
Interviewing Tlaib, Hayes Calls Censure a 'Ludicrous Distraction'

November 9th, 2023 11:26 AM

Recently censured Rep. Rashida Tlaib joined MSNBC All In host Chris Hayes on Friday to disscuss said censuring, Israel, and to try to claim “from the river to the sea” is really just used by peace-loving people who want Israelis and Palestinians to coexist. For his part, Hayes called the resolution “ludicrous” and ignored Tlaib standing by the claims Israel bombed the Gaza hospital,…


Fox Highlights Rashida Tlaib Still Pushing Lie Israel Bombed Hospital

October 22nd, 2023 8:41 PM

On Friday's Fox & Friends First, contributor Joe Concha called out Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for continuing to claim that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza even after both the Israeli military and President Joe Biden concluded that Palestinian terrorists damaged the hospital with a misfired missile.


CNN And MSNBC Absurdly Compare Israel to Russia

October 20th, 2023 10:58 AM

According to CNN, Rula Jebreal is a “journalist and foreign policy analyst,” but as a Friday appearance on CNN This Morning proved, such analysis should not be taken too seriously as she compared Israel to Russia.


MSNBC's Hayes FREAKS! Claims Media Blames Democrats for 'GOP Chaos'

October 4th, 2023 9:39 PM

On MSNBC’s All In, host Chris Hayes had a mini meltdown during his opening monologue Wednesday night due to his mistaken belief that the media is in the habit of blaming Democrats for the mistakes Republicans allegedly make. Frequent NewsBusters readers will realize how laughable it is that someone is claiming this with a straight face. 


MSNBC's Hayes Claims DeSantis Is Trying to Make 'Climate Change' Worse

August 30th, 2023 10:30 PM

On Wednesday evening, MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes proved that he has the same intelligence and sophistication as a primitive tribal shaman who blamed their enemies for the weather when he lashed out at governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis (R-FL). The MSNBC host accused him and Florida Republicans of “actually trying to make [climate change] worse.” 


CNN & MSNBC Refuse to Air Trump's Remarks After His Arrest

August 24th, 2023 11:49 PM

In a case of blatant election interference, both CNN & MSNBC refused to air Trump’s remarks live on the tarmac after his arrest in Fulton County, Georgia. In stark contrast, Fox News did air Trump’s comments live where he lashed out at being arrested for a fourth time in as many months. 


GOOD LUCK! MSNBC's Hayes Urges Dems to Run on Inflation Record in 2024

August 16th, 2023 11:03 PM

On MSNBC's All In, host Chris Hayes took a break from incessantly covering former President Donald Trump and his legal woes to mark the one-year anniversary of the passage of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. During this commemoration, Hayes urged Democrats to run on their record of over three percent inflation in the upcoming 2024 presidential and congressional elections. Hayes…


Hayes Asks If Biden Should Declare 'Climate Emergency' Due to Fires

August 10th, 2023 11:29 PM

They claim to be the party of science, yet leftists like MSNBC’s Chris Hayes insist that not only can humans contribute to the warming climate, but the President of the United States by simply invoking a “climate emergency” can do something about “climate change.” This kind of delusional thinking was only outdone by Hawaii Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono who took a page out of the Hillary…


MSNBC's McCaskill Insists Biden Did Nothing Wrong Except Love Hunter

July 26th, 2023 11:35 PM

On MSNBC’s All In, guest host Jen Psaki invited failed former Democrat Senator and MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill to huff and puff about how poor Hunter Biden has been unfairly targeted by Republicans in light of the debacle Wednesday in which his sweetheart plea deal was revoked. McCaskill even went so far as to suggest that President Joe Biden is being targeted by Republicans…


CNN Deceptively Edits RNC Chair To Paint Her as a Conspiracy Theorist

July 15th, 2023 12:34 PM

There’s an old idea that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has time to put its pants on and CNN proved just that this week as Chris Wallace sat down for an interview with Ronna McDaniel on Friday’s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?, but not before CNN deceptively edited their own interview in order to promote it and portray McDaniel as a conspiracy theorist.


MSNBC Calls 'Mini Fascist' DeSantis a 'Leaner, Meaner Donald Trump'

July 10th, 2023 11:52 PM

MSNBC said the quiet part out loud Monday night during the network's 8pm Eastern show All In when fill-in host Katie Fang openly admitted she would rather have Donald Trump back in the White House if the other option was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis because "Ron DeSantis is a leaner, meaner Donald Trump." As was predicted on Sunday, the leftist media is beginning to openly…


Hayes Defends ‘Spirited Resistance’ Against Atlanta Training Facility

June 9th, 2023 10:37 AM

Chris Hayes took some time in his Wednesday show, All In With Chris Hayes, to describe the “spirited resistance” of the protesters of the new first responder training facility (known to its protesters as “Cop City”) just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, and to condemn the state and city legislators who had authorized its building. Hayes then went on to provide his own opinion on why the…


Sununu Fights With Psaki Over Russian Collusion 'Nonsense'

June 6th, 2023 12:03 PM

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu stopped by MSNBC’s All In on Monday to be interviewed by guest host and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about his decision not to seek the GOP presidential nomination and all things Donald Trump. During the discussion, the two would get into a tense argument about “Russian collusion nonsense,” with Sununu blaming the media for…


GO FIGURE: MSNBC Gives 10 Mins Less to Biden Fall vs. Trump on a Ramp

June 3rd, 2023 3:00 PM

On Thursday afternoon, President Biden took a might tumble when he fell nearly flat on his face at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Such a fall drew eyeballs and defenses from the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC with the conservative drinking game words of capitalizing, pouncing and seizing on it. Over on the liberal cable networks CNN and MSNBC, both (largely) saw no reason to be concerned and…