more anonymous sources telling The Washington Post that Kushner tried to set up a backchannel discussion between Trump and the Russians to talk about Syria. The hysteria was also present on NBC’s Meet the Press, but theirs…