Trip Gabriel

CBS, NYT Rally Behind VA Dem After WashPost Reveals Her Porn Sidejob
The Washington Post committed a random act of journalism on Monday in “Va. Dem. House candidate performed sex online with husband for tips” by Lauren Vozzella that revealed Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner running in a competitive Virginia House of Delegates race, had an account on the porn site Chaturbate with the username HotWifeExperience in which she and her husband had sex…

LAME: NYT Adores Beto While DeSantis Echoes ‘Conspiracy Theories'
The New York Times skipped around the map to cover three state governor’s races, showing clear bias against a potential Republican presidential contender, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Trumpite Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. Meanwhile, the Times fawned over a liberal Texas long-shot Beto O’Rourke once again. In “DeSantis, Thinking of 2024 Election, Reaches Out…

NYT Splashes Lefty Hysteria on Front: Interracial Marriage Threatened?
In the midst of liberal post-Roe panic, New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel followed the left-wing logic far beyond gay marriage on Saturday, bizarrely suggesting that interracial marriage was also in danger. (Tell that to the liberal’s current Enemy No.1, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and his wife Ginny.)
NY Times Claims Chris Rufo ‘Fuels Cultural Fires For Right’ in Florida
The New York Times has a new public enemy: Christopher Rufo, who has publicized myriad accounts of critical race theory indoctrination in schools and corporations via leaked documents and tapes. A Times’ headline writer let readers know he was bad news: “He Fuels Cultural Fires For the Right in Florida.” As in Florida, home of Gov. DeathSantis! Reporter Trip Gabriel’…
NY Times Condemns GOP Candidate ‘Quack’ Dr. Oz in Front-Page Hit
The New York Times is getting an anti-Republican hit piece in early. Correspondent Trip Gabriel devoted nearly 2,000 words to the U.S. Senate campaign of Dr. Oz, the television doctor who is now a candidate in Pennsylvania’s Republican primary, for a front-page story Monday, “Dubious Advice From TV Doctor In Senate Hunt.”

NYT Hates Righties Who ‘Spy' & 'Lie,’ Likes Left's 'MAGA Masquerade'
The New York Times unsurprisingly loathes Project Veritas, the underground conservative guerilla journalism outlet led by James O’Keefe. But when the shoe is on the other foot, and it’s liberal activists playing gotcha games with conservatives, then the scrutiny is neutered. Note Trip Gabriel’s story posted Thursday, “The Liberal Activist Who Targets Republicans With a MAGA Masquerade…
Bitter NY Times Smears JD Vance as Pushing 'Racially Charged Insults'
New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel became the latest reporter to insult a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio: “J.D. Vance Converted to Trumpism. Will Ohio Republicans Buy It?” It’s the paper’s latest poorly aimed blast at Vance, author of the acclaimed best-seller Hillbilly Elegy, a moving chronicle of his life, from growing up poor in Ohio to Yale Law School. Now…
NY Times: Distrust of Media Deadly to Democracy, Should Fox Apologize?
The disgusting spectacle at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday involving some extremist Trump supporters dominated the New York Times again on Sunday. Reporter Trip Gabriel front of the National section, “For Loyal Trump Base, Anti-Democratic Ideals And Distrust Still Burn.” But yet again, Times reporters went beyond justifiable condemnation of rioting and lies to defend the media…

Loathsome NY Times: Governors’ Kidnapping Attempts ‘Egged on' by Trump
The New York Times stoked Democratic fears of Trump-inspired political violence in Friday’s “Fears of Political Violence Rise as Trump’s Language Heats Up.” The paper shamelessly linked President Trump to acts of “right-wing” violence all over the country: "The arrest of more than a dozen right-wing extremists who are accused of targeting the governors of Michigan and Virginia is only…

NY Times Page One: 'Trump’s Racist Messaging' Around Law and Order
New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel made the front page on Thursday by warning about a “Trump ‘Bubble’ In the Suburbs Of Milwaukee,” painted a picture of the "segregated" suburbs heeding the president’s "racist messaging" by refusing against all sense of decency to support Joe Biden.

NYT: 'Far-Right' Conservatives Protest Corona as Blacks Suffer

New York Times' Gabriel Blames Democratic Insult Hurling on...Trump?

NYTimes Hails 'Moderate' Buttigieg, But Also Suggests Reporter Sexism