WashPost Crusades for 'Preferred Gender Pronouns' on Campus, Gender in 'Technicolor'

September 6th, 2013 8:24 AM

The Washington Post’s agenda of “expanded acceptance” for the LGBTQ agenda was apparent on the front of Friday’s Style section, with the headline: “He or she might actually favor ‘ze’: Preferred gender pronouns for transgender people get more awareness.” Reporter Ruth Tam led this indoctrination, and no one who isn’t “progressive” is included.

Tam began with an “Allied In Pride” organizer at George Washington University in DC: “To clarify their gender identity, students can request that others refer to them with traditional pronouns (he, him, his or she, her, hers), pick from a number of hybrid options, such as ze, hir, hirs, or use the plural pronoun ‘they’ to refer to an individual.” No one (in the modern idiom) considers this “cray-cray.”

Nathan Gumas, a junior at GW, told the Post that freshmen “who come from progressive or urban areas may have been asked [for their PGPs] before, but others may not have,” he said. Asking “is one of the easiest things you can do to help out the transgender population.”

...Though Gumas’s practice of asking for his classmates’ preferred gender pronouns is not a campus-wide practice yet, Windsor says it’s indicative of how his generation views gender. “For them, gender is not necessarily permanent, and it doesn’t exist in a dichotomous system,” he said. “College students are thinking about gender in much more technicolor kinds of ways.”

The progressives insist everyone in the current youth culture must accept this topsy-turvy Jabberwocky system. If you don't "get" it, you're clearly an out-of-step fogey.

(Gumas also ran for student government, where "most importantly," he insisted GW needed to provide "free condoms" at "all times." These people have their educational priorities.)

Tam explained where “we” are all going in our unanimously liberal culture: “While varying sexual orientations have recently gained acceptance in mainstream culture, varying gender identities have yet to be widely accepted.” This was proven by an apparent lack of sympathy for traitorous Bradley Manning, who decided he was “Chelsea” on his way to jail.

Newt Gingrich’s sister Candace was also brought in for the Post’s sensitivity training session in print:

As the Human Rights Campaign’s associate director of youth and campus engagement, Candace Gingrich believes that saying “she,” “her” and “hers” when talking about Manning is less about extending courtesy than of practicing “basic human dignity.”

“You should respect how someone wants to be referred to,” Gingrich said.

In an HRC survey of 10,000 LGBTQ youth, we’re told 600 preferred “gender neutral,” “gender fluid,” or other imaginative terms. Tam was so down with the “T” lingo that she said one man was “assigned male at birth.” He prefers to be referred to as “they,” in that sympathize-with-my-schizophrenia way:\

Jess Izen, 21, a former University of Maryland student, for example, opts for the term “gender queer” and chooses to be referred to as “they.” Izen, who was assigned male at birth, began participating in queer events on campus and researching a gender transition. Even then, Izen was not interested in identifying solely as a woman. Now, after starting hormone treatment, Izen has embraced the term “transfeminine” and is referred to with feminine pronouns by a new girlfriend.

“I identify with ‘they’ more strongly than anything else,” Izen said. “But if people are confused about trans people, ‘she’ sometimes works better.”

For Izen, correcting strangers has been a daily struggle for two years.

“I want to get groceries and not have an uncomfortable encounter with someone where I have to assert something that interrupts the flow of conversation,” Izen said.

This is where the Post is completely laughable. Who in this story is “confused”? Which man needs “correcting”? In the annals of American victimization, apparently no one is more oppressed than a man who’s decided he’s a she – or a “they.” And “They” Man gets frustrated when someone tries to figure out how to sell "them" Pop-Tarts at the supermarket without getting an uncomfortable visit from the Washington Post and the Gender Fluidity Police.

Tam ended the story where she began, announcing for every Post reader that their liberal journalistic agenda isn’t an accurate description of “assigned” genders, but a willingness to shred objective reality in deference to people’s “technicolor” imaginations of their gender and the pursuit of indoctrinating the public into being “supporting and welcoming.” Sensitivity trumps all:

For college students and faculty members to use PGPs in an academic setting, Windsor says, is “a great way to show support to an individual who stands against great institutional barriers.

...The use of PGPs has heralded wider spread acceptance of transgender and gender queer individuals, especially at college campuses. Similar initiatives include installing gender neutral bathrooms, the ability to change names and gender on official school records, and more inclusive language on school applications.

“On our campus, the reaction has been very positive,” said Luke Jensen, the director of University of Maryland at College Park’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equity Center. In training sessions for faculty, Jensen says, he stresses the importance of providing a positive learning environment for students who don’t fit gender norms.

“I think there’s a natural inclination to be supporting and welcoming,” he said. “But I think people need to learn what that means and how you do that.”

The Washington Post certainly earns the title "Allied In Pride."

Earlier: NPR on the PGP parade. "High school students say ‘I want you to call me 'Tractor' and use pronouns like Zee, Zim, Zer.’”