The West Wing
C-Lister Bashes Conservatives for ‘Worshipping an Insurrectionist'
Will Bradley Whitford ever get tired of twisting the truth and spewing left-wing propaganda all over social media? One can only hope. His most recent interview with Stephen Colbert proves just how ignorant and Trump deranged he really is.
‘West Wing’ Reunion Hopes ‘When We All Vote,’ Liberals Win
HBO Max’s A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote, much like the original show, goes above and beyond to shill liberal politics under the veil of promoting non-partisan get out the vote efforts.
FLASHBACK: Todd Whined About Trump Humiliating Clinton With Accusers
Another week has passed and journalists are again upset with the Trump/Pence 2020 team for how they handled a debate. This time, Chuck Todd hammered Mike Pence for being “evasive” and “deflecting.” Four years ago today, on October 10, 2016, things were exactly the same. NBC’s Todd was horrified when Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton’s sexual accusers to a debate.
‘West Wing’ Reunion Special to Promote Michelle Obama’s Voter Drive
Election Day is less than three months away which means it’s time for liberals to get desperate. This year’s stunt just happens to include two of their favorite things: celebrity endorsements and lecturing Americans. HBO has officially revealed plans for a reunion special of the political drama The West Wing. It’s just what America doesn’t need.
Kurtz Hits Media Hypocrisy on Liberal TV Stars Wearing Blackface
'West Wing’ Actor Assures Us: Hillary's Lifelong Goal Is to Help Kids!
After stumping for Hillary Clinton with some of his fellow cast members from the former NBC show The West Wing, actor Bradley Whitford joined the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s Hardball to assure viewers that Hillary Clinton’s “motivation for her entire professional life has been to speak out for children, for women's rights, civil rights, rights for people in all communities.”
West Wing Star Assures: Fictional President Bartlet Is for Hillary
Former West Wing actor Bradley Whitford appeared on MSNBC, Tuesday, to assure Americans that fictional ex-President Jed Bartlet is supporting Hillary Clinton. Quizzed by Steve Kornacki, the TV star endorsed by proxy: “There's no doubt in my mind that Hillary would be President Bartlett's choice. She's — nobody is more prepared to take that position on day one.”
PBS Ombudsman Raps Anti-Palin Wisecrack
CNN's Chetry: 'Please Tell Me It's Not Lipstick Again
Entertainment Weekly Wonders: Why Are TV Conservatives so Liberal
'The West Wing's' Bradley Whitford: Bush Has “Desecrated” the Amer
A Hollywood star from Wisconsin is apparently less embarrassed by Canada than by the United States. On Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, actor Bradley Whitford, who plays “Josh Lyman” on NBC's The West Wing, related how he “just had a friend who went to Europe and I gave her a Canadian flag to put on her bag.” Whitford declared that the U.S. policy in Iraq “has desecrated” the…