AM Joy

MSNBC FAIL: Watch Claims of Racist Trump Policy Immediately Collapse
MSNBC’s rushed to label a new Trump administration housing policy racist, but then actually admitted that it was not based on race. On Saturday morning’s AM Joy, guest host Jonathan Capehart said “Trump is taking a page straight out of George Wallace’s playbook,” and brought on two fellow race-baiters, Heather McGee and Nikole Hannah-Jones, in an attempt to accuse the President of…

Top 13: Time to End ‘Dictator’ Trump’s ‘Reign of Terror’
The following is a top 13 countdown of the most ridiculous outbursts from lefty network and cable journalists from the past two weeks.

Joy Reid Replacement Suggests Trump Bribed Black Supporter
Substituting for Joy Reid on MSNBC's AM Joy, Tiffany Cross asked National Diversity Coalition for Trump's Bruce LeVell: "[H]as Donald Trump has ever promised you anything financially in exchange for your blind support of his administration, or helping his campaign?" Cross also "correct[ed]" LeVell for using the term "China virus," calling it "racist." But Cross repeatedly refused to answer…

Top 15: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Brings Her Hate to Primetime
The following is a Top 15 countdown of the most atrocious outbursts from Joy Reid, as culled from the MRC archives.

'AM Joy' Ends In Hate: Trump's Transition Out Will Turn Into Tyranny
On the final episode of AM Joy, Joy Reid's MSNBC show, MSNBC's Malcolm Nance predicts that sometime between Election Day and Inauguration Day, President Trump "is going to change American history by fundamentally changing the United States into the dictatorship he has always wanted."

SAD TROMBONE: Judges Revive Libel Suit Against MSNBC Host Joy Reid
MSNBC’s far-left, hate-filled, scandal-ridden personality Joy Reid should be preparing to bask in the glory of taking over the network’s 7:00 p.m. Eastern timeslot on Monday with The ReidOut, receiving her second attempt at a weekday program following of four years hosting the weekend show AM Joy. But thanks to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday, Reid will…

Hateful Joy Reid Compares Republicans to Apartheid South Africa
On her Saturday morning show, MSNBC's Joy Reid alleged that the Republican Party is turning into the National Party, the party of apartheid in South Africa. According to Reid and the assembled panel, this can be seen in President Trump running ads highlighting the consequences of defunding the police.

Joy Reid Guest: Biden Should Pardon All 'Non-Violent' Drug Criminals
That should make a great bumper sticker: Vote Biden--He'll Pardon 78,000 Drug Criminals! Seriously, do hyper-partisan liberals believe they're doing their boy Biden any favors with their extremist proposals for what he should do in office? Take Elie Mystal, a Joy Reid regular, on her MSNBC show on Saturday.

Race-Baiting MSNBC Accuses Trump of 'Stoking a Race War'
MSNBC’s race-baiting rhetoric was on full display Sunday as new far-left weekend host Tiffany Cross accused President Trump of "stoking a race war" because an armed couple in St. Louis defended their home from radical demonstrators. She then brought on a fellow left-wing activist to label America an inherently evil and racist country.

Joy Reid Show Combines Ignorance of History with Death Wish for Trump
Different host, same joyless vitriol . . . With Joy Reid poised to take over Chris Matthews' former weekday slot on MSNBC, Reid's weekend show was guest-hosted today by Tiffany Cross, who's been a regular guest there. It didn't take long for Cross to demonstrate that the show's level would not be elevated should she become Reid's permanent replacement. The very first segment, dedicated to a…

MSNBC's Ali Velshi Says Scolding About Looting Is 'Nonsensical'
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC weekend host Ali Velshi again rationalized the actions of rioters as he got up on a soap box and preached about "institutional, socioeconomic injustice and racism" against the black population being the motivation for riots in Minneapolis and other cities. His commentary elicited an "amen" from liberal host MSNBC host Joy Behar.

Joy Reid Claims Trump Promised to 'Get Rid of These Brown Immigrants'
On Sunday's AM Joy, during a discussion of what presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should offer to black voters in exchange for their support, race-obsessed MSNBC host Joy Reid twice claimed that President Donald Trump promised white Americans that he would take actions against "brown immigrants." She also suggested that Italy has done a better job of handling the…

Charlamagne on MSNBC: Biden Apology 'Cool'—But What About Reparations?

MSNBC Analyst Suggests Trump 'Corruptly' Going After Sen. Burr
It's a classic MSM damned-if-you-do-or-don't trap. On Joy Reid's MSNBC show today, MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner suggested that President Trump is "corruptly" going after Sen. Richard Burr [R-NC] because Burr has demonstrated insufficient "loyalty" to the president.