The Hollywood Reporter

The California Recall: Enter Snoop Dogg and Barack Obama
At one point, polls showed the odds of recalling California Gov. Gavin Newsom looked 50-50. It was at that point that the scared, embattled governor sent out a mayday call to Hollywood and to Democratic outsiders, including former President Barack Obama. The Hollywood Reporter -- three weeks before the date of the recall vote -- published a piece with the headline: “Facing Recall,…

Michael Moore ‘So Proud’ of Biden Afghan Debacle: ‘We’re All Blessed'
After the last U.S. troops were pulled from Afghanistan, America-hating documentarian Michael Moore got a hero’s welcome Tuesday on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber. Moore, in turn, treated President Joe Biden like a hero, saying he is “so proud” of him and “we’re all blessed” to have him as our president.

‘Major LGBTQ Revelation:’ Marvel’s Loki Comes Out as Bi on Disney+
Fresh off the announcement that Loki is gender fluid, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has now officially made the character bisexual, to the delight of LGBTQ activists in and outside the media.

Showbiz Columnist Needs Awards Shows to End Gender Categories
Woke insanity rolls on. Now some of its acolytes are arguing that Hollywood needs to abolish its gendered award show categories because less than half a percent of the U.S. population says so.
Celeb ‘Prays’ for Peace While Claiming Israel is an ‘Apartheid State'
There are few issues actress Susan Sarandon hasn’t been on the wrong side of over the years, and age doesn’t seem to be slowing her down.

Hollywood Reporter: Movie Biz WAY Too Eager to Please ChiComs
Next time Hollywood attempts to lecture middle Americans about politics or proper social etiquette, we’ll have to refer the community back to the latest Hollywood Reporter exposé, which goes into detail about how Hollywood ignores human rights abuses in China for the sake of more money.

Hollywood Reporter: Warner Bros Still Looking to Racebend Superman
Back in February, The Hollywood Reporter announced that the film production company Warner Bros. hired the race-baiting activist author Ta-Nehisi Coates to pen a new script for a “Black Superman story.” Now the site has updated with more details on the project which is proving to be surprisingly controversial even to the woke scolds.

SELF-INFLICTED WOUND? Oscars Net Worst Rated Show in History BY FAR
Sure, you may feel annoyed about all the woke, self-righteous stuff Hollywood actors have directed at conservatives during the Academy Awards, but the silver lining is that they’re only hurting themselves.

RACE OBSESSED: Hollywood Reporter Keeps Diversity Scorecard for Oscars
Oh it’s Oscar season, baby, and once again that means fixating on all the political things Hollywood wants to talk about rather than actual movies. In the year of the pandemic, big Hollywood movies seemed hardly relevant, but our moral betters in Tinsel Town weren’t going to pass up a chance to lecture us.

Hollywood Leader Condemned For Calling BLM ‘Racist Hate Movement'
The former eight-term president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Agency, the organization that puts on the Golden Globes awards show every year, is in hot water for criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement.

Hollywood Reporter: Marvel Exposes 'Tragic Truth' of America's Cruelty
The latest Marvel Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has been polarizing lately, and The Hollywood Reporter is all over it. Namely, they’re quick to use the show to remind people how terrible America is.

Radical, White-Hating Author to Write New Superman Script
Raise your hand if you think Superman needs to be rebooted as an super-powered African American Black Lives Matter activist who has devoted his life to eyeball-lasering white supremacy and freeze-breathing all over those who would stand in the way of reparations. Anybody? Nobody?

Hey, NBC: Enough Promoting Anti-Semitism! ‘Nurses’ Episode Pulled
NBC has had a rough February, particularly when it comes to the anti-Semitism angle. The February 9 episode of Nurses, “Achilles Heel,” was pulled from digital platforms for its offensive portrayal of Orthodox Jews. The episode, along with the rest of the first season, already aired in Canada last year.

It’s Time to Uncancel Americans
This week, actress Gina Carano made headlines when Disney+ and Lucasfilm decided to cancel her from their hit series "The Mandalorian" over controversial social media posts. It is perfectly obvious that the corporations had been looking for an excuse to get rid of Carano thanks to her conservative politics -- The Hollywood Reporter uncovered a source who snarked, "They have been…