LOL: Snopes CEO Claims Fact-Checkers Didn’t Censor Hunter Biden Story
The CEO of disgruntled leftist fact-checker Snopes — yeah, the same website that got raked over the coals for fact-checking satire site The Babylon Bee — had the chutzpah to excuse away the truth-gatekeeping industry’s notorious, censorial treatment of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The 10 Most Egregious 'Fact' Checks of 2024
It is a common retort among those who argue in favor of an “independent” fact-checking industry that Republicans and conservatives are fact-checked more because they lie more. However, anyone who reads beyond the headlines will soon see this is nonsense. Over the past year, the fact-checkers have come out with some “fact” checks that are themselves factually challenged. Here are the worst ten…

Snopes Defends Walz In One Of The Worst Fact-Checks Ever Written
Fact-checks should be, as the name suggests, about checking facts, but a Friday piece from Alex Kasprak at Snopes showed aspiring fact-checkers how not to do their jobs as he defended Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz on the accusation he banned Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in the state.

Guess What OpenAI Had to Say About Biden's Debunked Nazi Debate Claim?
President Biden trotted out a debunked smear against former President Donald Trump during their CNN debate last night. MRC Free Speech America had to press ChatGPT to admit Biden’s deception.

UH-OH: Biden Team Pressures Snopes, USA Today Into More Favorable Spin
Every White House team seeks to pressure the media into more favorable coverage. It's only natural to discover Team Biden can have their way in influencing liberal operations to edit things they've already posted. But it usually happens on the "down low," where there's no proven connection. It turns out USA Today and the so-called "independent fact-checkers" at Snopes folded under…

GASP: Snopes Fact-Checks Biden Admin’s ‘15 Million’ Jobs Added Claim
It was always asinine for President Joe Biden’s administration to claim that they “nearly” added 15 million jobs since the pandemic, and it apparently stank so much that even leftist fact-checker Snopes didn’t let it pass the smell test.

Snopes Claims Biden Didn't Wear Hard Hat Backwards (He Did)
David Emery, one of the fact-checking sleuths at Snopes, defended President Joe Biden on Friday against accusations that he wore a hard hat backwards during a recent photo op in Wisconsin. The only problem for Emery and Biden is that Biden did wear the hat backwards.

Seth Dillon to Tucker: Censors Use Fact-Checking to Guard Narratives
Leftist fact-checkers target media outlets like The Babylon Bee to give social media platforms an excuse for censorship, the company’s CEO, Seth Dillon, told independent journalist Tucker Carlson.

Snopes: Talk Of Hamas Atrocities Might 'Echo Islamophobic Rhetoric'
Former Al Jazeera producer turned Snopes fact-checker Nur Ibrahim warned on Thursday that discussions of Hamas beheading Israeli babies should be taken with a grain of salt and that “people should be wary of claims that echo Islamophobic rhetoric.”

Snopes Rushes to Defend Biden, KJP From Fake News on Maui Visit
The "independent fact-checkers" have a knee-jerk pattern of rushing to the defense of Team Biden. They're not always wrong about the facts. But their selection bias is obvious.

Snopes Drops True Rating After Citing No Scientists On Musk, Sub Comms
The problem with fact-checkers is not that checking facts is useless, but that their status as guardians of the truth is not justified. When OceanGate’s mini-sub went missing near the wreck of Titanic, some critics of Elon Musk used the opportunity to score political points by promoting his Twitter competitors by declaring that his company Starlink was being utilized for…

Snopes: Anti-Catholic Hate Group Not a Hate Group Because SPLC Says So
On June 9, the intrepid fact-checkers at Snopes decided that the anti-Catholic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is not a hate group. Why? Because they themselves say so and the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center does not list them as such.

Watch Out! The Media’s ‘Mask Up!’ Marauders Are Riding Again
After November 2022’s Red Wave turned out to be a trickle and with COVID case numbers creeping up again, there is fear an emboldened “science”-loving left wing, egged on by a gullible press, will again try to impose draconian COVID-19 rules, including mask mandates. That's after some outlets actually praised the bravery of BLM protestors who marched maskless during the 2020 George Floyd…

Snopes Cries 'False' at PJ Media for Accurate Obama Foundation Story took after a PJ Media article, asking "Did Obama Foundation Store Classified Documents at Empty Furniture Warehouse?" Matt Margolis found a letter proving that was true. Snopes claimed it was "False"!