Frank Bruni

Bill Maher: Stormy Daniels Was a 'Bad Witness,' Flip-Flopped to Victim
On Friday night's Real Time, Bill Maher complained about how the Democrats "blew it at every turn" on creating legal problems for Trump, so now before the election, "it's Stormy or bust." Even there, Maher argued porn star Stormy Daniels is a "bad witness" because she has changed her story in front of this jury. When Maher interviewed her in 2018, she was empowered. Now she's a victim…

FLASHBACK: Recalling Years of Liberal Media Mockery of CPAC
For years, both journalists and late-night comics have ridiculed CPAC as akin to “the bar scene in Star Wars,” “an aviary for far-right ‘wacko birds,’” and an “audience of malignant children.”

Another NY Times Columnist Nudges Dems to Get Real About Biden Scandal
Veterans of the New York Times opinion section are stepping out from the leftist media pack and suggesting that Democrats should be a little more honest about the flaws of Joe and Hunter Biden. First, Maureen Dowd harped on Hunter’s four-year-old daughter being dismissed as no Biden. Now, columnist Frank Bruni is lamenting how Democrats can’t tolerate criticism of the Bidens. To avoid…

Column: Shooting the Starting Pistol at Ron DeSantis
New York Times opinion writer Frank Bruni wrote a piece describing DeSantis as an “optical illusion,” that “geyser of gibberish” Elon Musk seems fond of him. “Magnates like Musk typically cling to the moment’s shiniest toys, and DeSantis, fresh off his re-election, is a curiously gleaming action figure.” Bruni’s spitting nails at the idea that Musk could find him “sensible and…
Flashback: Back When Beto O’Rourke Was a Media Star
Four years ago, Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke enjoyed a starring role in the liberal media’s coverage of the 2018 midterm elections. This year, Beto’s trying again, taking on Texas Governor Greg Abbott, but on TV news he’s gone from a rock star to the invisible man.

Morning Joe: DNC Chair Calls Tom Cotton 'Little Maggot-Infested Man'
Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough welcomed DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison as he called Republican Sen. Tom Cotton the "lowest of the low" and a "maggot-infested little man."
Former NYT White House Reporter Begs Media Dems: Go Easy on Biden!
Is Frank Bruni, former White House correspondent for the New York Times, whispering to media liberals to keep it down with the chatter about sagging polls and infighting that threaten to endanger Biden’s reelection, Democrats in Congress, and democracy itself? Because that seems the subtext of his opinion posted Thursday, “Democrats' Infighting Only Helps Republicans.” Note that when…
NYTimes’ Bruni on Oppressive, Mean-Spirited Texas ‘Seething With Rage'
The New York Times’ Frank Bruni filed “Texas’ Toxic Heart” for Thursday’s Times, a continuation of his obsession (as well as his paper’s) with that stubbornly red state and the wicked Republicans (like Sen. Ted Cruz, whom he recently apologized to) who run it with an iron fist, apparently: "This is much of Republican politics now -- simultaneously seething with rage and…
Stop the Presses: NY Times Apologizes to…Ted Cruz???
Frank Bruni’s last column for the New York Times (he’ll continue writing a newsletter) sported the provocative title, “Ted Cruz, Did I Do You Wrong?” The former White House correspondent (covering George W. Bush) offered an apology to a rather unlikely recipient, while offering his concerns about the state of the anti-Trump press and the left-wing movement, especially "woke culture…

NYTimes' Bruni Fawns Over Fauci, Secular Saint, Ignores Lies to Public
New York Times reporter turned columnist Frank Bruni celebrated Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious disease expert and ubiquitous presidential coronavirus advisor, in the Sunday Review with “We Owe Fauci Gratitude, Not Grief.” The online headline groveled even lower: “So Anthony Fauci Isn’t Perfect. He’s Closer Than Most of Us. -- We owe him gratitude, not grief." Bruni…
NYT Opinion Editor Hosts Limbaugh Forum, Slimes 'Trollish' Ben Shapiro
Sigh: The New York Times is cranking out still more vituperative reaction on the passing of conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh. A revealing email from opinion editor Kathleen Kingsbury introducing a package of no less than four essays on the man. Kingsbury announced them with self-importance, and anti-Ben Shapiro insults, in an Opinion email, while saluting her left-wing Rush-…
NY Times Still Deeply Confused Over 'Deep State,' Smears Wash Times
Is the “Deep State” phony, or for real? The New York Times still can’t make up its mind about the concept of an entrenched anti-Trump bureaucracy fighting the Trump administration from within. The Times typically mocks the very idea as a conspiracy theory -- but sometimes it actually praises its existence, in the name of…fighting the Trump administration from within! …

NY Times Columnists Suffer Psychotic Breakdown as Election Day Arrives
The pre-election edition of the New York Times Sunday Review was a peculiar 14-page beast featuring all 15 of the paper’s columnists weighing in on Trump under the rubric “What Have We Lost.” In the Times' case, news judgement and emotional maturity would top the list. Former White House correspondent turned whiny liberal columnist Frank Bruni, who is a grown adult male of 56…

NYT Gets Emotional Over Biden’s Bio: 'A Good Man to Defeat a Bad Man'
The New York Times got mawkish over Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night. The front page of Friday’s New York Times found reporter Matt Flegenheimer’s prose in full overbearing flower paying homage to his challenging personal biography: “Despair, Detours and the Fulfillment of a Dream.” Former White House…