Sandhya Somashekhar

WashPost Gushes Over Teen as 'New Face of Planned Parenthood'
June 9th, 2017 10:36 PM
Friday's Washington Post published a blatant agitprop piece for Planned Parenthood on page A-2. The headline was "This teen is the new face of Planned Parenthood," and "social change" reporter Sondhya Somashekhar promoted 17-year-old Deja Foxx of Tucson. She came to Washington for the national publicity -- she's already been promoted by Don Lemon on CNN -- and visits to Arizona Democrats who…

WashPost Launches Hype of 'Women's' Inauguration Protest of Trump
January 4th, 2017 2:32 PM
The Washington Post launched a new double standard on the front page on Wednesday. On the top half of the front page came this headline: "Inauguration protest began as a vent: More than 100,000 say they plan to participate in Jan. 21 women's march." Liberal protests are more newsworthy than conservative ones.
Six days later, the annual March for Life will engulf the nation's capital with tens of…

WashPost Aids ACLU: Catholics vs. 'Pregnant Woman with Brain Tumor'
September 14th, 2015 1:19 PM
In the run-up to the papal visit to America, The Washington Post keeps pushing stories against allegedly heartless Catholic positions on the life issues. On Monday’s front page, they promoted this story: “A Catholic hospital in Michigan cited religious reasons for refusing to perform a tubal ligation requested by a woman with a brain tumor.” (Emphasis theirs.)
The headline on page A-3 was “Mich…

WashPost Blames Target: 'Almost Gleeful' Geller 'Offers No Apology'
May 6th, 2015 10:09 AM
The headline at Sandhya Somashekhar's Washington Post column on Pamela Geller, whose Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest was the target of a failed terrorist attack, acts as if that attack is her fault: "Event organizer offers no apology after thwarted attack in Texas."
Somashekhar's work reeks of contempt for Geller and her efforts, even going beyond the media malfeasance cited in the…
WashPost Touts 'Spa-Like' Abortion Mill's 'Unabashed Approach'
March 30th, 2015 4:11 PM
On Monday, the Washington Post's Sandhya Somashekhar zeroed in on the "unabashed approach" of Carafem, Washington, DC's latest abortion center, which, in her words, "reflects a new push to destigmatize the nation's most controversial medical procedure by talking about it openly and unapologetically." Somashekhar, the liberal newspaper's "social change" reporter, spotlighted how the upstart "aims…

WashPost Honors 'Backwards' Pasta Company's 'LGBT-Inclusive' Moves
November 19th, 2014 7:43 AM
Washington Post “social change reporter” Sandhya Somashekhar wrote a front-page story for Wednesday’s editions on how the Barilla pasta company completely surrendered to the gay left. The headline was “A recipe for recovery: Barilla makes amends to gay groups.”
As usual, the Post divided the conflict into “gay rights groups” and “social conservatives.” Gay activist Bob Witeck described the…

WashPost Promotes Ferguson Protesters With No Focus on Actual Evidence
November 12th, 2014 8:37 AM
The Washington Post has appointed a “social change reporter,” Sandhya Somashekar, and her front-page story on Wednesday promoted black protesters surrounding the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. The subhead was “Protesters aim to keep pricking the consciousness of whites and the political establishment.”
Somashekar made absolutely zero reference to the Post’s earlier reporting that…

WaPo's Report on Obamacare's Subsidy Mess Gets Almost No Other Establi
May 24th, 2014 12:51 AM
The press continues its disinterested fiddling while the royal mess known as Obamacare burns through money and exhausts the patience of those attempting any kind of oversight.
One of the more obvious examples of this is how the Washington Post's May 17 story on errors in calculating Obamacare subsidies has gone absolutely nowhere. About one-third of the 20 results returned in a Google News…
WashPost Still Spraying Heavy Perfume, Calling Obamacare A 'Signature
March 31st, 2014 8:40 AM
It’s the bland leading the bland as Obamacare enrollment (sort of) ends. The front page of Monday’s Washington Post carries the headline “New fronts in health battle: Challenges after sign-up milestone.” (Yawn.) The pull quote inside on A-2 is “The unresolved issues mean it is far too soon to know how President Obama’s signature domestic achievement will turn out.”
In that case, why use the…
Poll: 47% of Uninsureds Unfavorable to ObamaCare; WashPost Buries on A
January 30th, 2014 5:45 PM
Some 47 percent of uninsured Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 are now unfavorable towards ObamaCare, the highest negative marks among that demographic since May 2012, according to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation. That number could be considerably higher as the margin of error is plus/minus 8 percentage points.
Nevertheless, reporting on the newly-released Kaiser survey, the…

WSJ, NYTimes, USA Today All Note ObamaCare Signups Mostly Older, Sicke
January 13th, 2014 6:35 PM
The Obama administration today revealed that more than half of the sign-ups for ObamaCare are aged 45 and older, hardly the sort of young, healthy insurance pool the White House was hoping for.
On their websites, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times all focused on the older/sicker skew of the signups. The Washington Post, however, tried to accentuate the…

WashPost Portrays ObamaCare Lawsuit As Effort to 'Gut' Law, Not Save T
December 4th, 2013 1:13 PM
According to the letter of the law, the much-talked-about federal subsidies for purchasing ObamaCare are only to be disbursed to eligible customers who bought them via state-run health care exchanges, NOT the federal website, argue plaintiffs in a lawsuit before a federal district court in Washington, D.C. The Obama administration, you may recall, is promising subsidies…

WashPost Reports Obama Blames a GOP 'Invested in Failure' for Obamacar
November 20th, 2013 10:18 AM
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that President Obama “sought to redirect some of the political blame for the botched rollout of the federal health insurance exchange to Republicans, characterizing GOP lawmakers as rooting for the law’s failure.” But Post reporters Philip Rucker and Sandhya Somashekhar never found a Republican to rebut. Everyone quoted in the story was a member of Team…
WashPost Bookends ObamaCare Story with Gripes of Liberal Community Col
July 24th, 2013 5:10 PM
ObamaCare is a poison pill that has unintended consequences for part-time employees all over the country, including in the Washington Post's backyard. The liberal paper cannot simply ignore such developments, but when it covers such developments, you can be sure it will find ways to spin the story to take blame away from President Obama and direct it towards conservative Republicans.